Issue 37: 01/09/08

Issue 37: 01/09/08

Hello, tournament fans, players and organizers.
The newsletter has a fresh new look this week thanks to the efforts of Sir. Ricco our newest team member. Like it? Hate it? We would love to hear your thoughts. Also, keep sending your submissions, and I will keep putting them in.
Thanks, and enjoy!

Seeking Staff
Fun Facts
Currently Taking Signups
Tournament Updates
Coming Soon
The Tournament Roll of Honour
Interview with max is gr8
Next Issue

Hello, ConquerClubbers!
The newsletter is looking to expand its team. Here is the position available:
News Hound Do you have a journalistic flair and an interest in writing stories about CC news and events? If so, this could be the position for you. For more information, please PM Gozar

barterer2002’s new series, Championship Series, has a separate tournament dedicated to each individual map. Look out for them, they fill fast!
Steelhorse thinks that the tournament forum is one of the all-around best forums on Conquer Club. Of course, he did tell me he was biased
Here are just some of the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.
Teams Tournaments
Strikers Cup Challenge
Organizer: RAM16
Mixed Doubles
Organizer: MrBenn
Madden 09
Organizer: sergentgforce
Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith II
Organizer: samuelc812
Championship League 2008/2009
Organizer: Forza AZ
Doodle Earth Doubles
Organizer: Boss_oss_ss
The Supreme Doubles Feudal War Tournament
Organizer: LFAW
1 versus 1 Tournaments
Bring It On
Organizers: Lufsen75 and thekidstrumpet
American 1v1 Knockout
Organizer: t-o-m
16 Bracket Showdown
Organizer: max is gr8
Ultimate All Maps 1x1 Tourney
Organizer: Army of Achilles
1vs1 King of Doodle Earth
Organizer: assassin07
History Class
Organizer: gameplayer
Don’t Take Too Long – Bracket Edition
Organizer: max is gr8
Feudal War 1v1 Round Robin
Organizer: FATHARRY
Choice of settings
Battle of Actium
Organizer: amazzony
General Tournaments
Second Chances Tournament
Organizer: conquerclubgamer
Men Vs. Women
Organizer: max is gr8
Do You Want to Build a Roller Coaster?
Organizer: Diamonds14
The World………. Versus
Organizer: Lukeplastow
Modern Pentathlon
Organizer: max is gr8
Don’t Take Too Long – League Style
Organizer: max is gr8
Super Mario 64
Organizer: Fire Mario
All for One and One For it All
Organizer: killukbrisk
Fantasy World Golf Championship
Organizer: blockhead15
Sam’s World Domination
Organizer: samuelc812
DSL tournament
Organizer: Rumondo
Termination: Waterloo
Organizer: amazzony
A Trip Up the Nile
Organizer: TaCktiX
Unanimous – AoR I, II, & III
Organizer: max is gr8
I’m All In
Organizer: yeti_c
Boss_oss_ss’s Big Bracket Tourney
Organizer: Boss_oss_ss
A first of many
Minimalist Tourney
Organizer: Boss_oss_ss
FIFA World Cup
Organizer: RAM16
Unanimous – Egyptian Maps
Organizer: max is gr8
On the Run
Organizer: drake_259
NON Geographical Maps Tournament I
Organizer: MarVal
Who will be the first Champion of the first NON Geographical Maps Tournament!!!
If you think you're the one, then don't hesitate and join this tournament and will be famous all over CC with the brand new Award winning prize:

Status of tournament: Recruiting, still needs 13 players
Instant Crossword!
Organizer: dittoeevee8888
Hold the Fort!
Organizer: milner94

Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter!
The Legend of Tor Na’Mit
Organizer: Gozar
Third Round is getting underway after BaldAdonis was sent to limbo.
The Long Walk
Organisers: Gozar
All games before the next elimination are now running.
Eight In One Tournament Headquarters
Eight tournaments by different organizers, with the winners competing for a premium prize. Join one, or join them all, the choice is yours.
Gilligan's Bracket Tournament III
Hath has won.
lord voldemort's Double Elimination Delight
graulenst has won.
Natewolfman’s Lost in Translation Tournament
Round Four underway.
Sir. Ricco’s Mission – Survive the Longest V4.0
biscuit boy wins
Gozar’s Battle for Waterloo Tournament
The first three games of the finals are now running.
amazzony's Musical Chairs
EdwinG wins
barterer2002's Alien Invasion
EdwinG wins
jennifermarie’s The C-list
Standings update 30/04/08
DC Vs. Marvel
Organiser: drake_259
Killmanic (Batman) took victory over poptartpsycho18 (Wonder Woman) and will be advancing to the finals along with either Supposesublys or warlord06 who are still playing there game which looks like it could go either way

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.
Battle Asia from Gozar
A continuation of the 3 player ‘Battle’ tournament series, this one with an Asian theme.
Look for it: Soon
Championship Series from barterer2002
New tournaments based on a single map.

Here are some recent tournament winners.
"European Championship" -Wendt100
"Dragon Warrior" -White Moose
"You're Eliminated VIII" -GRAPE APE
"Euro 2008 Doubles" -Forza AZ and lokisgal
"Championship Series: AoR3" -BarbieB
"Band or Die 2" -Daryth, Chariots of Fire, Shatners Bassoon, jpeter15
"Star Wars" -Jonny_Morbid, negoeien, ralphcptc and conquerAce
"Battle for the Continents Tournament" -killmanic
"1v1 Singles League Season 5" -BENJIKAT IS DEAD
"Cold War Tournament" -madman7
"Championship Series: 8 Thoughts" -BaldAdonis
"Battle for Iraq!" -reccentre
"Termination Scotland" -White Moose
"Championship Series: AoM" -Jackofalltrades
"Termination: Duck and Cover" -militant
"Championship Series: AOR2" -Godd
"Amazing Race: USA" -flavanoid and eats
"The Fight Across the Continents" -Diamonds14
"2345678 League" -Gozar
"War of Extermination" -MostMackinest
"Quads Solar System" -Blitzaholic, Osujacket, Eye84free, Dividebyzero
”Battle Europe II” –Natewolfman
”2 Standard Game Victories: Seige!”- lluisferrater
”NCAA Football Tournament”- littlebrother2k7
”A Quick KO!” –AtreidesHouse
”President of ConquerClub” –lostatlimbo
”Conquerer of Conquer Club” –Chadwick31
”The Rescue of Optimus Prime” –killmanic
”Great Tourney” –ralphcptc
”Original Classic Map vs New Classic Map” –Ditocoaf
”One Shot, One Kill” –bradlyg
”Cardless Canadians” –SlayerQC

