[Announcement] Newsletter Consolidation
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:41 pm
Newsletters on Conquer Club all started back in November of 2007 when spinwizard began the Conquer Club Tournament Newsletter. After two editions he handed over the reigns to Gozar who took the newsletter to a whole new level. In June of 2008, the Conquer Club Foundry Newsletter was founded by TaCktiX which was a great source of information for map-makers and map-lovers alike. In early 2009, The Conquer Club Newsletter was started by samuelc812 and gimil which aimed to provide an overall newsletter for all aspects of the site.
Due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding the Tournament and Foundry Newsletters, in mid 2009 both were discontinued by their authors and we were left 1 single newsletter. After the Tournament Newsletter pumped out 87 issues and the Foundry Newsletter produced 22 editions, The Conquer Club Newletter now sets out as the Official Site Newsletter with 21 issues under it's belt so far, there is sure to be many more to come.
I am here to announce the official consolidation of the Tournament and Foundry newsletters into the Conquer Club Newsletter. As a result we will be seeing some big changes to the structure of the newsletter as well as the team itself in the near future. This newsletter will be covering a lot more than you are used to seeing, and now that it is officially recognised as Conquer Club's Newsletter, we will be endeavouring to make it more enjoyable than ever before, for both readers and contributors. This is one of the best ways to contribute to a site you all love
With this newsletter consolidation, we will need to expand the News Team. There will be 4 small teams within our News Group who will be working on separate areas of the newsletter. Each group will have 1 Leader and approximately 3-4 reporters. Below is a description of each group.
If you would like to apply to join one of the teams below please fill out this simple form, and send it via PM to samuelc812. However, keep in mind that applications will be individually assessed. If you are not chosen to join the team now it does not mean you won't be in the future.
Team you are interested in joining: (Tournaments, Foundry, Clans & Freestyle)
Any Additional Comments: (one or two lines in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)
Tournament Team
Team Leader - Night Strike
Description - The Tournament Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Tournament News for each issue. For example one reporter may do Currently Taking Sign-ups, another may do some sort of Hall of Fame section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Tournament Article for that issue.
Foundry Team
Team Leader - thenobodies80
Description - The Foundry Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Foundry News for each issue. For example one reporter may do Maps in Development, another may do some sort of Map Spotlight section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Foundry Article for that issue.
Clan Team
Team Leader - jpcloet
Description - The Clan Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Clan News for each issue. For example one reporter may report on the Clan League, another may do some sort of Clan War Spotlight section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Clan Article for that issue.
Freestyle Team
Team Leader - nagerous
Description - The Freestyle Team will consist of more members than the other teams who will all work as a team to put together different little tidbits for the newsletter. For instance the interviews would fall under this category, as well as things like highlighting some Plug-Ins & Addons, Suggestions, Hot-Topics, General News as well as writing a perspective article like "A Newt's Tale" (these are just a few examples). This team will have unlimited possibilities to work with, and i'm sure this team will do great things. The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will gather the teams' contibutions for that issue.
Cheers to many happy issues of the new ConquerClub Newsletter
~samuelc812 and the News Team
Due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding the Tournament and Foundry Newsletters, in mid 2009 both were discontinued by their authors and we were left 1 single newsletter. After the Tournament Newsletter pumped out 87 issues and the Foundry Newsletter produced 22 editions, The Conquer Club Newletter now sets out as the Official Site Newsletter with 21 issues under it's belt so far, there is sure to be many more to come.
I am here to announce the official consolidation of the Tournament and Foundry newsletters into the Conquer Club Newsletter. As a result we will be seeing some big changes to the structure of the newsletter as well as the team itself in the near future. This newsletter will be covering a lot more than you are used to seeing, and now that it is officially recognised as Conquer Club's Newsletter, we will be endeavouring to make it more enjoyable than ever before, for both readers and contributors. This is one of the best ways to contribute to a site you all love
With this newsletter consolidation, we will need to expand the News Team. There will be 4 small teams within our News Group who will be working on separate areas of the newsletter. Each group will have 1 Leader and approximately 3-4 reporters. Below is a description of each group.
If you would like to apply to join one of the teams below please fill out this simple form, and send it via PM to samuelc812. However, keep in mind that applications will be individually assessed. If you are not chosen to join the team now it does not mean you won't be in the future.
Team you are interested in joining: (Tournaments, Foundry, Clans & Freestyle)
Any Additional Comments: (one or two lines in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)
Tournament Team
Team Leader - Night Strike
Description - The Tournament Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Tournament News for each issue. For example one reporter may do Currently Taking Sign-ups, another may do some sort of Hall of Fame section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Tournament Article for that issue.
Foundry Team
Team Leader - thenobodies80
Description - The Foundry Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Foundry News for each issue. For example one reporter may do Maps in Development, another may do some sort of Map Spotlight section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Foundry Article for that issue.
Clan Team
Team Leader - jpcloet
Description - The Clan Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Clan News for each issue. For example one reporter may report on the Clan League, another may do some sort of Clan War Spotlight section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Clan Article for that issue.
Freestyle Team
Team Leader - nagerous
Description - The Freestyle Team will consist of more members than the other teams who will all work as a team to put together different little tidbits for the newsletter. For instance the interviews would fall under this category, as well as things like highlighting some Plug-Ins & Addons, Suggestions, Hot-Topics, General News as well as writing a perspective article like "A Newt's Tale" (these are just a few examples). This team will have unlimited possibilities to work with, and i'm sure this team will do great things. The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will gather the teams' contibutions for that issue.
Cheers to many happy issues of the new ConquerClub Newsletter
~samuelc812 and the News Team