2015-03-29 07:22:01 - bubbleboys: heror propose indefinite truce over scalovia
2015-03-29 07:23:11 - bubbleboys: It frees you up to expand and not worry about me.
2015-03-29 07:23:28 - bubbleboys: Please express your explicit agreement or not
2015-03-29 18:53:53 - Lingster: Sorry for the missed turn again!
2015-03-30 15:47:15 - HEROr: I agree Bubbleboys, with two turn notice.
2015-03-30 15:49:16 - bubbleboys: Agreed
Is this a border truce over scalovia breakable with two turn notice?
Is this a border truce over scalovia with any attack on heror territories anywhere on the map requiring 2 turn notice? (which is the same as an overall truce with two turn notice, the 3rd option)
Is this just a general overall truce with two turn notice (i.e. no attacking either)?
I interpreted it as the first, but heror seems to have interpreted it as the 3rd...
What do you think?