This week we sat down for an interview with max is gr8.
Next week, our interview will be with the first lady of tournaments, Luxurious. If you have any questions you can go post them in this thread. Any questions for her, you can post them in this thread.
Now, on with the interview!
Q: Hello, max is gr8.
A: HI! - *Max Waves*
Q:How did you find this website?
A:I spent far too much time on the internet when we got broadband and as I was on the internet all the time, I googled on-line risk, and hey presto, I got a good site.
Q: Why did you join CC?
A:I love risk,
Q:Why did you start to play tournaments?
A:I don't really join tournaments, unless there is a premium prize
Q:What made you want to start running tournaments?
A:In 06 a mixed doubles tournament was ran by dagreatbroomhead (this was the very first tournament (though uncompleted it was good in theory)) I tried, however it failed miserably as there was no premium and no Tournament Privileges.
Q:How long have you been organizing tournaments?
A:Since 2006, February, that's the old era (that's why google is the old one btw.). Since Feb '08 new era.
Q:What tournament did you first run?
A: - This is the first that ever actually started.
Q: Where did you come up with your tournament ideas?
A: Around and about, sports, other tournaments, you name it I could probably make a tournament around it.
Q: Who do you look to for inspiration when organizing your tournaments?
A:I don't, I just read other tournaments if it's good I may take ideas from it.
Q: Describe the experience of your first tournament ran, and first played in.
A: Complete Pain in the arse (or ass as American's named it), tournaments always go out first round so it's always sad
Q: How many tournaments have you run already, and do you have a goal in mind for how many you want to run in total before you "retire"? How many are you running right now?
A:I will run as many as I feel I can be bothered to do. And how many at the moment, 5 in sign-ups (I think) 5 Ongoing
Q:What tournaments have you organized?
A:Don't Take Too Long, 2 Standard Game Victories, Mafia Tournament With RISK, Doubles Elimination, Bloodthirst.
Q:What is your favourite tournament you have run?
A:DTTL (Don't Take Too Long)
Q: What is your favorite tournament you’ve played in? Why?
A: I don't really enter tournaments
Q:Do you prefer to run or enter tournaments?
A: Run obv. obv. (in case you didn't guess from most other questions)
Q: Is there a specific type of format that you tend to gravitate towards? Why? Is there a format that is your favourite?
A: No, I want each tournament to be fairly unique even ones in series of games are different. E.g. Don't Take Too Long Bracket Edition is completely different.
Q: Do you find it easier to choose tournament settings yourself, or to let the players customize them?
A: If I make them no-one really so I take them from the larger tournaments/most popular choices
Q: Overall, are you playing a lot in tournaments? If not, then why and where do you find your games to play?
A: No, I make my games, I'm currently in a Quad games drive (which is not very good my points have slumped FAST)
Q: How excited where you with your first CC win?
A: I don't really know, my first actual win was one that I got eliminated from and my partner won, so I wasn't that elated.
Q:Have you ever won a tournament?
A: ME, No.
Q: What is your most disappointing tournament loss to date?
A: Never got past the first round really. So no comment.
Q: In your mind, what makes a successful tournament?
A: One that is ran by me, :p or one that both the players and the organizer enjoyed it.
Q: What do you consider to be the most successful tournaments you've seen run?
A: Ones that can convince me to come out of my tournament chastity belt and into the big wide world.
Q: What is the best Tournament that you think has been underestimated?
A: Well, MODERN PENTATHLON (ran by me) I am very disappointed with only 2 players signing up. But I suppose that's because the players need to be good at all card settings and on unpopular maps (Circus Maximus)
Q:Have you ever been disappointed in a tournament you have run? What about one you entered?
A: Never, Never, Never. If I'm disappointed it was a bad tournament.
Q: What makes a successful organizer?
A: IMAGINATION. How many times do I see people frolic into the TOs arena with totally unimaginative organization, A bracket tournament is never imaginative, unless there is a big twist. Maybe instead there is a league then bracket? Who knows?
