Browser: Firefox
Scripts/third party programs used: N/A
Concise description:
- the first time opening a game after activating the panel interface shows only a blank screen
- reloading the page solves the issue
- I clear cookies whenever I close my browser, which is quite regularly
- By default, I have the panel interface turned off
- Whenever I want to post a snapshot, I turn the panel interface on
- The first time I open a game after turning the panel interface on (by clicking on central command, and then a game), the page doesn't load, and shows a blank page instead
- More accurately, it shows the conquerclub banner on the top, and the menu bar on the left, but a blank page where the game should be.
- Reloading the page solves the issue
- After reloading the page once, the problem doesn't reoccur until the next browser session