Funkyterrance wrote:Funkyterrance wrote:Just_essence wrote:Well, the reason the dice complainers don't have a solution is because what they're doing is just complaining.
This has yet to be proven. Innocent until proven guilty. Etc., Etc., Etc..
On second thought, I think I interpreted your post incorrectly. You were saying that they aren't providing any evidence of their own AKA the burden of proof is up to them since they are the ones complaining?
If so, that's not how it's done in a court of law. The accusors in this case are the dice complainer antagonists and the dice complainers the accused of being crazy.
There are plenty of threads defending the dice but lets consider this one a counter suit.
In An AMERICAN court of law. In a Yoshi court, we use a wheel of justice. It has about the same accuracy.
Law is pretty much the most random aspect of life.
Witness Testimony is apparently a gold standard even though there is no evidence that witness testimony is accurate (and there is lots of experimental evidence proving it is not).
Expert Testimony is held to a high degree, even though in every realm of assessment, statistics are better than experts at predicting something.
The laws themselves are generally dumb.
I would take the CC intensity cubes over any modern legal system any day.