Issue 69: 17/04/09

Issue 69: 17/04/09

Hello tournament fans. Gilligan is graciously staying on for an issue or two, until a replacement is found.
As always, if you have any ideas or just want to help out, drop us a line.
Thanks, and enjoy!

Newsletter Poll
Seeking Staff
News Hound
Currently Taking Signups
Tournament Updates
Coming Soon
The Tournament Roll of Honuor
Ask the Nutts
Next Issue

Our new poll is still up. This time the question asks: Which newsletters do you read?
Please stop by the Suggestion Thread and vote.

The newsletter needs new staff. If interested in a position below, please PM Gozar.
Currently Taking Signups -With Gilligan's departure, the newsletter is in need of someone to compile a weekly list of all the tournaments in signups. If you are organised, through and can keep to a schedule, this could be a position for you.
Fun Facts -Gilligan also leaves behind his Fun Facts column. Do you have some fun tournament facts you are interested in sharing? Experience with the tournament forums is a must.
Tournament ReviewsDo you have a passion for tournaments? Have lots of tournament organising experience? Have solid writing skill? Willing to offer a subjective opinion of some tournaments on occasion? Drop us a line.

by blacky44
Good day.
A sad day has yet again come upon us as Gilligan has retired from the newsletter. I wish he would stay but he must leave. I hope you enjoy this short interview.
Q: Hello would you answer these questions for me?
A: Sure thing.
Q:What made you retire?
A: Being a Tournament Director has put more duties onto me that need to get done, and along with school, work and personal life I can't juggle it all, so I had to retire from the Newsletter.
Q: Are you retiring from Conquerclub or just the mods and the news letter?
AI'll be on Conquer Club for some time to come... Only the newsletter is getting my retirement.
Q: Have they found anyone to fill your shoes?
A: Not that I know of.
Q: Thank you for your time.
A: Sure thing.

Here are the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.
Teams Tournaments
LFAW and owenator’s Feudal Trips Tournament
Organizers: LFAW, owenator
Oceanic Doubles
Organizer: Jennybh
Double Elimination
Organizer: FrancisBoyle
Pocket Pairs
Organizer: conquerAce
Special Maps Dubs Tourney
Organizer: kratos644
1 versus 1 Tournaments
DOTA 1v1 Tournament
Organizer: soccerghost
One on One Knockout
Organizer: caymanmew
NHL 2009 Playoffs
Organizer: flexmaster33
AoR2 Sanctuary Tour
Organizer: Megadeth666
Around All CC’s Maps: Draknor – Level 1- Two
Organizer: Highlanderattack
General Tournaments
Isle Cruise
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 7x7 windmill setup
Plan is to visit with 49 people in total 7+ Isles each with 7 persons, but never the same.
First games on 3 May
007: #2: From Russia With Love
Organizer: danalan
The Winner only takes a Little Bit
Organizer: OliverFA
Capture the Flag
Organizer: Hopscotcher
Jack: The Fun Game for Kids!
Organizer: murphy16
Tang Kai’s Random Travels
Organizer: Tang Kai
MACE: Most Awesome Conquering Entity
Organizer: john9blue
FP’s Whip of the World
Organizer: Fireside Poet
European Football
Organizer: SNARF17WD
Old Gramps
Organizer: darkangelsguy205
geearsofwar’s Chainsaw Duel
Organizer: geearsofwar
JoshyBoy’s 20/20 Terminator Table
Organizer: JoshyBoy
qwert 1v1 Tournament Marathon
Organizer: qwert
Fivemore’s World 2.1 7-Player
Organizer: fivemore
Single Territory Tourney
Organizer: jgazaille
Berlin 1961 Tournament
Organizer: markec

Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter!
Trippel Trappel
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 6x6 windmill setup
The Santa singers are busy at getting out of Artic: too cool
Planned End Date: 5 May
Mac Dinner Date
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 5x5 windmill setup
Three cars keep on driving, but can't find their way home.
Planned end date: 10 October
Bar Double Dutch
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 3x3 windmill setup
Candle light was not a good idea, part of the bar is at fire
While this should be a nice opening of my new bar, it looks like nothing will be left
I hope we can get the last teams out in time and make one of them the winner
Planned End Date: 14 April
The Legend of Tor Na’Mit
Organizer: Gozar
Round Eleven is running.

