by Lar the Awesome on Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:36 pm
I think it would be great if someone developed a script where you could select a certain set of game options (in the same way you select a certain set of game options in the game finder for example), and the script would analyze the logs of all games of that type (or perhaps if there are too many games of that type to analyze all of them then just the most recently finished x# of games of that type) and give you statistics on what type of strategy most often led to winning games of that type. for example, it might reveal that for a game with between 5 and 7 players, standard, escalating, adjacent, fog, trench, players that conquered an average of 8 territories in the first 10 rounds went on to win most often, while other players that were more aggressive or more conservative did not win as often. perhaps it might reveal which factor is most critical in determining the winner out of several possible factors, for example out of turn order, % of turns earning a risk card, aggressiveness, etc. perhaps it might reveal whether on average you win more by turning in a set as soon as possible or by waiting as long as possible. i think a script like this would be very useful and interesting.