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IFF Identification Friend or Foe

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IFF Identification Friend or Foe

Postby charlie4ever on Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:57 pm

i scribe in french because my english is bad.... perhaps one of you can make traduction ....
IFF pour ceux qui ont ete militaires veux dire identification ami ou ennemi . Pour simplifier c´est un "boitier electronique" qui equipe les aeronefs (avions ou helicopteres)-
En temps de paix il existe 3 modes reconnus par les RADAR de l ´aviation civile :
- mode 1 : peu ou presque plus utilisé
- mode 3 : c´est le plus utilisé par l´aviation civile il permet d´itentifier tout les aeronefs sur ecran RADAR grace à un code de 4 chiffres affiché prealablement par le chef de bord de la machine (avion ou helico) et present sur le plan de vol
Enfin le mode C (ou plus connu pour les initiés mode Charlie ) Dans ce cas il suffit simplement au pilote de mettre en marche ce fameux boitier sans meme avoir besoin d´afficher un code Pourquoi ? simplement parce que c´est un systeme qui mesure l´altitude de l´appareil.
En temps de guerre i existe un mode special .... Mais dans ce cas ne comptez pas sur moi pour vous en livrer les secrets....

Bon bref pour en revenir à un sujet qui concerne plus CC : POURQUOI CETTE IDIOTIE EST POSSIBLE DE METTRE N´IMPORTE QUI EN "FOE" ?

Moi je joue pour le plaisir.... D´autres apparament pas... Prenons les exemples des challenges mensuels Un joueur est tout en haut du classement et ne veut plus etre battu ..... Simple : il met tout ses principaux opposants en FOE

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Re: IFF Identification Friend or Foe

Postby IcePack on Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:02 pm

Using google translate:
I scribe in french because my english is bad .... may one of you can make translation ....
IFF for those who were military would mean friend or foe identification. To simplify it is an "electronic box" which equips the aircraft (planes or helicopters) -
In peacetime there are 3 modes recognized by civil aviation RADAR:
- mode 1: little or almost used
- mode 3: this is the most used by civil aviation, it allows to identify all the aircraft on RADAR screen thanks to a code of 4 digits previously displayed by the captain of the machine (airplane or helicopter) and present On the flight plan
Finally mode C (or more known for the initiates mode Charlie) In this case it is simply the driver to start this famous box without even need to display a code Why? Simply because it is a system that measures the height of the device.
In wartime there is a special mode .... But in this case do not count on me to give you the secrets ....
Good short to come back to a subject that concerns more CC: WHY IS THIS IDIOTIA POSSIBLE TO PUT ANYONE IN "FOE"?
I play for pleasure ... Other apparently not ... Let's take the examples of monthly challenges A player is at the top of the ranking and no longer wants to be beat ..... Simple: it puts all its main Opponents in FOE

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Re: IFF Identification Friend or Foe

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:30 pm

Reading between the lines, it's about people who start games in the monthly Challenge and then foe their opponents to prevent anyone from catching up.

It's annoying, yes.

Only solution is to start some other games and invite other people. Only a tiny minority do this. Just use invites to get around them.
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Re: IFF Identification Friend or Foe

Postby fairman on Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:37 am

Afterthe rating abse the foe abuse?

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Re: IFF Identification Friend or Foe

Postby molespe on Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:15 pm

It has happened to me several times. Many unfair players, are abusing foes to avoid losing to competors and get an underserved medal in the challenge.

A notable exception is b00060, that decided to foe me after he had used what I consideran example of abusive and rude language because he considered that he had been unlucky with the dice.


It is unfortunate that the current rules do not allow to punish this type of language abuse.
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Re: IFF Identification Friend or Foe

Postby fairman on Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:21 pm

molespe wrote:It has happened to me several times. Many unfair players, are abusing foes to avoid losing to competors and get an underserved medal in the challenge.

A notable exception is b00060, that decided to foe me after he had used what I consideran example of abusive and rude language because he considered that he had been unlucky with the dice.


It is unfortunate that the current rules do not allow to punish this type of language abuse.

I disagree so I foe you

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