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Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:48 am
by andrewmac32
Map Name: Israel and Palestinian Territories
Mapmaker(s): andrewmac32
Number of Territories: 23
Special Features: Incorporates the complicated geopolitical issue of Palestine and advances gameplay strategy by utilizing Gaza, an isolated region even though it is still part of Palestine.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: Simply put, its a new map that's fun to play on and provides a new geographic region (although middle east is available it spans turkey to egypt to saudi a arabia to russia and is much broader than this. israel is only a single territory). It modernizes Israel and advances the ancient map.
Map Image:
Small Image: ... yf3oyc.pngI am looking for advice on a fair troop bonus for holding each region. I'm thinking Jerusalem will be +1. Please give any feedback good or bad and let me know if I'm missing anything else
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:49 am
by IcePack
There is a Israel map already (tribal wars - ancient Israel) so I wouldn't call it a new geographic region.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:15 pm
by andrewmac32
Thank you for the reply - that's true there is a tribal war map but that is Ancient Israel, this is modern day Israel with the incorporation of Palestine and presents an entirely different map
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:08 pm
by riskllama
I like it, pls proceed.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:41 pm
by Thorthoth
The Sea of Galilee should be in Galilee. Change 'Zefat' to 'Galilee', and change the old 'Galilee' to 'Golan' or 'Dan' or maybe 'Hermon".
Also include Sinai, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon as non-bonus territories.
If you really want to add complexity you could put some kind of hop connection to Foreign Arms Deal 'Territories around the edge of the map. (U.S., Russia, EU, Iran, etc).
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:45 pm
by andrewmac32
Since Zefat is a subsection of Galilee I think it's appropriate to keep the regions as they are, although I thank you for your response. As for the suggestion about Sinai, Jordan, and the others I feel this would not work with the map because the whole idea is to have a map of Israel & Palestine, not a map of middle eastern countries near Israel. Thank you for your time and input though!
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:50 pm
by Symmetry
Seems like a needlessly offensive map suggestion to me. Making maps about wars and military disputes that are currently happening, or about lands and their peoples who are currently suffering is a recipe for argument that the site has other avenues for debate over.
Given that you posted this after a mod locked your previous near identical thread, I think you want an argument.
Maybe post in the forums where the debate you want can be found?
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:04 pm
by Thorthoth
No, my ideas improved the map and they should be incorporated.
Following what I decree or sucking are the only two options available to you...and all mankind.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:05 pm
by andrewmac32
Symmetry wrote:Seems like a needlessly offensive map suggestion to me. Making maps about wars and military disputes that are currently happening, or about lands and their peoples who are currently suffering is a recipe for argument that the site has other avenues for debate over.
Given that you posted this after a mod locked your previous near identical thread, I think you want an argument.
Maybe post in the forums where the debate you want can be found?
You misunderstand me. I'm new to conquer club and this was my first time posting to a forum so I'm assuming it was a duplicate error on my part. This map is not meant to be offensive. I find it hard that you could perceive it as such, for cartography is not a subjective business. I seek no argument only to make a new map. The way its portrayed is the way its been for years. Israel holds the sea bordering land (save the Gaza strip) and Palestine holds the easternmore land.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:06 pm
by andrewmac32
Thorthoth wrote:No, my ideas improved the map and they should be incorporated.
Following what I decree or sucking are the only two options available to you...and all mankind.
Seems a bit brash but noted. Thank you for your input
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:08 pm
by Symmetry
Thorthoth wrote:No, my ideas improved the map and they should be incorporated.
Following what I decree or sucking are the only two options available to you...and all mankind.
Meh- the previous discussion was locked, this just seems like taking advantage of the previous mod being offline.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:11 pm
by andrewmac32
Again I think that was an error on my part. Still getting the hang of this whole thing
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:12 pm
by Thorthoth
'Locking' a discussion that people still want to discuss shall always be an exercise in futility.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:51 pm
by TotoroHat
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:55 am
by Vlasov
This map has possibilities.
TotoroHat has a good suggestion about showing Jerusalem as an inset, like LA and San Francisco on the California map.
I also agree with Thorthoth's suggestion of adding the border regions of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as neutral (non-bonus) territories. Jordan and Egypt could each have 2 or 3 border territories, since their borders are bigger.
About maps based on current conflicts: It shouldn't be a problem for players if they have no axe to grind.
I play on another *Risk*-type gaming site that has a few maps that are deliberately based on current or recent political/military conflicts -- Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and Venezuela. I think such maps are even educational, if they are geographically accurate.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:50 am
by AdamWilson90
I have several considerations on this topic. I graduated from the university with a major in general history and wrote a dissertation on The strategy and tactics of Israel with regard to the Palestinian problem at the turn of the twentieth century. The Palestinian problem became the dominant not only of Israel's foreign, but also of its domestic policies, and the justification and justification of the expansionist course in the Palestinian direction is a priority task for the leaders of this state.
Custom deleted service
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:53 am
by AdamWilson90
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:46 am
by MichaelBoyd
Yes, it`s a good map for it, and maybe if you interested in history or another lessons you can (Mod Edit: removed spam link) on that site )
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:09 am
by iAmCaffeine
Here we learned Sym has been sabotaging decent maps for a while.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:12 pm
by Marry

Wow, it is very nice. I would like to visit there. But now I have much homework tasks which I must do it. If I
Mod edit (dk) spam link removed we can visit interesting places, because I don't spend my time on boring homework.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:52 pm
by Symmetry
Now we learn that this was a thread and map idea that the mods constantly would have to intervene in.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:52 am
by AmandaMorgan
I like this map and I think it's okay. No ideas on how to make it better. By the way, if you interested in geography you can find useful articles on Mod edit (dk): spam link removed.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:06 am
by Dukasaur
AmandaMorgan wrote:I like this map and I think it's okay. No ideas on how to make it better. By the way, if you interested in geography you can find useful articles on().
Oh, Amanda! You look so pretty. Sadly, linking to commercial spam is verboten on this site.
Re: Israel and Palestinian Territories Map

Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:14 pm
by 2dimes
Get this map quenched so we can play against spam bots. Someone might want to remove the link in AdamWilson90's signature.