member since 2007 always gold , live in the country and my bandwidth cost keeps increasing. I'm not a great player 30% out of 8000 + but enjoy speed games and having fun competition. My question is there any way the CC can add a surrender button so rather then waiting for 3 turns a player who has no chance can call it quits? Also sometimes you start a game in speed that should
be quick but due the setting takes longer and do to life, family , work you can't keep going , if one could surrender this would speed up the game for other players. Even in 24 games I've had players say they need to be away for 2 or 3 turns or more due to remote access.I have no idea how hard this would be to code but i hope players can at least have a discussion on this. I know i have mentioned this in chat several times and others have supported me as to why one can not surrender. i know the rules were lose in the old days sitting around a living room with the board but my gang would always call it when it one player dominated so much we all knew even with dice it was over. Then we would start a new game , just like on conquer club but back then it wouldn't cost me 1GB . Thanks for listening to my rant.