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Sri Lanka [Version 001]

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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:53 pm

300spartans wrote:since the bonus area consist of the province capitals then I think the ones with 2 territories in them should be worth 2 troop bonus.

I think bonus amount calculation should take more factors into consideration than number of territories.
Things such as number of adjacent territories & sizes of adjacent bonuses should be considered.
I am to read and analyze how it done on other existing maps.

300spartans wrote: I think a neutral 3 is a good size because you want people to go for a bonus and not just work around them in 1v1. If it is a neutral 6 then I doubt the bonuses would be a factor in 1v1.

Yes. Agree. May be provincial capitals start as neutral 2s is more better.

300spartans wrote: I noticed the bonus in the north has 5 territories and all the other ones have 3 or 2. I suggest making northern have 4 territories and southern also have 4 that way the bonus is equally difficult to hold.

I don't like the idea of drastically changing the actual look of a country map. Such thing can be done on fantasy maps.
But changing appearance of a real country is more sensitive thing.
And I dont think that difference in number of territories in North is an issue.
In most of maps there are bonus areas with uneven distribution of number of territories where some bonuses are easy to hold & some bonuses are difficult to hold.

300spartans wrote:maybe also you could have the capitals be worth an auto deploy and the national capital be worth 2 auto deploy.

The idea of conditional border with capitals is to make them as locations to jump around map.
So I think auto deployment on capital do not work well together with that.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:31 pm

D3A7H wrote:This looks very interesting. I see that the national capital can one way attack provincial capitals, but it's not clear to me how the national capital can be attacked? Holding it would be a huge advantage. I'd suggest making it start neutral and be one way attacked from seaports and airports scattered around the map. Maybe make it a killer neutral too.
It would be great to see a beta version of this map released for Sri Lanka's 75 th independence celebration.

National capital & Western province capital can be attacked from WE-2. I mentioned it in first post under Proposed Gameplay
I will mention it on map graphic when it come to work on map legend & gameplay instructions.
Currently the box below map legend is only a placeholder & these information should be included there.

Yep , Holding national capital will give a big advantage. So thinking to make it auto resetting neutral.

Including seaports and airports will make map more complex. Since this is my first attempt of making a map I prefer not to include seaports and airports.

Trying to get it done for Sri Lanka's 75 th independence celebration
Last edited by chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:44 pm

DBandit70 wrote:I really like the design and the idea of this map, something that stuck out to me, is that it seems if you hold the capital your going to be given a huge unfair advantage over the other players. something i did think of was what if the capital offered a +1 bonus and the capital could be assaulted but all providence capitals , with this giving reward for holding the capital and not giving it an abundance of power. another thing i was thinking was if you wanted to add more to this map you could make bonus for the providence capitals, like hold 5 for +1, hold 6 for +2, and maybe hold the capital and all 9 providence capitals you win the game(this was assuming some of the capitals started as player spot spot not neutral) just some thoughts that i had thought about.

Yes , I see that holding national capital give some advantage. So I am thinking to make it auto resetting neutral.

Bonuses based on number of provincial capitals & a win condition based on holding capitals are possible options & I will consider them to include in to gameplay.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:59 pm

Fuchsia tude wrote:Is the national capital reachable from WE-2? That seems like a problem to me, giving whoever spawns in the west a big advantage.

If it is only reachable from regional capitals, that probably sounds fine. I wonder if it should be part of the victory condition, too? Say, national capital + 5 or 6 regional capitals = win. In which case it should probably bombard rather than attack regional capitals.

Yes national capital is reachable from WE-2.
Yep , Holding national capital will give a big advantage. So thinking to make it auto resetting neutral.

Fuchsia tude wrote:
If regional capitals had +1 autodeploy, and maybe could bombard their region, that would be interesting too, giving a reason to capture them early even if you won't have a bonus yet, since taking a whole bonus continent can be difficult in the early game. That might make this a little too Feudal Epic, but I think the global reach of the national capital would shake things up.

The idea of conditional border with capitals is to make them as locations to jump around map.
So I think auto deployment on capital do not work well together with that.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:12 pm

Nucker wrote:Thanks for this Chanakam,

Yes we need more maps, especially special condition maps.

I use 5 players as my standard for assessing maps and this one fits the bill. 9 bonus areas means a player can get a foothold and fight for a dominant position.

I also like small bonuses that dont require a lot of region taking.

I feel the National Capital is unbalanced as it sits far from the outer regions and is hard to attack for players who take far flung bonuses.

