Handy Game History v0.5.1 [Discontinued]
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:39 am
This script is discontinued. For the new version of the script please visit viewtopic.php?f=527&t=123669
Thanks to edbeard for the name, and to ian13 for the proxy debugging before I got greasemonkey myself.
Install the script and a 'visualise' link will show up under 'Game Log'. Click it, and you'll be able to go backwards and forwards through the game history. For example you'll be able to see who started with each territory, etc.
Opera users, to install, you need to locate your userjs directory. It can be found in Help->About as 'User JavaScript files' under Paths. Save the file at the end of the 'install' link to there, keeping it with a .user.js extension.
New in 0.5.1:
Works with the new map XML format (thanks to freakybeard).
New in 0.5:
Larger, and more centralised, indicators.
Support for 8-player games.
Counters telling you how far into the game you are.
New in 0.4:
Navigate by move, turn, round, or go straight to the beginning/end of the game. (Turns are still available in freestyle games, though I'm not sure how much use they'll be.)
Made the indicators larger.
(Small update, but it's been over a month. I'm back at school, so things are slow.)
0.4.1 makes it work with the new game URL (game.php instead of gamespace.php), and only adds one set of controls if you click 'visualise' more than once.
Fixable bugs:
I haven't designed it to play well with the 'refresh' and 'larger/smaller map' buttons.
Games with more than six^Weight players will probably break. (I didn't expect this to actually happen outside of battle royale...)
It will break if the map file (.xml) can't be fetched for whatever reason. (I need that to work out where to place the indicators.)
Going forwards through the history, deadbeats' territories don't become neutral. Going backwards, territories that used to belong to deadbeats don't switch back from neutral.
In opera, it only occasionally works in World 2.1. Firefox is fine. Age of Realms was also causing problems, which I haven't tested in Firefox. All other maps seem to be fine.
Still available in active fog games, despite being useless. Generates lots of (non-fatal) error messages if you do try to use it.
Unfixable bugs:
It won't show you how many armies were on a territory, just who owned it.
If somebody deadbeats, any of their territories which haven't seen play at that point (ie. which haven't been conquered or used to conquer from) will show up as neutral (or their teammate's) at the beginning instead of reflecting their true original owner.
Future development:
I'd like to integrate chat somehow, but my HUI-fu isn't up to the challenge of doing it non-suckily.
Make it less ugly.
It should be more obvious where changes occur.
Thanks to edbeard for the name, and to ian13 for the proxy debugging before I got greasemonkey myself.
Install the script and a 'visualise' link will show up under 'Game Log'. Click it, and you'll be able to go backwards and forwards through the game history. For example you'll be able to see who started with each territory, etc.
Opera users, to install, you need to locate your userjs directory. It can be found in Help->About as 'User JavaScript files' under Paths. Save the file at the end of the 'install' link to there, keeping it with a .user.js extension.
New in 0.5.1:
Works with the new map XML format (thanks to freakybeard).
New in 0.5:
Larger, and more centralised, indicators.
Support for 8-player games.
Counters telling you how far into the game you are.
New in 0.4:
Navigate by move, turn, round, or go straight to the beginning/end of the game. (Turns are still available in freestyle games, though I'm not sure how much use they'll be.)
Made the indicators larger.
(Small update, but it's been over a month. I'm back at school, so things are slow.)
0.4.1 makes it work with the new game URL (game.php instead of gamespace.php), and only adds one set of controls if you click 'visualise' more than once.
Fixable bugs:
I haven't designed it to play well with the 'refresh' and 'larger/smaller map' buttons.
Games with more than six^Weight players will probably break. (I didn't expect this to actually happen outside of battle royale...)
It will break if the map file (.xml) can't be fetched for whatever reason. (I need that to work out where to place the indicators.)
Going forwards through the history, deadbeats' territories don't become neutral. Going backwards, territories that used to belong to deadbeats don't switch back from neutral.
In opera, it only occasionally works in World 2.1. Firefox is fine. Age of Realms was also causing problems, which I haven't tested in Firefox. All other maps seem to be fine.
Still available in active fog games, despite being useless. Generates lots of (non-fatal) error messages if you do try to use it.
Unfixable bugs:
It won't show you how many armies were on a territory, just who owned it.
If somebody deadbeats, any of their territories which haven't seen play at that point (ie. which haven't been conquered or used to conquer from) will show up as neutral (or their teammate's) at the beginning instead of reflecting their true original owner.
Future development:
I'd like to integrate chat somehow, but my HUI-fu isn't up to the challenge of doing it non-suckily.
Make it less ugly.
It should be more obvious where changes occur.