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Revamp of Discworld and Tamriel?

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Revamp of Discworld and Tamriel?

Postby CoolC on Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:03 pm

I really like both the Elder Scrolls games and Discworld books so it's awesome to have maps based on those here. Unfortunately both of them are very dated and among the least good looking on the site. Therefore I volunteer to create new better looking versions of these maps (with the same layout and gameplay) if you want, and if it's possible.

I don't think we need a new permission from the copyright holders to update the graphics on existing maps but if a lawyer says so I believe it's possible to get. Do we need permission from the original map makers?

What do you think?

edit: Found a thread in foundry discussion a bit later about a discworld remake, but that seem to have stalled after a majority voted to revamp. Too bad. Still, if ManBungalow doesn't want to continue I may give it a shot.
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Re: Revamp of Discworld and Tamriel?

Postby riskllama on Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:10 pm

both the llama & owen support you, skip - they are amongst the homliest maps on the site, make them beautiful... =D>
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Re: Revamp of Discworld and Tamriel?

Postby ManBungalow on Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:08 pm

Hi CoolC!

Revamping either map sounds really exciting, and I'm in total approval.

I suspect the copyright will be okay (though I'll check with Ian), so long as we don't repurpose the map.

Neither of the map-makers are active on the site any more (Jota and Banana Stomper), otherwise you should contact them regarding the revamp. I think paying some homage to their original efforts would be nice, but we may continue without their input from here.

First step is to post an image of your efforts so feedback can be provided.
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Re: Revamp of Discworld and Tamriel?

Postby steadman1969 on Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:11 am

One issue I have always had with the Tamriel map is it is sometimes hard to read the blue troop numbers (might be just my problem) I would love to see that rectified.
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