Q: How do you attract players to your tournament, and what aspect (besides a reward of a premium prize or something like that) of a tournament do you think appeals to a lot of players and why?
A: If you look at tournaments with 100 players plus they nearly all have premium prizes, only a small minority of players join on a regular basis and for them you need something simple and fun or something complex and small, not something in the middle. Because that would be full of Phail.
Q: Is there anything in particular that you dislike about tournament organizing?
A: Yes, my hands often get sore because of the constant Ctrl and C.
Q: For you, what is the best part of being a tournament organizer?
A: People enjoying it. If there is a comment in thread that people are enjoying it or a thanks at the end it makes a world of difference, I'm saddened when no-one says anything
Q: What mistakes do you see tournament organizers make the most?
A:Expecting players to check the thread
Q: With experience comes the wisdom of knowing what mistakes you've made in the past so you can avoid them in the future. What mistakes have you made in your tournaments that you are sure to avoid in future tournaments?
A:Expecting Players to read the thread
Q:What is your opinion on organizer neutrality? Should organizers be allowed to place themselves against their own clanmates in tournaments? Should organizers be allowed to join their own tournaments at all?
A:Organizers can join own tournaments but they should not generate random elements themselves maybe a TD to do that.
Q: Do you use a "schedule" for updating your tournaments, or do you just wait until they need an update?
A: Until an update is required
Q:Should “question marks” be allowed to join tournaments?
A: Depends premium new recruits yes, non-premium, I'd suggest a few more games
Q:Do you feel it is better to give a bye to players whose opponents deadbeats the tournament, or to use a reserve?
A:I give byes, a player who does not turn up is better than a player who deadbeats
Q: If you could change one thing about Conquer Club in general, what would it be?
A:I think my GameSeries Idea should be put into practice
Q: If there was something that the Conquer Club administrators could implement into the game to make tournaments easier to manage, what would it be? Similarly, is there anything you would like to see taken away from Conquer Club to make running tournaments easier?
A:See above question
Q: If you are thinking purely on balance of tournament games is there anything you would want changing?
A:The Infected Zombies will make 1v1 far fairer
Q: Is there anything that you would recommend to encourage new tournament organizers?
A:Plan a new tournament see if it has been run before look for a new idea yet to be exploited
Q: List your top 5 biggest tournament headache's to this point
A:League of Elimination, I set it up for 16 players and got 36.
Q:How much time does CC take from your day?
A:Varies, 1 Hour-5 or 6 Hours (this is my general amount of time on the PC and I pop onto the site from time to time)
Q:Are you a member of any clans or usergroups?
Q: Why did you pick the name max is gr8?
A:Because Max is Gr8. It was going to be Max the Gr8, but it sounded like I suffered from delusions of grandeur
Q:Where are you from?
A:Manchester, UK
Q:Favourite play colour?
A: RED!!
Q: Who is your favorite tournament organizer (excluding yourself)?
A: Don't have one, any TO who has helped me in any way I suppose
Q: Who is your favorite tournament director?
A: Steelhorse, Gotta love that horse
Q:Favourite and least favourite map?
A:Crossword = Favourite (although Map rank disagrees), Least = Arctic. If we go from the opinion of points it would be Battle For Iraq! being the best map (on my list of favourites = 2)
Q:Favourite settings?
A:Flat Rate, Freestyle, Terminator/Assassin, Fog varies depending on Map, Unlimited forts on all but 1v1 where I prefer Chained
Q:Freestyle or sequential?
Q: Any tournaments planned for the future? What are they?
A: If I told you I would have to kill you
, however I can tell you I intend on running a tournament that you choose which game you play. E.g. you can choose to go to a doubles 2v2 or a quadruples 4v4
Q: Thank you for your time.
A: That isn't actually a question so how am I meant to answer.

