Operating System: Windows 7 64 Bit
Browser: Firefox
Scripts/third party programs used: Greasemonkey
For tournament games, specifically running tournaments, I use Game Watch to keep an eye on the games in progress. Right now if I do that and look at game number Game 9801968 for example, it shows that the players in the game are danryan and reahma[/b]. However that is not true, the players that are actually in the game are mwaser and M.K.C88-90. This is the way they all are. Its not really a problem, just a bit odd and very mildly annoying; its easy enough to figure out whats really going on and all. Maybe just a bug with the script.
Here are a few affected game numbers:
Game 9783677
Game 9783675
Game 9801972
Game 9801968
Game 9801970
Game 9801973
Game 9801971
Game 9801969
Game 9801975
Game 9801974
Thanks for looking into it.