The CC Newsletter is posted in GD because at the moment it is the best place for it be, in the future there may be an alternate place for it to reside, but right now that is the best place for it to be.
The CC Newsletter and Staff was put together long before several of the staff became foundry assistants, the newsletter's purpose is not to get people into the foundry, but to get people involved in several areas of the site, and to provide news from several areas of the forum and the site as a whole. More often than not, the most news comes out of the foundry as there is a constant flow of new maps for people to play.
For the record, this community opinion question was requested by Andy and is aimed at getting a feel of what the community at large thinks of the Foundry, and that might allow Foundry Staff to understand why people are less active in there.
The point of this thread is to get the opinion of the community, in terms of what they like/dislike and what Foundry team can possibly do to improve the Foundry process and make it easier for newcomers to get involved in the process.
Personally i can't think of anything that can be done to improve the process. The reason people get frustrated with the process of trying to create a map, is in the most part because they don't have the graphic ability, they havn't refined their graphic ability or their map idea is just not appealing to the community. Trust me there are a lot of ideas that should have just stayed in OP's head. I will be the first to admit that i was once like that, i posted some stupid ideas, i had a few goes at making a map and they all failed. Each time i tried, my skills got a little better and i started to think of some good ideas and hey presto now WWII:Poland is almost in the Final Forge. I think perserverance is the key, don't let other "regulars" drive you out. If it's input you want to give try picking a promising map that you like in the Drafting Room and get on board with it, provide feedback and be helpful all the way to Quenchville.
People have to be honest with themselves though, there has to be some kind of way to tell the maker of a crappy map that they aren't going to make it (It's better than letting them fume in the drafting room because their map isn't moving forward). In order to keep the high quality of the maps on this site, the line has to be drawn somewhere.
Let's keep this about the Foundry and not about the newsletter shall we?