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Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Teflon Kris on Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:08 pm

72o wrote:So, if that was your percentage out of 10000 3v1 attacks,

65.97-63.26=2.71%*10000=271 more ones you should have killed out of ten thousand tries.

I don't think this variance is statistically significant, out of a relatively small sample size. Do you have big variances in other rolls, like 3v2?

Hi, I assume you are a qualified statistician?

If not, what you think doesn't count.

What's the standard variation for above stats?
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby RADAGA on Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:25 am

Yes, to the opposite side (otherwise I would be a cook)

3x2: (42.63% / 32.71% / 24.66%) versus ideal (37.17% / 33.58% / 29.26%)
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Capitino on Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:35 am

I've been using this for a while and find it interesting. I have not read all 20 pages of comments, but is it true that you cannot see anymore what your statistics for a paricular game are?
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Capitino on Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:10 am

It looks like the dice analyser has not been updated in a while and that the one who created it, has not been around in a while. If possible I would like to see if I can develop it further. I'm not very experienced with greasemonkey scripts (as in not at all), but I should be able to learn it fast as long as I have something to start with. Is the source code for this script available somewhere?
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby chipv on Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:57 am

Capitino wrote:It looks like the dice analyser has not been updated in a while and that the one who created it, has not been around in a while. If possible I would like to see if I can develop it further. I'm not very experienced with greasemonkey scripts (as in not at all), but I should be able to learn it fast as long as I have something to start with. Is the source code for this script available somewhere?

GM scripts are public source. When you install them, they get copied to your PC. You can see where by going to
Tools->Greasemonkey->Manage User Scripts then click on the script then the "Edit" button.

Or click on the link in the head post and then click on the green install button. You can see "Show Script Source" click on that.

Looks like hecter is hosting it right now, but you are right, no updates recently.

If you want to take this on, please PM both hecter and cyberdaniel and let them know, thanks.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Capitino on Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:34 am

Thanx a lot! Never worked with JavaScript before, but I know C/C++ so it looks very familiar. First I'll go and have some fun with it myself. If anything useful comes out of it, I'll let all of you know.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Capitino on Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:27 am

For anyone interested:
I did some looking at the dice analyser. It's major problem at the moment is the fact that after throwing a couple of thousands of dice, everything is probably pretty much 'averaged out'. By then also a few extremely lucky or unlucky rolls in a game, don't make much difference for the overall statistics, but it still made huge difference for that particular game! So basically, in my humble opinion, the dice analyzer is what it is and if you want to improve it, it would be analysis per game. That, unfortunately will be a bit difficult.
The problem is that there are people out there playing 300+ games at the same time. Now, although the information that needs to be stored is not that much, it still would not fit in one cookie. A single cookie for every game would not be possible since there is a limit on the number of cookies. A solution to this could be managing of the user which games (s)he wants to have tracked by the dice analyzer with a certain maximum number of games. Problem here is that this is not very user friendly and most of the time you only think afterwards that you wanted to see how bad/good the dice were and then it didn't track it.
So if people want dice statistics per game then, as far as i see it, the gods of CC need to keep track of this in the game. This would mean that for every player you need to count a certain amount of events:
6 counters for the dice thrown
14 counters for win/loss (3 counters for 3vs2, and 2vs2, and 2 counters for 3vs1, 2vs1, 1vs1, and 1vs2)
and maybe double it to separate attack and defence, which leaves 40 counters per player, but then you can see very very awesome dice statistics, like who was the luckiest player in the game and also, on a more general level, how often the luckier players win and thus we can shine a light on the matter what is the ratio between tactics and luck.
Downside is, of course, that the game could be going a bit slower, but i would not know how much that would be.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Dako on Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:35 am


GreaseMonkey can save unlimited amount of data into inner variables and store them locally. You can store all the information for the past games you had (thou it will eat some space) and can retrieve them as easy. But who need old data? We can create an expiration mechanism that will delete previously finished games (7+ days old).

How is that? :)
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Capitino on Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:38 am

if greasemonkey allows to store in files, that could be very handy. I'll look into it. :)
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Dako on Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:07 am

It's not files, more like private script cookies. Only that script can access them and their size is unlimited.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby sherkaner on Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:46 am

yeah, it basically stores it in the general preferences of firefox (accessible through going to about:config in the browser). Firefox stores these key-value pairs in a file somewhere. That's basically what BOB uses for all options (1 entry) and screenshots (1 per screenshot).