You could connect some provincial capitals by rail to counter this and also have some provincial capitals able to to attack/bombard the National capital.

Try ensure the coding gives an even distribution of the drop.

Yep , Holding national capital will give a big advantage. So thinking to make it auto resetting neutral.
I think that will solve the problem.

Nucker wrote:Finally to share an idea of mine you could use;
Landlords Revolt
Have a Peasant region/capitol/zone that when held gives -1 per bonus held and +1 to players with no bonuses, or some such permutation?

I think Having a Peasant region is possible with currently available XML options. (Have to check with Ian)
Since this is my first attempt of making a map I prefer not to make it too much complex.
But the idea is interesting and I will keep that in mind for future maps.

Nucker wrote:If you can have the ear of the CC gods then maybe you can introduce playing a card to create an effect, like choosing a region to zombie fora certain number of rounds or enforcing a limited round truce with another player/region

This is interesting idea. But currently not available on CC.
Better to post it in suggestion forum where CC gods have eyes on.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:16 pm

slankz wrote:Nice looking map.
I have two concerns - especially for people playing a round on their phones:
1. Where NO-1 meets up with NO-2. I had to really stare at it to see if NO-1 actually touches NO-3.
2. Also, I suggest making the NO-5 to ES-1 boarder more pronounced. It is way too easy to overlook.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. Congrats on your new map!

Thank you for pointing out that.
In next version, I will adjust those borders to make them more clearly visible.
Last edited by chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:25 pm

iancanton wrote:excellent start. put the version number in the title of the first post and current post, for easy reference.

i recommend that any neutral regions are n2, so that players actually capture them during most games.

Yes Agree. Neutral 2s for capitals will make they are places of actions.

iancanton wrote:it's unclear what can attack the capital, so that must be fixed.

however, this is good enough to move to the drafting room.

ian. :)

National capital & Western province capital can be attacked from WE-2.
I mentioned it in first post under Proposed Gameplay
I will mention it on map graphic when it come to work on map legend & gameplay instructions.
Currently the box below map legend is only a placeholder & these information should be included there.
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby chanakam2020 on Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:21 pm

Considering all the feedbacks & suggestions above,
Following changes to make to suggested game play.

1. Capitals start as neutral 2s . So players will actually try to attack & take them during game play rather than moving around them

2. National capital will be auto resetting neutral. This is to prevent giving huge advantage to players holding national capital.

3. Bonuses based on holding number of provincial capitals. (Amounts to be decided)

4. A Win condition based on provincial capitals.
Having a win condition is interesting in Free style games. And also in Sequential games with certain setting such as fog & trench.
That will give more than one options of winning & give room for trying different strategies.

I Propose holding 6 provincial capitals as win condition.
In Napoleonic Europe map there are 8 capitals and holding 5 of them is the win condition.
Considering the number of territories & features in Sri Lank map , is holding 6 provincial capitals is suitable as win condition ?

Things to do next
1. Calculate the bonus structure. Any guides/tools for that ?
2. Adjust borders noted here to make them more clearly visible.

What are the things I need to complete to get Gameplay stamp ?
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Re: Sri Lanka [Version 001]

Postby iancanton on Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:11 pm

chanakam2020 wrote:2. National capital will be auto resetting neutral. This is to prevent giving huge advantage to players holding national capital.

this might make the map less interesting, as the national capital cannot be held (one thinks glumly of france 2.1). i suggest that the national capital decays by 1 troop each round, like dust bowl, as holding the national capital (and therefore parliament) is supposed to give some advantage.

chanakam2020 wrote:4. A Win condition based on provincial capitals.
Having a win condition is interesting in Free style games. And also in Sequential games with certain setting such as fog & trench.
That will give more than one options of winning & give room for trying different strategies.

I Propose holding 6 provincial capitals as win condition.
In Napoleonic Europe map there are 8 capitals and holding 5 of them is the win condition.
Considering the number of territories & features in Sri Lank map , is holding 6 provincial capitals is suitable as win condition ?

this is a good option, although a winning condition makes more logical sense if it includes the national capital, which is impossible if it resets to neutral. i have an idea in my head to modify it further for a sri lankan flavour, but that can wait.

chanakam2020 wrote:Things to do next
1. Calculate the bonus structure. Any guides/tools for that ?


chanakam2020 wrote:What are the things I need to complete to get Gameplay stamp ?

first, u need to reach the main foundry workshop by making the map image playable, for example by giving names (which can be abbreviations) to all regions. the final stage for the gameplay stamp is successful testing on the beta site.

ian. :)
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