Conquer Club

bug in the log window when spoil set over 32757

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bug in the log window when spoil set over 32757

Postby malabrosse on Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:17 am

Operating System: Mac OS v 12.3
Browser: firefox 110.0.1
Scripts/third party programs used: conquer club clickable map

Concise description:
In Game 21720455 I noticed that every spoil set is reported with a wrong worth number :

2023-03-04 22:45:22 - ArkieDog played a set of India, Kazakhstan, and Papua New Guinea worth 32767 troops
2023-03-04 22:45:42 - ArkieDog deployed 10000 troops on ?
2023-03-04 22:45:56 - ArkieDog deployed 3000 troops on ?
2023-03-04 22:46:18 - ArkieDog deployed 21000 troops on ?
2023-03-04 22:46:23 - ArkieDog deployed 6759 troops on ?

you could see the deploy is over 40K. looks like the log is using a short int (8bit) that can not handle the range of the set...
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Re: bug in the log window when spoil set over 32757

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:04 pm

See this thread.
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