Of course since I am not a coder it is easy to make suggestions - I think CC is great as it is so if what I suggest as a possible enhancement is non-viable or unwanted please take it as a humble musing.
I would sometimes like to be able to review my rolls directly and not through the stats, but more than that, and as in a real-life board game, I would like to see what my opponents are rolling. I know it isn't vital and doesn't affect the outcome, but it is reassuring to look back and see both the good and bad rolls especially given some opponents who never miss an opportunity to ham it up! It is also such a common topic on these forums that surely it would lay a lot of misgivings to rest. To minimise data issues perhaps this could just be saved for each round or 1 day or even for a few minutes before being erased. I can think of several ways in which this could either be laid out on the game page or accessible through the stats page or both, but rather than get specific when I don't know how anything works, just thanks for reading this and please let me know if it seems like a possible enhancement of the game or perhaps an extension.