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BOB/CM improvements

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What improvements should I focus on for BOB

Make BOB/CM work in Chrome
Combine BOB and Clickable Maps
BOB: Replace the numbers on the map with self-generated numbers
BOB: Make snapshots exchangable (previous option would make this easier)
BOB: Create an auto-snapshot function
BOB: Create a way to 'replay' a game (only displaying ownership)
CM: Create a way to hand in a set with keys
Just fix bugs, it is fine as it is
Total votes : 60

BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:55 am

I'm trying to get some more experience with javascript, and improving either BOB or CM is a good way to improve that. But it seems that I get distracted with other things every time I try to improve something.
So I'd like to know what other people would like me to focus on. The poll below should give me a sense of direction.

I think combining BOB and CM would be a mistake at the moment, if only because of all the speed addicts. But there is a certain overlap which would make it pretty easy.
The replace number on the map is something that seems to be a bit strange, but it would allow me to really change a player's color, or change the font or size of the numbers if needed so this could be a real improvement. And it would mean that BOB doesn't have to save the whole image with the numbers any more in the snapshot, which would make exchanging them easier, and in case of a redesign of a map the old snapshot would probably still be valid. This will be the hardest option to implement though.

If you have any other options, just let me know.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Dako on Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:32 am

BOB: Make snapshots exchangable
Yes, I would love that! I have PC at home and at work - the problems come at weekends because I don't have my snapshots from the previous week. A disaster indeed :-).

BOB: Create a way to 'replay' a game
Have thought about that myself. Really nice option to show how you've won some awesome game when you were at 2 territories only.

Pretty useless, but it will improve the coding level for sure.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:25 pm

Because I asked the question, I should get back at it eventually. There weren't too many votes, so I decided most people don't care about new options. And I picked making CM work in Chrome as the best option for now, it improves the code of CM a bit, I can learn some new tricks from it and I just found a way to get started.

Currently it gives no more direct errors and some things are working, so I'll have to find out why the others aren't working.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby chipv on Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:03 pm

I think people are meaning to say "Great Job" which I agree with.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Army of GOD on Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:38 pm

Dako wrote:BOB: Create a way to 'replay' a game
Have thought about that myself. Really nice option to show how you've won some awesome game when you were at 2 territories only.

Pretty useless, but it will improve the coding level for sure.

That'd be cool.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:46 pm

Thanks for the extra votes, it gives me a sense of direction. For the record, I had a very rudimentary version working of the playback-function, but it needs quite some work to have some value. I chose 1 attack per 0.3 second to be displayed, but some games still took very long, and you couldn't really notice the attacks fast enough. So I have to come up with some way of controlling that.

sherkaner wrote:Currently it gives no more direct errors and some things are working, so I'll have to find out why the others aren't working.

Btw, if anyone is willing to test: is the current script for both firefox and Chrome, but there could still be some bugs. What doesn't work: confirmations and updating (updating is uninstall/reinstall for now). And there could be some other effects, though just clicking seems to work (I used it a few turns, until I really missed BOB..).
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Dako on Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:34 pm

One more option just came into my mind.

"Show initial map disposition". Should be useful at fog games with conquest type (or huge amount of coded neutrals). For example, you are playing feudal and pretty much pinpointed enemies location, but you do not know how many neutrals are between you (or could be, at least). This feature just shows the default coded neutral disposition on the map as if the game was sunny for a moment (of course, you can't see enemy anyway - but this way you know how many troops you need to pass). Also, all your allies troops overwrite "default neutrals".

How is that?
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:51 am

Dako wrote:One more option just came into my mind.

"Show initial map disposition". Should be useful at fog games with conquest type (or huge amount of coded neutrals). For example, you are playing feudal and pretty much pinpointed enemies location, but you do not know how many neutrals are between you (or could be, at least). This feature just shows the default coded neutral disposition on the map as if the game was sunny for a moment (of course, you can't see enemy anyway - but this way you know how many troops you need to pass). Also, all your allies troops overwrite "default neutrals".

How is that?