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.
From Kinnison Five Elements Shuffle- 5 players. Home advantage across multiple 3-, 4-, and 5- player games. Each player plays 20 opponents across 5 weeks, ALL new opponents every week! Highest score of your group (whom you do NOT play against) advances to the finals, where opponents do NOT rotate.
From jpcloet Deadly Vipers Inc. - This innovative tournament will feature 8+ components that have either never been in a tournament before, or have been rarely seen. Can your skills inside and outside of the game bring you the bounty?
From keiths31:In keeping with the "Musical Chairs" theme there will be:
Musical Chairs: Mini Maps
Musical Chairs: USA Map Pack
Musical Chairs: Island Tour
Tournament ideas from the mind of barterer2002
Championship Series Continues
Formula 1 2009 Tournaments from jricart

Here are some recent tournament winners.
"Twiztids Terminator 4" -JOHNNYROCKET24
"ES-C-RAZY-LATORS" -BaldAdonis
"Foundry Update 9.6" -lunatic96
"Discworld Tournament" -ultrafit
"Double Dutch Doubles" -roelbianca & sjnap
"Fantasy Fight" -Blitzaholic, Nephilim, Dividedbyzero, Big Whiskey
"40kguy's lux tourny" b00060
[b]"The Second World War" -sirron
"The Conquer of the Celts" -andreas1977
"Mixed Maps II" -Blitzaholic,Big Whiskey,osujacket
"Euro Wars" -blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, big whiskey, nephilim
"Around All CC's Maps: City Mogul" -banana_hammocks
"World Fitz Dubs Tourney II" -Nephilim & AAFitz
"World Fitz Dubs Tourney IV" -Nephilim & AAFitz
"Doubles League Bracket Style" -lt.pie&Velvecarrots
"US of A Assassins" -b00060
"Musical Chairs: North American City Tour" -Hath
"007: Bond James Bond #1 Dr No" -abel
"Super Quick Tourney Season 5" -andreas1977
"Feudal War 1v1 Tourney" -Seamusk
"BCS Busters" -Bones2484
"Feudal War" -Chariot of Fire
"Moody's Non-premium Classic 2" -GoldKnight
"European Speed Cup" -Sun Tzup
"Games Night CC Style" -dtellis
"Midkemdil Exterminator" -danryan
"keiths31's Beer Festival" -negoeien
"Round Robin USA" -harvmax
"Halloween Hallows I"-Powercrazy, Xcalibur54, neutrino51, iOccupyBlackacre
"Around All CC's Maps: The Citadel" -amazzony
"Transformers Wars III" -soundman & madmom
"Foundry Update 9.1" -Huntyr Green
"Foundry Update 8.0" -Gilligan
"Triples Champion" -nashlloyd
"Demonfork's Cookoff 1v1 Extravaganza" -Boniman
"Feudal War Assassins" -downfall
"Tupence's Eurpean Tournament" -Industrial Helix
"Psycho B's Luxembourg" -denominator
"Halloween Hallows II" -Dominator7, Spijker81, ultrafit, TheTrueNorth
"Point Grabbers XI: the Return" -MEK

by David Hoekstra
Ask the Nutts. . .a Q&A column (a cross between Dear Abby and Cliff Claven)
(an explanation of what it is all about)
Members, especially new members are encouraged to send in questions to "The Nutts". The three Nutts brothers will do their best to answer the questions.
R. Nutts, PHD – doctorate English, the Official Conquer Club expert
H. Nutts, MBA – looks at the business/economic/efficient side of things
A. Nutts, BS – lesser educated of the trio, gives a layman’s viewpoint
Have a question for the Nutts? PM David Hoekstra, Gozar, or click here and post in the thread.
Q: What are some of the types of cheating you see in CC and what do you think of them? -Anony-Mouse
A: R. Nutt, PhD: We’ve seen Secret Diplomacy (unspoken/unchatted teaming), Multi-ism (one person with several ID’s). but cheating in any form is despicable.
H. Nutts, MBA: There’s also Farming, the practice of targeting newbies and taking advantage of them. But remember, playing new people is not in and of itself farming. Playing less than 20% newbies is just reasonable mixture of playing others. That’s been covered in an earlier edition, I believe.
A. Nutts, BS: Well to be honest, I’ve cheated on my wife – once. . . . maybe two or three times. . .and yes, it was despicable.

negoeien did not return the interview, so we have nothing to bring you this time. Pedronicus is on deck and you can submit your questions in this thread.

Interview With Pedronicus or negoeien
News Hound: No more Flame Wars?

If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:
Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:
You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!
To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.
Editor in chief- Gozar
Recruiting Editor/Fun Facts- Gilligan
Graphics- Sir. Ricco/samuelc812
News Hound-blacky44
Ask the Nutts- David Hoekstra
Contributors- People like you!

