Conquer Club

[Recruiting] We're always looking for Help

Old issues and old threads regarding various newsletter things.

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[Recruiting] We're always looking for Help

Postby samuelc812 on Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:02 am

If you would like to apply to join one of the teams below please fill out this simple form, and send it to the appropriate Team Leader listed below. However, keep in mind that applications will be individually assessed. If you are not chosen to join the team now it does not mean you won't be in the future.


Team you are interested in joining: (Tournaments, Foundry, Clans & Freestyle)

Any Additional Comments: (one or two lines in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)

Tournament Team
Team Leader - Sir. Ricco
Description - The Tournament Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Tournament News for each issue. For example one reporter may do Currently Taking Sign-ups, another may do some sort of Hall of Fame section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Tournament Article for that issue.

Foundry Team
Team Leader - natty_dread
Description - The Foundry Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Foundry News for each issue. For example one reporter may do Maps in Development, another may do some sort of Map Spotlight section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Foundry Article for that issue.

Clan Team
Team Leader - laughingcavalier
Description - The Clan Team will consist of 4-5 members who will all work as a team to put together the Clan News for each issue. For example one reporter may report on the Clan League, another may do some sort of Clan War Spotlight section (these are just a few examples). The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will consolidate the teams' contributions into the Clan Article for that issue.

Freestyle Team
Team Leader - nagerous
Description - The Freestyle Team will consist of more members than the other teams who will all work as a team to put together different little tidbits for the newsletter. For instance the interviews would fall under this category, as well as things like highlighting some Plug-Ins & Addons, Suggestions, Hot-Topics, General News as well as writing a perspective article like "A Newt's Tale" (these are just a few examples). This team will have unlimited possibilities to work with, and i'm sure this team will do great things. The Team Leader will discuss with the rest of the team about what type of things they would like to include in their article. When the time comes, the Leader will gather the teams' contibutions for that issue.

Cheers to many happy issues of the new ConquerClub Dispatch :)

The News Team
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Captain samuelc812
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Re: [Recruiting] We're always looking for Help

Postby nvrijn on Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:46 pm

Username: NvRijn

Team you are interested in joining: (Tournaments, Foundry, Clans & Freestyle): Foundry, Freestyle

Any Additional Comments: (one or two lines in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)

I spend enough time on the site that I'd like to give something back. I write well. The topics are interesting to me.
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Major nvrijn
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:06 am

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