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[Deadpool] A new private civil discussion forum

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New forum minus militant atheists, conspiracy theorists, forum rules violaters?

Poll ended at Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:28 pm

Total votes : 112

[Deadpool] A new private civil discussion forum

Postby protectedbygold on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:28 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I've grown tired of the sarcastic puns directed at people of faith here at Conquer Club. There's also a host of ridiculous charges about how all these conspiracy theories are true and we're all dumb shits for having our blinders on and not waking up to being controlled by secret societies or such. Finally, there's a whole group of people who seem determined to break the forum rules and challenge lackattack and the mods every time they make a decision. "Free so-and-so" or "mods are fascists and suppress free speech".

I've had enough of it myself so I've proposed to the administration here to start a new private forum where the serious minded people can discuss things with people they don't agree with - but sanely.

So if you've gotten tired of the conspiracy theory nonsense, the endless crying about someone being banned for breaking forum rules, or militant atheist hatred insulting peoples' faiths then please post here in support of a new forum where these people can't disrupt civil discussion.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby trapyoung on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:32 pm

amen. wwjd, obviously create a new forum.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby DangerBoy on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:32 pm

Yes! Absolutely this is a great idea. It's one thing to disagree and another thing to mock someone's faith. I would also support this idea and hope the mods would make it happen.

Thanks for starting this idea, gold. :D
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:33 pm

So, what would be the criteria for joining?

Looks like it would just be a giant usergroup with the same problems that are in the current ones.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby owenshooter on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:34 pm

is that now 5 or 6 private forums? i have lost count. at least you are taking what you view as an out of control situation, and dealing with it in the fastest and easiest way. i hope you find happiness in the private forum world... good luck!!-0
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby dividedbyzero on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:37 pm

This should probably be in suggestions forum, not callouts...

But since you're already here:

You can form your own clan - but several religious based clans exist with their own forums here. I'm not sure what would make this different as the same folks are here and might try to cause the same problems. (I only assume they are problems because I have no knowledge of it.)

There are also these free forums where you can be your gatekeeper:

Good luck.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby steelerfan24 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:45 pm

I don't think that he is getting together a new religious clan. Sounds more like a clan (or off-site forum) dedicated to good, clean debating. Kind of a place where different viewpoints can be discussed civilly, and perhaps following actual debate rules, and the ad hominem and name calling and swearing are left at the doorstep. Sounds good to me!
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby muy_thaiguy on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:31 pm

I like the idea. Mainly because those that would come into a thread with a "sarcastic" remark or any other of the examples PBG listed would be kept out of the debates.
"Eh, whatever."

What, you expected something deep or flashy?
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby CrazyAnglican on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:35 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:So, what would be the criteria for joining?

Looks like it would just be a giant usergroup with the same problems that are in the current ones.

My suggestions:

1) Agreeing to debate without the use of fallacies (ie ad hominen, omniscience, etc.) and withdrawing comments that are shown to be fallacious.

2) Agreeing to debate without the use of propaganda (card stacking [refusal to mention or acknowledge the positive points of your opposition's stance], innuendo [attaching negative terms to your opponent's statements or points to make them appear weak without showing a logical basis for your opinion], etc.)

Basically letting your ideas stand for themselves without resorting to faulty reasoning or advertising slogans.

trapyoung wrote:amen. wwjd, obviously create a new forum.

I think you're assuming that PBG is Christian. He isn't.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Smokingdude420 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:44 pm

:lol: well honestly i don't know who you are referring to and I've seen most of the posts with religious debates and i don't see anything wrong with the way people talk in them besides a few bad ones
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby xerro on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:05 pm

i think its a good idea. :) =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby CrazyAnglican on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:19 pm

Smokingdude420 wrote::lol: well honestly i don't know who you are referring to and I've seen most of the posts with religious debates and i don't see anything wrong with the way people talk in them besides a few bad ones

I think you may have misunderstood me. I have nobody in mind to exclude. Plenty of people who resort to fallacy when in a pinch (or when they are bored) also show that they are capable of having a clear discussion and an interest in what others have to say. Unfortunately, in the CB, it always seems somebody is in a pinch or bored, and it becomes a bit like having a quiet discussion in a bar full of drunks.

