who set this up? i want in 

Conquer Club, a free online multiplayer variation of a popular world domination board game.
AK_iceman wrote:What are you guys talking about?
steve monkey wrote:will we one day have super super ultra double secret elite games?
AAFitz wrote:i must admit johnny, with the number of single games you play and the number of elite players you do play, your rank is impressive...
who are the comittee members ?
Pedronicus wrote:JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:ok
who are the comittee members ?
Blitzaholic, me & Robinette. JR - you are in the pending group. We will contact you shortly
dugcarr1 wrote:i got 2400 points am i a canddate?
AAFitz wrote:i must admit johnny, with the number of single games you play and the number of elite players you do play, your rank is impressive...
Scott-Land wrote:i havnt heard anything after playing those 3 games KWolff setup.