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BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:57 am
by PaRKoN

I'm having a problem with BOB. Whenever I get a snap, if I click on it, I still see the map situation before I took my turn (and, of course, I make the snap after my turn, not before). But the snaps of my other mates are OK :?
According to my left menu, I have the "latest version installed" (5.2.4). I'm using Chrome v26.0.1410.64 m (also the latest one), and Windows 7.

I checked the other threads in here, and I thought a new one would be the best solution. I hope that's OK.

Any solution?

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:36 pm
by ender516
I think this one will be above my pay grade, so to speak, but let's get some details. Are you using snaps in chat or the other kind?

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:51 am
by PaRKoN
ender516 wrote:I think this one will be above my pay grade, so to speak, but let's get some details. Are you using snaps in chat or the other kind?

Yes, I'm using them in chat.

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:25 pm
by ender516
What do the other members of your team see with your snaps? Are they running the same browser?

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:11 am
by PaRKoN
ender516 wrote:What do the other members of your team see with your snaps? Are they running the same browser?

Its not just other people, if i am going to view the snap myself i see the map just before my turn was taken. I've made a test that maybe throws some light on this issue. Just after my turn is taken, if I go to My games (or wherever outside the game) and return to get the snap, it works fine!!

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:48 am
by ender516
PaRKoN wrote:
ender516 wrote:What do the other members of your team see with your snaps? Are they running the same browser?

Its not just other people, if i am going to view the snap myself i see the map just before my turn was taken. I've made a test that maybe throws some light on this issue. Just after my turn is taken, if I go to My games (or wherever outside the game) and return to get the snap, it works fine!!

Let me see if I can reconstruct the sequence of events.

  1. You begin your turn.
  2. You deploy, attack, reinforce.
  3. You take a snapshot in chat.
  4. You click on the snapshot in chat.
  5. The situation displayed now resembles things as they were before step 1 (which is incorrect behaviour).
  6. You end your turn.
  7. You go to your My Games page.
  8. You reenter the same game.
  9. You click on the same snapshot in chat.
  10. The situation displayed now resembles things as they were when you took the snapshot in step 3 (which is correct behaviour).

If this sequence is not correct, please explain. If it is, can you try varying the sequence a bit to see just when things work and when they fail?

Is it possible that at step 5, what you see is actually the situation from a snapshot taken at the end of a previous turn (either yours or one of your teammates' turns), rather than the situation just before your turn started, when no snapshot was actually taken?

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:32 am
by PaRKoN
There is a mistake in your event list, would be like this:

  1. You begin your turn.
  2. You deploy, attack, reinforce.
  3. You take a snapshot in chat.
  4. You click on the snapshot in chat.
  5. The situation displayed now resembles things as they were before step 1 (which is incorrect behaviour).
  6. You end your turn.
  7. You go to your My Games page.
  8. You reenter the same game.
  9. You click on the same snapshot in chat. WRONG.
  10. You take the snap again.
  11. You click on the new snapshot in chat.
  12. The situation displayed now resembles things as they were when you took the snapshot in step 3 (which is correct behaviour).

Tonight I will make some tests so I can give you more details. It's not an human mistake, there is other people who see the same wrong map picture I see when they click on it.

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:45 am
by ender516
So, just to be clear:

  1. You begin your turn.
  2. You deploy, attack, reinforce.
  3. You take a snapshot in chat.
  4. You click on the snapshot in chat.
  5. The situation displayed now resembles things as they were before step 1 (which is incorrect behaviour).
  6. You end your turn.
  7. You go to your My Games page.
  8. You reenter the same game.
  9. You click on the same snapshot in chat.
  10. The situation displayed now STILL resembles things as they were before step 1 (which is incorrect behaviour).
  11. You take the snap again.
  12. You click on the new snapshot in chat.
  13. The situation displayed now resembles things as they were when you took the snapshot in step 3 (which is correct behaviour).

Can I suggest a few things for your test? Between steps 5 and 6, try clicking the "[refresh map]" link on the game page and then taking a snap, then refreshing your browser page and taking a snap. You could try the same sequence between steps 6 and 7.

Also: are you running BOB with Chrome, but without Tampermonkey? I have just learned of that Chrome add-on which claims to help with installing scripts. I have not used it (I rarely run Chrome), but someone said it helped with installing a script. Perhaps it could make a difference here.

Re: BOB 5.2.4 wrong time snaps

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:51 am
by PaRKoN
Yes, I have tampermonkey installed. It seems to be the the last snapshots I got are fine. Will do some test during this week and tell you wether the problem is still happening or it's gone. Thank you for everything.