by timogl on Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:50 am
correct verson 4.20 btw.
one thing that does happen, and its a little bit disconcerting. the the third party clickies work, for the most part. but, when you stay in a game, like, i tried it with a bot game. if you hover over a tert, you see the little "left click, deploy one, etc" thing. and that works. but, on some turns, i would hover it, and that wouldn't show, and if you click, the whole deployment would go there. so, you hover it, it doesn't show, you click out, to "my games" or whatever, then come back to the game, and hover it, and it shows the right thing again. i don't know that this is a cache issue or what. its not a completely new problem since the panel was changed really.