Hello tournament fans. Gilligan is graciously staying on for an issue or two, until a replacement is found.
As always, if you have any ideas or just want to help out, drop us a line.
Thanks, and enjoy!

Our new poll is still up. This time the question asks: Which newsletters do you read?
Please stop by the Suggestion Thread and vote.

The newsletter needs new staff. If interested in a position below, please PM Gozar.
Currently Taking Signups -With Gilligan's departure, the newsletter is in need of someone to compile a weekly list of all the tournaments in signups. If you are organised, through and can keep to a schedule, this could be a position for you.
Fun Facts -Gilligan also leaves behind his Fun Facts column. Do you have some fun tournament facts you are interested in sharing? Experience with the tournament forums is a must.
Tournament ReviewsDo you have a passion for tournaments? Have lots of tournament organising experience? Have solid writing skill? Willing to offer a subjective opinion of some tournaments on occasion? Drop us a line.

by blacky44
Good day.
A sad day has yet again come upon us as Gilligan has retired from the newsletter. I wish he would stay but he must leave. I hope you enjoy this short interview.
Q: Hello would you answer these questions for me?
A: Sure thing.

Q:What made you retire?
A: Being a Tournament Director has put more duties onto me that need to get done, and along with school, work and personal life I can't juggle it all, so I had to retire from the Newsletter.
Q: Are you retiring from Conquerclub or just the mods and the news letter?
AI'll be on Conquer Club for some time to come... Only the newsletter is getting my retirement.
Q: Have they found anyone to fill your shoes?
A: Not that I know of.
Q: Thank you for your time.
A: Sure thing.

Here are the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.
Teams Tournaments
LFAW and owenator’s Feudal Trips Tournament
Organizers: LFAW, owenator
Oceanic Doubles
Organizer: Jennybh
Double Elimination
Organizer: FrancisBoyle
Pocket Pairs
Organizer: conquerAce
Special Maps Dubs Tourney
Organizer: kratos644
1 versus 1 Tournaments
DOTA 1v1 Tournament
Organizer: soccerghost
One on One Knockout
Organizer: caymanmew
NHL 2009 Playoffs
Organizer: flexmaster33
AoR2 Sanctuary Tour
Organizer: Megadeth666
Around All CC’s Maps: Draknor – Level 1- Two
Organizer: Highlanderattack
General Tournaments
Isle Cruise
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 7x7 windmill setup
Plan is to visit with 49 people in total 7+ Isles each with 7 persons, but never the same.
First games on 3 May
007: #2: From Russia With Love
Organizer: danalan
The Winner only takes a Little Bit
Organizer: OliverFA
Capture the Flag
Organizer: Hopscotcher
Jack: The Fun Game for Kids!
Organizer: murphy16
Tang Kai’s Random Travels
Organizer: Tang Kai
MACE: Most Awesome Conquering Entity
Organizer: john9blue
FP’s Whip of the World
Organizer: Fireside Poet
European Football
Organizer: SNARF17WD
Old Gramps
Organizer: darkangelsguy205
geearsofwar’s Chainsaw Duel
Organizer: geearsofwar
JoshyBoy’s 20/20 Terminator Table
Organizer: JoshyBoy
qwert 1v1 Tournament Marathon
Organizer: qwert
Fivemore’s World 2.1 7-Player
Organizer: fivemore
Single Territory Tourney
Organizer: jgazaille
Berlin 1961 Tournament
Organizer: markec

Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter!
Trippel Trappel
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 6x6 windmill setup
The Santa singers are busy at getting out of Artic: too cool

Planned End Date: 5 May
Mac Dinner Date
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 5x5 windmill setup
Three cars keep on driving, but can't find their way home.
Planned end date: 10 October
Bar Double Dutch
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 3x3 windmill setup
Candle light was not a good idea, part of the bar is at fire

While this should be a nice opening of my new bar, it looks like nothing will be left

I hope we can get the last teams out in time and make one of them the winner

Planned End Date: 14 April
The Legend of Tor Na’Mit
Organizer: Gozar
Round Eleven is running.

