When I started playing risk I got the advice to always leave behind two armies on a country as garrison.
So I decided to do the math on how dearly a garrison in a country sells their hide when they get overrun by insurmountable odds.
1 Army : 0.52 killed / defending army
2 Armies: 0.77 killed / defending army
3 Armies: 0.77 killed / defending army
4 Armies: 0.80 killed / defending army
Conclusion seems to be that leaving behind 2 armies is about 150% more effective than leaving behind 1 army. After that, addition armies have very little effect until you start to reach equivalent numbers to the attacking armies.
Ideal defensive set up then, would be to have one stack which is as large as possible, leaving 2 armies to occupy the lands behind.
Given that it trades at a loss, this brings us to the next question: Under what conditions is it profitable to take an army from the garrison and contribute it to an attack? (in maps with less restrained reinforcement rules) Maybe next time.