Basically it comes down to a few people who are willing to put scorn and mocekery aside and engage each other civilly according to the rules of rhetoric and debate. What do you say? Are you up for it? I'm in.

xerro wrote:i think its a good idea. :) =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Sounds good, I'll see you there. :D
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Smokingdude420 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:23 pm

i see what your saying but i just don't see how it would work i think it would just be more work to add to the list for the mods
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby CrazyAnglican on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:29 pm

It's just a clan, how much more work can it be? We have two martial arts clans in the works right now.

What's wrong with enforcing the rules and letting people get their ideas across without belittling or making fun of them? It'll be fun. So, are you in?

Pretty good so far PBG:

1) muay_thai guy
2) Steelersfan 24
3) CrazyAnglican
4) Xerro
5) Danger boy
6) Smokingdude 420

:D 6 out of 9 and the thread is only two hours old. :shock:
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Smokingdude420 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:35 pm

i dont know i guess i better start preparing myself because i know im going to be a target :lol:
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby CrazyAnglican on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:40 pm

That's the beauty of it. Everybody's a target but we all:
1) know what the rules are
2) play by the rules
3) get to really put ideas up for examination without the confusion of fallacies, propaganda,

So, was that an I'm in? It sounded like it. ;)
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Smokingdude420 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:45 pm

sure im in
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Gregrios on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:12 pm

Great idea PBG! =D>

I'm definitely game. :D
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby jbrettlip on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:16 pm

CrazyAnglican wrote:It's just a clan, how much more work can it be? We have two martial arts clans in the works right now.

What's wrong with enforcing the rules and letting people get their ideas across without belittling or making fun of them? It'll be fun. So, are you in?

Pretty good so far PBG:

1) muay_thai guy
2) Steelersfan 24
3) CrazyAnglican
4) Xerro
5) Danger boy
6) Smokingdude 420

:D 6 out of 9 and the thread is only two hours old. :shock:

Correction: One of the martial arts clan (Pirate Ninjas) is already formed. The other is simply a poor rip off of Pinja clan.

So basically this will be a forum, where you can't flame outside of flame wars? That is already a rule.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby jbrettlip on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:17 pm

owenshooter wrote:is that now 5 or 6 private forums? i have lost count. at least you are taking what you view as an out of control situation, and dealing with it in the fastest and easiest way. i hope you find happiness in the private forum world... good luck!!-0

Says the guy with "piss Christ" avatar. Really nice, buddy
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby luns101 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:23 pm

I would love to be a part of this if it gets off the ground. Personally, I would hope that Got Tonkaed & Nobunaga would be a part of it as well. Great idea!!
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Grooveman2007 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:28 pm

I'm in
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby protectedbygold on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:33 pm

steelerfan24 wrote:I don't think that he is getting together a new religious clan. Sounds more like a clan (or off-site forum) dedicated to good, clean debating. Kind of a place where different viewpoints can be discussed civilly, and perhaps following actual debate rules, and the ad hominem and name calling and swearing are left at the doorstep. Sounds good to me!

You articulated my thoughts probably the best of anyone so far. You will find that I am pretty skeptical about religion in general. However, I don't harbor any hostility towards those that do. People can agree to disagree and present their points without calling people stupid.

The other point I was hoping to make was that when we stop the name calling we can actually focus on solutions through discussion. I personally would like to learn more about why gasoline prices are the way they are. I'm sure there are people here who can explain it all in terms that are understandable. What I can't stand is when people start blaming a certain political figure for our problems. Let's see if we can't discuss and define real problems with some real solutions.

We may not, but I think the effort is worth it as we're bound to learn something in the process by actually listening to each other.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby Ray Rider on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:40 pm

Sounds great! I'm in, although I might not be very active.
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Re: A new private civil discussion forum

Postby CrazyAnglican on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:15 pm

Pretty good so far PBG:

1) muay_thai guy
2) Steelersfan 24
3) CrazyAnglican
4) Xerro
5) Danger boy
6) Smokingdude 420
7) grooveman 2007
8 ) Gregrios
9) luns 101
10) Rayrider

:D 10 and a leader and the thread is only four hours old. :shock:
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