Only problem is that Firefox could revert to an old version when the file gets corrupted and you didn't close firefox properly for a while. But that's exceptional afaik, though 2 people using screenshots seemed to have that.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby krems81 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:34 pm

Are the stats just my dice, or are my attacking dice being analyzed against the opponent's defense dice?

If they're just mine, is there any way to set it up to analyze the user's dice vs. the opponent's. And/or to analyze individual games?
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby GloverParkDude on Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:02 am

how do i do print screen on my macbook pro? i want to post my screenshot
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Mesalina on Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:56 am

Hi there..lastnight i tried to download the dice analyzer and also the google chrome.
Not sure from where this come from after:


The account of my sister got hacked and her FBook too and one my email account too.
She´s in USA today and i am not sure what to do. I already fixed mine coz I know all the answers that gmail ask when you lost the pws..
Not sure also if it come from anyone of the both downloads.
Once i tried to open the google chrome it asked to me if i want to the I Explore 8 and i said hell yes!
Then i tried in my games to push the buttom dice analyzer and nothing come up. And today it gone
Thank you in advance
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby sherkaner on Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:37 am

Mesalina wrote:Hi there..lastnight i tried to download the dice analyzer and also the google chrome.
Not sure from where this come from after:


The account of my sister got hacked and her FBook too and one my email account too.
She´s in USA today and i am not sure what to do. I already fixed mine coz I know all the answers that gmail ask when you lost the pws..
Not sure also if it come from anyone of the both downloads.
Once i tried to open the google chrome it asked to me if i want to the I Explore 8 and i said hell yes!
Then i tried in my games to push the buttom dice analyzer and nothing come up. And today it gone
Thank you in advance

Sorry, I don't fully get what you're trying to say. Seems like your computer was hacked, and you think it could have been the dice analyzer and/or chrome.

For the dice analyzer it's quite simple: if you got it from the usual location, its source code is on userscripts and it won't have such behaviour (someone would have noticed by now, and it's actually very hard to do things like that). For Chrome, if you got it from a trustable site (google itself?), it's extremely unlikely too.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby CHEWKY on Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:56 am

The Dice just plain suck in all conquer club games! I have NEVER EVER seen such horrible consecutive BAD ROLLS game to game! I have lost consistently when I have had a 4-1 or 3-1 roll, not to mention the pathetic 50/50 roll when it is 6-3 or 7-4 in my favor. I have also noticed that on avaerage game to game it takes getting 5 cards to cash in 80% of the time. I have also noticed going first in games is nearly 15% chance. SICK, PATHETIC, and really not worth it any more.

Yet, it appears that high rankers get special favor? It appears that way in every game against them, they go first, have advantage auto positioning and flawless dice! So ............. What goes on behind the scene at conquer club? Question: are cc employees involved in games? Are there special codes to give favor/ advantage to specific accounts on this site?
Something sure smells fishy and I know many users with this very complaint.

I for one, will NOT renew my membership and will NOT recommend this site to anyone that matters.

enjoy one of the biggest time wasters a human life can get involved with!
I leave you all with a gift in my chef hat .... better hold your noses! p u

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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby Mesalina on Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:28 pm

Thank you Sherkaner for your prompt replay are too kind.
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Re: Dice analyzer 1.5.1a, 1.5.1b and 1.5.1c

Postby lafnbear on Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:05 pm

CHEWKY wrote:The Dice just plain suck in all conquer club games! I have NEVER EVER seen such horrible consecutive BAD ROLLS game to game! I have lost consistently when I have had a 4-1 or 3-1 roll, not to mention the pathetic 50/50 roll when it is 6-3 or 7-4 in my favor. I have also noticed that on avaerage game to game it takes getting 5 cards to cash in 80% of the time. I have also noticed going first in games is nearly 15% chance. SICK, PATHETIC, and really not worth it any more.

Yet, it appears that high rankers get special favor? It appears that way in every game against them, they go first, have advantage auto positioning and flawless dice! So ............. What goes on behind the scene at conquer club? Question: are cc employees involved in games? Are there special codes to give favor/ advantage to specific accounts on this site?
Something sure smells fishy and I know many users with this very complaint.

I for one, will NOT renew my membership and will NOT recommend this site to anyone that matters.

enjoy one of the biggest time wasters a human life can get involved with!
I leave you all with a gift in my chef hat .... better hold your noses! p u


Totally true are right on here. There is no way these dice are truely random. I just went 11 against 5 and lost 10 compared to opponent's 1. Insane!

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