Conquer Club

Clickies/Free Style/Begin Turn

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Clickies/Free Style/Begin Turn

Postby Chives1337 on Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:19 pm

First we must make certain assumptions
1.) you are online on ConquerClub and signed in
2.) you have Clickable Maps

if you are in a freestyle game, and you have that red thing next to your name (the reg/green) - meaning you can't begin till someone else does - clickable maps automatically refreshes the page every 15 seconds and begins your turn. Once it has done so it will spam you every minute saying BEGIN YOUR TURN in a popup of some sort.
This would obviously be useless in speed games (15 sec/1 minute? game's over) and should be changed to 5 second/15 second.

you don't lose your bonus in freestyle - eg someone else begins and kills your bonuses before you do
doesn't run when offline so you WILL end up taking your turn
easier to be in the other spot

slightly more refreshing needed (more server space needed)
you HAVE to be online for it to work
minuscule chance of losing turn (like that 1 hour timeout)
RSN: Chives
IRC Nick: Chives
#Leech Pride

2108 - Major - 7/26/2012
Lieutenant Chives1337
Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:33 pm

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