Conquer Club

Conquer Club Dispatch Interrogation- Dukasaur

Old issues and old threads regarding various newsletter things.

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Re: Conquer Club Dispatch Interrogation- Dukasaur

Postby General Brock II on Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:37 am

What's your favourite clan?

How many maps have you made? Do you have any neat ideas that you would love to see come through the Forge? Historical ideas?

What's your favourite thing to do in the snow?

In the summer? Do you prefer heat or lack of heat?

What's your take on Evolution?

What is your favourite political ideology? Political Party in Canada? Canadian Prime Minister (throughout Canada's brief history of self-Parliamentary rule)?

How about favourite President of the United States?

Your favourite European nation?

Your least favourite nation?

What nation would you most wish to travel to? Least wish to see?

What are your top five favourite board/card games to play (offline)?

"Atlantis: Fabled. Mystical. Golden. Mysterious. Glorious and magical. There are those who claim that it never was. But then there are also those who think they are safe in this modern world of technology and weapons." ~ Kenyon
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Re: Conquer Club Dispatch Interrogation- Dukasaur

Postby Victor Sullivan on Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:04 pm

Thanks everyone! Your questions will be answered in the next edition of the Dispatch!

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