TOurnament Newsletter - EPIC FAIL GOZAR
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:16 am
Congratulations to Gozar for making a fine newsletter - dedicated to the tournaments!
Congratulations on wasting that entire effort by handing it over to a 14 year old kid.
So, is TeamCC ready to hand over the Tournament Newsletter to someone that has been a reported, a website designer, a copy-editor, 2 times Managing director, and an online forum reporter for 3 seperate sites? Or should we expect colton24 to do his magic / take a huge dump on this one, in honoring memory of the ever successful sailorseal?
Congratulations on wasting that entire effort by handing it over to a 14 year old kid.
Last visited: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:21 pm
So, is TeamCC ready to hand over the Tournament Newsletter to someone that has been a reported, a website designer, a copy-editor, 2 times Managing director, and an online forum reporter for 3 seperate sites? Or should we expect colton24 to do his magic / take a huge dump on this one, in honoring memory of the ever successful sailorseal?