Interview with Luxurious Luxurious will answer your questions in our tournament interview series.

If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:
Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:
You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!
To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.
Editor in chief- Gozar
Recruiting Editor/Fun Facts- Gilligan
Graphics- Sir. Ricco
Contributors- People like you!

Hello, tournament fans, players and organizers.
The newsletter has a fresh new look this week thanks to the efforts of Sir. Ricco our newest team member. Like it? Hate it? We would love to hear your thoughts. Also, keep sending your submissions, and I will keep putting them in.
Thanks, and enjoy!

Seeking Staff
Fun Facts
Currently Taking Signups
Tournament Updates
Coming Soon
The Tournament Roll of Honour
Interview with max is gr8
Next Issue

Hello, ConquerClubbers!
The newsletter is looking to expand its team. Here is the position available:
News Hound Do you have a journalistic flair and an interest in writing stories about CC news and events? If so, this could be the position for you. For more information, please PM Gozar

barterer2002’s new series, Championship Series, has a separate tournament dedicated to each individual map. Look out for them, they fill fast!
Steelhorse thinks that the tournament forum is one of the all-around best forums on Conquer Club. Of course, he did tell me he was biased

Here are just some of the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.
Teams Tournaments
Strikers Cup Challenge
Organizer: RAM16
Mixed Doubles
Organizer: MrBenn
Madden 09
Organizer: sergentgforce
Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith II
Organizer: samuelc812
Championship League 2008/2009
Organizer: Forza AZ
Doodle Earth Doubles
Organizer: Boss_oss_ss
The Supreme Doubles Feudal War Tournament
Organizer: LFAW
1 versus 1 Tournaments
Bring It On
Organizers: Lufsen75 and thekidstrumpet
American 1v1 Knockout
Organizer: t-o-m
16 Bracket Showdown
Organizer: max is gr8
Ultimate All Maps 1x1 Tourney
Organizer: Army of Achilles
1vs1 King of Doodle Earth
Organizer: assassin07
History Class
Organizer: gameplayer
Don’t Take Too Long – Bracket Edition
Organizer: max is gr8
Feudal War 1v1 Round Robin
Organizer: FATHARRY
Choice of settings
Battle of Actium
Organizer: amazzony
General Tournaments
Second Chances Tournament
Organizer: conquerclubgamer
Men Vs. Women
Organizer: max is gr8
Do You Want to Build a Roller Coaster?
Organizer: Diamonds14
The World………. Versus
Organizer: Lukeplastow
Modern Pentathlon
Organizer: max is gr8
Don’t Take Too Long – League Style
Organizer: max is gr8
Super Mario 64
Organizer: Fire Mario
All for One and One For it All
Organizer: killukbrisk
Fantasy World Golf Championship
Organizer: blockhead15
Sam’s World Domination
Organizer: samuelc812
DSL tournament
Organizer: Rumondo
Termination: Waterloo
Organizer: amazzony
A Trip Up the Nile
Organizer: TaCktiX
Unanimous – AoR I, II, & III
Organizer: max is gr8
I’m All In
Organizer: yeti_c
Boss_oss_ss’s Big Bracket Tourney
Organizer: Boss_oss_ss
A first of many
Minimalist Tourney
Organizer: Boss_oss_ss
FIFA World Cup
Organizer: RAM16
Unanimous – Egyptian Maps
Organizer: max is gr8
On the Run
Organizer: drake_259
NON Geographical Maps Tournament I
Organizer: MarVal
Who will be the first Champion of the first NON Geographical Maps Tournament!!!
If you think you're the one, then don't hesitate and join this tournament and will be famous all over CC with the brand new Award winning prize:

Status of tournament: Recruiting, still needs 13 players
Instant Crossword!
Organizer: dittoeevee8888
Hold the Fort!
Organizer: milner94

Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter!
The Legend of Tor Na’Mit
Organizer: Gozar
Third Round is getting underway after BaldAdonis was sent to limbo.
The Long Walk
Organisers: Gozar
All games before the next elimination are now running.
Eight In One Tournament Headquarters
Eight tournaments by different organizers, with the winners competing for a premium prize. Join one, or join them all, the choice is yours.
Gilligan's Bracket Tournament III
Hath has won.
lord voldemort's Double Elimination Delight
graulenst has won.
Natewolfman’s Lost in Translation Tournament
Round Four underway.
Sir. Ricco’s Mission – Survive the Longest V4.0
biscuit boy wins
Gozar’s Battle for Waterloo Tournament
The first three games of the finals are now running.
amazzony's Musical Chairs
EdwinG wins
barterer2002's Alien Invasion
EdwinG wins
jennifermarie’s The C-list
Standings update 30/04/08
DC Vs. Marvel
Organiser: drake_259
Killmanic (Batman) took victory over poptartpsycho18 (Wonder Woman) and will be advancing to the finals along with either Supposesublys or warlord06 who are still playing there game which looks like it could go either way

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.
Battle Asia from Gozar
A continuation of the 3 player ‘Battle’ tournament series, this one with an Asian theme.
Look for it: Soon
Championship Series from barterer2002
New tournaments based on a single map.

Here are some recent tournament winners.
"European Championship" -Wendt100
"Dragon Warrior" -White Moose
"You're Eliminated VIII" -GRAPE APE
"Euro 2008 Doubles" -Forza AZ and lokisgal
"Championship Series: AoR3" -BarbieB
"Band or Die 2" -Daryth, Chariots of Fire, Shatners Bassoon, jpeter15
"Star Wars" -Jonny_Morbid, negoeien, ralphcptc and conquerAce
"Battle for the Continents Tournament" -killmanic
"1v1 Singles League Season 5" -BENJIKAT IS DEAD
"Cold War Tournament" -madman7
"Championship Series: 8 Thoughts" -BaldAdonis
"Battle for Iraq!" -reccentre
"Termination Scotland" -White Moose
"Championship Series: AoM" -Jackofalltrades
"Termination: Duck and Cover" -militant
"Championship Series: AOR2" -Godd
"Amazing Race: USA" -flavanoid and eats
"The Fight Across the Continents" -Diamonds14
"2345678 League" -Gozar
"War of Extermination" -MostMackinest
"Quads Solar System" -Blitzaholic, Osujacket, Eye84free, Dividebyzero
”Battle Europe II” –Natewolfman
”2 Standard Game Victories: Seige!”- lluisferrater
”NCAA Football Tournament”- littlebrother2k7
”A Quick KO!” –AtreidesHouse
”President of ConquerClub” –lostatlimbo
”Conquerer of Conquer Club” –Chadwick31
”The Rescue of Optimus Prime” –killmanic
”Great Tourney” –ralphcptc
”Original Classic Map vs New Classic Map” –Ditocoaf
”One Shot, One Kill” –bradlyg
”Cardless Canadians” –SlayerQC

