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Scion of Glory vs. Guerillas in the Mist WORLD WAR!!!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:40 pm
by Red Army
Recently the Guerillas of the Mist have declared war on my clan, the Scion of Glory. In the name of my clan, I accept your challenge.

At least 15 of our members will go against each other in 6 triples and 6 doubles games. The clash of arms will echo through Canada, The United States, Brazil, Europe, The British Isles, Ireland, Germany, Africa, The Middle East, Asia, The Phillipines, and SE Asia. As in their declaration the Guerillas of the Mist failed to state their preferences for settings, we took the liberty to choose them ourselves. All games will be with escalating cards and unlimited fortification. A win under any circumstances earns the team's clan one point. When the dust settles, the clan with more points wins. In the case of a 6-6 tie, each side will select 3 champions to play on the classic map to settle the conflict.

Motts, I need you to give either myself or "Riyanna" temporary access to your usergroup so we can post the passwords. This will be much easier than PMing them to 15+ people. If you want we can choose a 3rd party unaffiliated player to do this.

Each clan may enter as many members as possible (30 is the number of slots available for each team), but can use the same member up to two times (therefore a minimum of 15 players are required). This does not apply to the tiebreaker if it needs to happen.

66851 Asia
66853 Europe
66855 Canada
66856 Brazil
66858 Africa
66861 Phillipines

66869 Germany
66871 Ireland
66872 British Isles
66874 Indochina
66875 United States
66876 Middle East

Good luck to both sides. Start mobilizing!

Re: Scion of Glory vs. Guerillas in the Mist WORLD WAR!!!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:43 pm
by AK_iceman
Red Army wrote:Motts, I need you to give either myself or "Riyanna" temporary access to your usergroup so we can post the passwords. This will be much easier than PMing them to 15+ people. If you want we can choose a 3rd party unaffiliated player to do this.

You should just pm Motts with the games and passwords, then he can post them in his usergroup. :D

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:50 pm
by Red Army
That will work too... Gosh I feel stupid *goes to ritualistically beat head on wall*

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:11 pm
by Bogusbet
Red Army wrote:That will work too... Gosh I feel stupid *goes to ritualistically beat head on wall*


Joke, nice set up.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:32 am
by Master Chief
hey, I just wanted to let you know that the clan "Guerillas in the Mist" is no longer. Motts has stepped down and given me leadership. I have made a new "clan" called "The Bounty Hunters". This new "clan" is not made for making clan wars, like my predecessor's, but instead the aim is to play fair, play often, and have fun. I would still accept these games if you wanted to still challenge us but not under the same pretenses. They would be friendly games, not all out war. Let me know if you are still interested.