yeti_c wrote:chipv wrote:yeti_c wrote:
One thing I would also like to see in here are "T" or "P" for Tournament or Private games.
Also - Perhaps consider "S" for Speed games.
Can't do these practically, I'm afraid, I have just investigated. The loading process would slow down considerably , overkill for this from
a technical viewpoint. (The information is not actually available on active game pages so it would need to be fetched separately either on game addition or on the fly. Both ways introduce more lag).
They are available from the Mygames page - they are titles of each game...
Yes, I know that full well , but not the actual games pages, and that does not cover every scenario.
People may be adding other games to monitor aside from mygames (someone did ask for that)
in which case the info is not available directly from mygames. (It is possible but an extra fetch is needed).
Also we have eliminated/finished games to consider which would require a separate fetch on
first installation. Currently you can add these types of games no problem.
Awaiting games, no problem since the game page does contain that info.
Biggest problem is people removing one of their games (for 300+ games)
and then adding that one back in - an additional fetch of mygames is required.
So in all cases, loading time increases regardless of how it's done.
This is more relevant when you have a lot of games.