I'm sure all people who run clan wars periodically are constantly wondering how many active games player x has going. They have told me countless times they are ok between y and z active. Unless i look them up individually, I never know where they are at.
I am not a developer but what would it take to be able to have an add-on created that simply keeps track of active games for a defined list of players. I'd be fine with using results such as gamefinder where it's all pending and active games for player x. It'll be off a few due to the games where they were eliminated but a good idea of where they are at.
It'd be great where i could define all members in the clan and get a scoreboard of how many games they have. That way as they start wrapping a bunch up, i know they are ready for some more. Plus when signing up for tourneys, i know which members (or other cc friends) have a little more bandwidth than others.