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.
From Kinnison Five Elements Shuffle- 5 players. Home advantage across multiple 3-, 4-, and 5- player games. Each player plays 20 opponents across 5 weeks, ALL new opponents every week! Highest score of your group (whom you do NOT play against) advances to the finals, where opponents do NOT rotate.
From jpcloet Deadly Vipers Inc. - This innovative tournament will feature 8+ components that have either never been in a tournament before, or have been rarely seen. Can your skills inside and outside of the game bring you the bounty?
From keiths31:In keeping with the "Musical Chairs" theme there will be:
Musical Chairs: Mini Maps
Musical Chairs: USA Map Pack
Musical Chairs: Island Tour
Tournament ideas from the mind of barterer2002
Championship Series Continues
Formula 1 2009 Tournaments from jricart

Here are some recent tournament winners.
"Twiztids Terminator 4" -JOHNNYROCKET24
"ES-C-RAZY-LATORS" -BaldAdonis
"Foundry Update 9.6" -lunatic96
"Discworld Tournament" -ultrafit
"Double Dutch Doubles" -roelbianca & sjnap
"Fantasy Fight" -Blitzaholic, Nephilim, Dividedbyzero, Big Whiskey
"40kguy's lux tourny" b00060
[b]"The Second World War" -sirron
"The Conquer of the Celts" -andreas1977
"Mixed Maps II" -Blitzaholic,Big Whiskey,osujacket
"Euro Wars" -blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, big whiskey, nephilim
"Around All CC's Maps: City Mogul" -banana_hammocks
"World Fitz Dubs Tourney II" -Nephilim & AAFitz
"World Fitz Dubs Tourney IV" -Nephilim & AAFitz
"Doubles League Bracket Style" -lt.pie&Velvecarrots
"US of A Assassins" -b00060
"Musical Chairs: North American City Tour" -Hath
"007: Bond James Bond #1 Dr No" -abel
"Super Quick Tourney Season 5" -andreas1977
"Feudal War 1v1 Tourney" -Seamusk
"BCS Busters" -Bones2484
"Feudal War" -Chariot of Fire
"Moody's Non-premium Classic 2" -GoldKnight
"European Speed Cup" -Sun Tzup
"Games Night CC Style" -dtellis
"Midkemdil Exterminator" -danryan
"keiths31's Beer Festival" -negoeien
"Round Robin USA" -harvmax
"Halloween Hallows I"-Powercrazy, Xcalibur54, neutrino51, iOccupyBlackacre
"Around All CC's Maps: The Citadel" -amazzony
"Transformers Wars III" -soundman & madmom
"Foundry Update 9.1" -Huntyr Green
"Foundry Update 8.0" -Gilligan
"Triples Champion" -nashlloyd
"Demonfork's Cookoff 1v1 Extravaganza" -Boniman
"Feudal War Assassins" -downfall
"Tupence's Eurpean Tournament" -Industrial Helix
"Psycho B's Luxembourg" -denominator
"Halloween Hallows II" -Dominator7, Spijker81, ultrafit, TheTrueNorth
"Point Grabbers XI: the Return" -MEK

by David Hoekstra
Ask the Nutts. . .a Q&A column (a cross between Dear Abby and Cliff Claven)
(an explanation of what it is all about)
Members, especially new members are encouraged to send in questions to "The Nutts". The three Nutts brothers will do their best to answer the questions.
R. Nutts, PHD – doctorate English, the Official Conquer Club expert
H. Nutts, MBA – looks at the business/economic/efficient side of things
A. Nutts, BS – lesser educated of the trio, gives a layman’s viewpoint
Have a question for the Nutts? PM David Hoekstra, Gozar, or click here and post in the thread.
Q: What are some of the types of cheating you see in CC and what do you think of them? -Anony-Mouse
A: R. Nutt, PhD: We’ve seen Secret Diplomacy (unspoken/unchatted teaming), Multi-ism (one person with several ID’s). but cheating in any form is despicable.
H. Nutts, MBA: There’s also Farming, the practice of targeting newbies and taking advantage of them. But remember, playing new people is not in and of itself farming. Playing less than 20% newbies is just reasonable mixture of playing others. That’s been covered in an earlier edition, I believe.
A. Nutts, BS: Well to be honest, I’ve cheated on my wife – once. . . . maybe two or three times. . .and yes, it was despicable.

negoeien did not return the interview, so we have nothing to bring you this time. Pedronicus is on deck and you can submit your questions in this thread.

Interview With Pedronicus or negoeien
News Hound: No more Flame Wars?

If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:
Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:
You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!
To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.
Editor in chief- Gozar
Recruiting Editor/Fun Facts- Gilligan
Graphics- Sir. Ricco/samuelc812
News Hound-blacky44
Ask the Nutts- David Hoekstra
Contributors- People like you!