This week we sat down for an interview with max is gr8.
Next week, our interview will be with the first lady of tournaments, Luxurious. If you have any questions you can go post them in this thread. Any questions for her, you can post them in this thread.
Now, on with the interview!
Q: Hello, max is gr8.
A: HI! - *Max Waves*

Q:How did you find this website?
A:I spent far too much time on the internet when we got broadband and as I was on the internet all the time, I googled on-line risk, and hey presto, I got a good site.

Q: Why did you join CC?
A:I love risk,
Q:Why did you start to play tournaments?
A:I don't really join tournaments, unless there is a premium prize
Q:What made you want to start running tournaments?
A:In 06 a mixed doubles tournament was ran by dagreatbroomhead (this was the very first tournament (though uncompleted it was good in theory)) I tried, however it failed miserably as there was no premium and no Tournament Privileges.

Q:How long have you been organizing tournaments?
A:Since 2006, February, that's the old era (that's why google is the old one btw.). Since Feb '08 new era.
Q:What tournament did you first run?
A: - This is the first that ever actually started.
Q: Where did you come up with your tournament ideas?
A: Around and about, sports, other tournaments, you name it I could probably make a tournament around it.
Q: Who do you look to for inspiration when organizing your tournaments?
A:I don't, I just read other tournaments if it's good I may take ideas from it.
Q: Describe the experience of your first tournament ran, and first played in.
A: Complete Pain in the arse (or ass as American's named it), tournaments always go out first round so it's always sad

Q: How many tournaments have you run already, and do you have a goal in mind for how many you want to run in total before you "retire"? How many are you running right now?
A:I will run as many as I feel I can be bothered to do. And how many at the moment, 5 in sign-ups (I think) 5 Ongoing
Q:What tournaments have you organized?
A:Don't Take Too Long, 2 Standard Game Victories, Mafia Tournament With RISK, Doubles Elimination, Bloodthirst.
Q:What is your favourite tournament you have run?
A:DTTL (Don't Take Too Long)
Q: What is your favorite tournament you’ve played in? Why?
A: I don't really enter tournaments
Q:Do you prefer to run or enter tournaments?
A: Run obv. obv. (in case you didn't guess from most other questions)
Q: Is there a specific type of format that you tend to gravitate towards? Why? Is there a format that is your favourite?
A: No, I want each tournament to be fairly unique even ones in series of games are different. E.g. Don't Take Too Long Bracket Edition is completely different.
Q: Do you find it easier to choose tournament settings yourself, or to let the players customize them?
A: If I make them no-one really so I take them from the larger tournaments/most popular choices
Q: Overall, are you playing a lot in tournaments? If not, then why and where do you find your games to play?
A: No, I make my games, I'm currently in a Quad games drive (which is not very good my points have slumped FAST)
Q: How excited where you with your first CC win?
A: I don't really know, my first actual win was one that I got eliminated from and my partner won, so I wasn't that elated.
Q:Have you ever won a tournament?
A: ME, No.
Q: What is your most disappointing tournament loss to date?
A: Never got past the first round really. So no comment.
Q: In your mind, what makes a successful tournament?
A: One that is ran by me, :p or one that both the players and the organizer enjoyed it.
Q: What do you consider to be the most successful tournaments you've seen run?
A: Ones that can convince me to come out of my tournament chastity belt and into the big wide world.

