Hello tournament players and fans.
The graphics competition is still running
For details see here
We are also still seeking a new News Hound to join the pack! To apply PM sailorseal
Thanks, and enjoy!

The Tournament Ideas thread hasn't had a post in over two months

Our current poll is still running, vote and discuss here

Unfortunately our News Hound was busy this week, stay tuned next edition for the return of our hound
If you would like to write this section PM sailorseal

If you would like to see your tournament included here, please PM colton24 or visit this thread.
Tournament name: From Serf to Emperor
Organizer: jakewilliams
Start on Castle Lands to become king, continue on Feudal War to become Emperor
Needs players and reserves

Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter, and PM it to colton24 or post it in this thread.
Tournament Name: Isle Cruise using a 7x7 windmill setup
Organiser Name: PaulusH
Last group to start last Isle soon.
Planned end date: 5 October
Tournament Name: K3-Factor using a 6x6 windmill setup
Organiser Name: PaulusH
The real K3-search started 22 September Here we just do the second song.
Planned end date: 5 Februari
Tournament Name: Bring Your Own Recipe (BYOR) Dinner Date using a 5x5 windmill setup
Organiser Name: PaulusH
All people continue eating and (or) drinking and have a lot of fun
Planned end date: 29 October
Tournament Name: Double Iron Bar using a 3x3 windmill setup
Organiser Name: PaulusH
We nearly run out of steak
Planned end date: 15 September
(1) status of tournament: ongoing
(2) tournament name: United Nations Tournament
(3) organiser: Scania N113, co-organiser: colton24
(4) brief description: A tournament which is based on real geography.
(5) planned finishing date: 1/1/2010 (D/M/Y)
(1) status of tournament: ongoing
(2) tournament name: World Cities Tournament
(http://http://www.conquerclub.com/forum ... 91&t=93893)
(3) organiser: Scania N113
(4) brief description: Another tournament which is also based on real geography.
(5) planned finishing date: 6/1/2010

Each issue there will be a question posted here, the first person to get the posted question correct will have their name displayed with GLORY in the next issue.
To submit an answer PM sailorseal
Last Week's WINNER: Cograts to Gilligan!
Last Week's Answer:
"How many sub-forums does the Tournaments forum have?"

Tournaments that organizers are planning on running.
- Alliance of the Ancient Tribes - Mixed Rank Triples -

Galactic Alliance - Mixed Rank Triples -

Terminator of The Ancients - Relentless -

Roll of Honor is changing direction instead of randomly naming off all the winners we will spotlight a well fought victory.
If you or someone you know has won a important Tournament victory PM the winners name to sailorseal with a short description of why it deserves to be spotlighted.

This week I will answer all the questions and concerned posed by the readers. All questions were submitted by readers of the newsletter.
1. It's hard to take over something and keep it running well but how long does it take to get following topics back on track and full of info: Roll of Honour, News Hound and Currently taking signups?
2. How much effort are you putting into checking the spelling and other small details before posting the newsletter?
1. Roll of Honour is changing direction and will soon be holding information again. It has the same problem with News Hound, no one is participating. I have no one to write the News Hound, no one is submitting anything for Roll of Honour, if you submit it, I will run it.
Nothing has changed for Currently Taking Signups
2. I put in all the effort it takes to make the Newsletter spotless, last issue I had to sneak away from a party to post the Newsletter but unfortunately was caught and missed a detail or two.
Q: Can you mention anybody (except yourself) that has concerns about the future of this newsletter

A: Kotaro
Q: Most of us understand that getting a newsletter at the high level of Gozar will be difficult. Which part(s) are the biggest concern for you

A: News Hound solely for the reason that no one wants to write the section
Q: How many people congratulated you with your role of new newsletter editor

A: Many wrote things to me for my first issue, not so many wrote things to me for the new job but I thank those that did

Q: What is the role of samuelc812 with respect to the tournament newsletter

A: He is our Graphics Designer
Q: Are you going to attempt to fill Gozar's shoes or are you going to try and stamp the newsletter with your own flavor? and if you are going to stamp it with your own unique style, what should we expect that to resemble?
A: I am going to try and blend the two, the style I am trying to resemble more is to have a Newsletter where there are more areas for regular readers to contribute

The results of our current poll

If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM colton24 using this form or visit this thread!:
Status of tournament
Tournament Name(with link please)
Organiser: [Your name with 'player' tag]
Brief Description
(If recruiting) Approx. number of players needed
(If Ongoing) Approx. number of games remaining/percentage complete
You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!
To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.
Editor in chief- sailorseal
Graphics- Sir. Ricco/samuelc812
News Hound-JoshyBoy
Ask the Nutts- David Hoekstra
Fact of the Week-tlane
Currently Taking Signups-colton24
Contributors- People like you!