That's actually the original reason for option 3. There is a chance the map xml has changed since the game started, then it would give the wrong numbers. But if that is accepted and I have a way to do option 3, this is quite easy.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby yeti_c on Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:11 am

Yeah - the reason I did the code for 3 to grab the images of the army numbers - is because you cannot create the numbers with HTML/Javascript alone (All to do with the black stroke) - so the numbers don't look nearly so nice... as you well know - we already store the armies array anyways - so if you *could* do away with the image save then you'd be saving a lot of effort...

Ideally what would be best if Lack provided a way of making an armies image with your own numbers... (This could also be used by the mapmaking tools as well)

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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:41 am

Main problem is that I can't get it to look exactly like CC's numbers at the moment.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby chipv on Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:47 am

sherkaner wrote:Main problem is that I can't get it to look exactly like CC's numbers at the moment.

Ok you can use my generator. The XML Wizard generates exact CC looking numbers because it uses the same php
as CC to draw them (lack gave me the font code).

At the moment you can ask it for individual numbers and colour but I could also do a single overlay like CC does if you want.

Catch me on MSN.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Chuuuuck on Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:47 pm

I think I am late joining this conversation but I think the most useful would be to make snapshots exchangeable. That would be incredible for me and many others I know.

Thanks for all of your hard work.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby clapper011 on Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:15 am

the newest bob update not working... I click it and nothing happens..
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby TeeGee on Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:36 am

clapper011 wrote:the newest bob update not working... I click it and nothing happens..

i had to install it twice to make it work.. don't know why it didnt take the 1st time
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby clapper011 on Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:43 am

TeeGee wrote:
clapper011 wrote:the newest bob update not working... I click it and nothing happens..

i had to install it twice to make it work.. don't know why it didnt take the 1st time

I keep clicking on where it says update.. but nothing happens.. just the window like it always does but its blank and disappears right away!
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby clapper011 on Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:37 pm

clapper011 wrote:
TeeGee wrote:
clapper011 wrote:the newest bob update not working... I click it and nothing happens..

i had to install it twice to make it work.. don't know why it didnt take the 1st time

I keep clicking on where it says update.. but nothing happens.. just the window like it always does but its blank and disappears right away!

fixed! thanks ender516!
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Prow on Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:53 pm

clapper, could you help others to solve this problem..?
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby clapper011 on Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:56 pm

ender516 wrote:To know if you have an out-of-date BOB, ook at your BOB Menu. If the last item is blinking and says Update Available, then click it. The latest version available is 4.10.6, which you should be able to see in small print beside the BOB Menu title. (That's also a clicky which takes you to the main BOB forum topic mentioned above.)

BOB updates have been having minor problems lately, so if it doesn't seem to install, then try this link: ... ob.user.js.

Other quick fixes can include refreshing the page with F5, or with control-F5 (which, I believe, defeats cached information so old stuff gets swept out of the way), or disabling and reenabling BOB or all of GreaseMonkey (right-click the GreaseMonkey icon at the bottom right of your screen and click the appropriate menu item(s) to set and clear the checkmarks).
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Prow on Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:13 pm

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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Prow on Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:44 pm

Well, it works only once..and after any refresh the problem is still there..
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:46 pm

Check the main BOB-thread: viewtopic.php?f=527&p=2571872#p2571872 should work now, afterwards it should be normal again.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby White Moose on Sun May 02, 2010 8:19 am

Clickable Maps Improvment

Remove the box which comes up when you try to attack a territory which you can't attack from the position you have marked.

It's seriously annoying if you happen to missclick in a speed game. Even though it doesnt happen so often.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Dako on Fri May 07, 2010 7:30 am

BOB idea.

Move objective summary right below the map or to the side bar (make it an option?). Right now it is hard to find what terrs are to win the game. For example, on Das Schloss map I still don't know what I need to hold for the win lol. It is so hard to find them without map inspect.

What do you think?
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby sherkaner on Fri May 07, 2010 2:46 pm

I tend to have the continents on the side, maybe I could somehow merge it with that. I should already kill the display of continents without bonus anyway, that should create some room on a few maps.
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Re: BOB/CM improvements

Postby Dako on Fri May 07, 2010 2:57 pm

I have continents on the side as well. Maybe show them one after another? Killing no-bonus continents is a good idea - but sometimes I use that to see who is close to a bonus (on Supermax it is very handy). So maybe it should be an option, again (option for continent view?).
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