by macbone on Sun May 06, 2012 2:20 pm
Are you really a viceroy? Or are you a vice-Roy? If so, will you ever be El Roy?
What are your favorite ingredients on a sandwich? A pizza? Lasagna?
Mexican or Chinese?
What's your favorite drink?
What happened to the first 62 Viceroys?
In a game between Escalating players and No Spoils players on Flat Rate, who wins?
What's been your favorite CC game so far?
Are you still mad that I never return your phone calls?
Have you ever thought about designing a map in the Foundry? If so, what theme/battle/location would you like to develop?
Marx Brothers or Three Stooges?
What's your favorite Coen brothers film?
Who would win in a chess tournament featuring you, Victor Sullivan, Dhallmeyer, Andy Dufresne, Dukasaur, and GLG?
Sorry about those phone calls, man. I've been, uh, busy.