Q: What is the best Tournament that you think has been underestimated?
A: Well, MODERN PENTATHLON (ran by me) I am very disappointed with only 2 players signing up. But I suppose that's because the players need to be good at all card settings and on unpopular maps (Circus Maximus)
Q:Have you ever been disappointed in a tournament you have run? What about one you entered?
A: Never, Never, Never. If I'm disappointed it was a bad tournament.
Q: What makes a successful organizer?
A: IMAGINATION. How many times do I see people frolic into the TOs arena with totally unimaginative organization, A bracket tournament is never imaginative, unless there is a big twist. Maybe instead there is a league then bracket? Who knows?
Q: How do you attract players to your tournament, and what aspect (besides a reward of a premium prize or something like that) of a tournament do you think appeals to a lot of players and why?
A: If you look at tournaments with 100 players plus they nearly all have premium prizes, only a small minority of players join on a regular basis and for them you need something simple and fun or something complex and small, not something in the middle. Because that would be full of Phail.
Q: Is there anything in particular that you dislike about tournament organizing?
A: Yes, my hands often get sore because of the constant Ctrl and C.
Q: For you, what is the best part of being a tournament organizer?
A: People enjoying it. If there is a comment in thread that people are enjoying it or a thanks at the end it makes a world of difference, I'm saddened when no-one says anything

Q: What mistakes do you see tournament organizers make the most?
A:Expecting players to check the thread
Q: With experience comes the wisdom of knowing what mistakes you've made in the past so you can avoid them in the future. What mistakes have you made in your tournaments that you are sure to avoid in future tournaments?
A:Expecting Players to read the thread
Q:What is your opinion on organizer neutrality? Should organizers be allowed to place themselves against their own clanmates in tournaments? Should organizers be allowed to join their own tournaments at all?
A:Organizers can join own tournaments but they should not generate random elements themselves maybe a TD to do that.
Q: Do you use a "schedule" for updating your tournaments, or do you just wait until they need an update?
A: Until an update is required
Q:Should “question marks” be allowed to join tournaments?
A: Depends premium new recruits yes, non-premium, I'd suggest a few more games
Q:Do you feel it is better to give a bye to players whose opponents deadbeats the tournament, or to use a reserve?
A:I give byes, a player who does not turn up is better than a player who deadbeats
Q: If you could change one thing about Conquer Club in general, what would it be?
A:I think my GameSeries Idea should be put into practice
Q: If there was something that the Conquer Club administrators could implement into the game to make tournaments easier to manage, what would it be? Similarly, is there anything you would like to see taken away from Conquer Club to make running tournaments easier?
A:See above question
Q: If you are thinking purely on balance of tournament games is there anything you would want changing?
A:The Infected Zombies will make 1v1 far fairer
Q: Is there anything that you would recommend to encourage new tournament organizers?
A:Plan a new tournament see if it has been run before look for a new idea yet to be exploited
Q: List your top 5 biggest tournament headache's to this point
A:League of Elimination, I set it up for 16 players and got 36.
Q:How much time does CC take from your day?
A:Varies, 1 Hour-5 or 6 Hours (this is my general amount of time on the PC and I pop onto the site from time to time)
Q:Are you a member of any clans or usergroups?
Q: Why did you pick the name max is gr8?
A:Because Max is Gr8. It was going to be Max the Gr8, but it sounded like I suffered from delusions of grandeur
Q:Where are you from?
A:Manchester, UK
Q:Favourite play colour?
A: RED!!
Q: Who is your favorite tournament organizer (excluding yourself)?
A: Don't have one, any TO who has helped me in any way I suppose
Q: Who is your favorite tournament director?
A: Steelhorse, Gotta love that horse
Q:Favourite and least favourite map?
A:Crossword = Favourite (although Map rank disagrees), Least = Arctic. If we go from the opinion of points it would be Battle For Iraq! being the best map (on my list of favourites = 2)
Q:Favourite settings?
A:Flat Rate, Freestyle, Terminator/Assassin, Fog varies depending on Map, Unlimited forts on all but 1v1 where I prefer Chained
Q:Freestyle or sequential?
Q: Any tournaments planned for the future? What are they?
A: If I told you I would have to kill you

Q: Thank you for your time.
A: That isn't actually a question so how am I meant to answer.

Interview with Luxurious Luxurious will answer your questions in our tournament interview series.

If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:
Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:
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Recruiting Editor/Fun Facts- Gilligan
Graphics- Sir. Ricco
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