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Can you defeat The Untouchables

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Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:22 am

Since its formation The Untouchables have won 2 clan wars against The Regulators and recently we dispatched The Legion. Marval's gang of merry men are trailing 16 - 9....

So here, we stand 3 - 0 and undefeateddddd. Who can knock this mighty clan from its merry perch??! If you feel your clan is up for the Challenge then please post here. We will only be accepting Challenge's from clans that we feel are good enough to give us a fun and challenging fight.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby owenshooter on Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:12 am

hulmey wrote:Since its formation The Untouchables have won 2 clan wars against The Regulators and recently we dispatched The Legion. Marval's gang of merry men are trailing 16 - 9....

So here, we stand 3 - 0 and undefeateddddd. Who can knock this mighty clan from its merry perch??! If you feel your clan is up for the Challenge then please post here. We will only be accepting Challenge's from clans that we feel are good enough to give us a fun and challenging fight.

please, don't even glance our way... i would faint from your greatness... you are truly the best.-0
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:37 am

owenshooter wrote:
hulmey wrote:Since its formation The Untouchables have won 2 clan wars against The Regulators and recently we dispatched The Legion. Marval's gang of merry men are trailing 16 - 9....

So here, we stand 3 - 0 and undefeateddddd. Who can knock this mighty clan from its merry perch??! If you feel your clan is up for the Challenge then please post here. We will only be accepting Challenge's from clans that we feel are good enough to give us a fun and challenging fight.

please, don't even glance our way... i would faint from your greatness... we are truly the best.-0

Im looking abit higher up the food chain ;)
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Dancing Mustard on Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:40 am

I would totally whup you, even if I had my eyes closed and gave you a one minute head-start.

Come on, we'll get in the ring, you, me, Terry Tibbs, the whole gang; we'll tie one hand behind your back, you have the first ten shots free, then we all have a cuppa tea and move on to the velodrome.

How does that sound? Eh?
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby owenshooter on Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:20 am

hulmey wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
hulmey wrote:Since its formation The Untouchables have won 2 clan wars against The Regulators and recently we dispatched The Legion. Marval's gang of merry men are trailing 16 - 9....

So here, we stand 3 - 0 and undefeateddddd. Who can knock this mighty clan from its merry perch??! If you feel your clan is up for the Challenge then please post here. We will only be accepting Challenge's from clans that we feel are good enough to give us a fun and challenging fight.

please, don't even glance our way... i would faint from your greatness... we are truly the best.-0

Im upchuck on the food chain ;) the bandits would chew me up and poo me out, in little hot, steaming, funky chunks.

see, you aren't the only one that can play with quotes.. and, i begged you not to even GLANCE at us... we are not worthy... it is a simple fact. we have come to terms with it. i am simply watching this thread, waiting for the epic battle, sure to come.-0
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Joodoo on Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:56 am

Then your clan shouldn't be called the "Untouchables", it should be called the "Undefeatables"
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:30 am

Joodoo wrote:Then your clan shouldn't be called the "Untouchables", it should be called the "Undefeatables"

Or the untouched
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby trapyoung on Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:06 am

untouched? i thought you were catholic. should probably stick with undefeatables.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:43 am

trapyoung wrote:untouched? i thought you were catholic. should probably stick with undefeatables.

im a muslim actually and we like touching very much
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby cena-rules on Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:55 am

Now lets not go off topic



apart from the under18s if they still exist. I dont wanna be done for child abuse


COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby General Mojo on Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:27 pm

I heard there's a newly-formed pirate ninja clan lurking out there.....
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Frop on Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:33 pm

I see you're enjoying your holiday in Malta.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby cena-rules on Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:40 pm

Frop wrote:I see you're enjoying your holiday in Malta.


hulmeys from malta
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Strider24 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:31 pm

Hulmey when you get to a 7-0 record then give us a call lol :D Well 6-0 if you are not counting Under 18's

Are you actually looking for anything in particular? It looks like the next Clan to challenge better have some skill and maybe some balls to go with.

Glad to see you are in a shape Humzy (can't remember the last time I called you that)
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby cena-rules on Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:40 pm

Strider24 wrote:Hulmey when you get to a 7-0 record then give us a call lol :D Well 6-0 if you are not counting Under 18's

Are you actually looking for anything in particular? It looks like the next Clan to challenge better have some skill and maybe some balls to go with.

Glad to see you are in a shape Humzy (can't remember the last time I called you that)

how about we face you lot know?
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Joodoo on Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:14 pm

yeah, the 18 and Under Clan exists but we're pretty much inactive...
I'm looking to join a more competitive clan while still staying at 18 and Under Clan.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Haywood Jablomie on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:35 am

TUC ruls...and I am a born again Pagan...TUC does not descriminate
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Haywood Jablomie on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:37 am

If you want TUC

If you want points...don't play TUC
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Kemmler on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:58 am


we pwn all
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Strider24 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:40 pm

cena-rules wrote:
Strider24 wrote:Hulmey when you get to a 7-0 record then give us a call lol :D Well 6-0 if you are not counting Under 18's

Are you actually looking for anything in particular? It looks like the next Clan to challenge better have some skill and maybe some balls to go with.

Glad to see you are in a shape Humzy (can't remember the last time I called you that)

how about we face you lot know?

Well ask Hulmey I do believe he knows something to do with that subject. Not sure if you do though.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:02 am

I will still totally whup you, even with my eyes closed and giving you a one minute head-start.

Come on, we'll get in the ring, you, me, Terry Tibbs, the whole gang; we'll tie one hand behind your back, you have the first ten shots free, then we all have a cuppa tea and move on to the velodrome. We can even go down Bournemouth Pier and I'll buy a whole punnet O'chips to flick into your granny's mouth. It's a beautiful vehicle, I can tell you that.

How does that sound? Eh?[/quote]
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby hulmey on Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:05 am

Dancing Mustard wrote:I will still totally whup you, even with my eyes closed and giving you a one minute head-start.

Come on, we'll get in the ring, you, me, Terry Tibbs, the whole gang; we'll tie one hand behind your back, you have the first ten shots free, then we all have a cuppa tea and move on to the velodrome. We can even go down Bournemouth Pier and I'll buy a whole punnet O'chips to flick into your granny's mouth. It's a beautiful vehicle, I can tell you that.

How does that sound? Eh?

im sure your right chump
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:39 am

You taking it? It's a beautiful machine, took me all around Madagascar.

How about £2500? Whaddya say? We doing business here?
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby cena-rules on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:58 pm

No clans with the balls I see.

Thought as much
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Re: Can you defeat The Untouchables

Postby trapyoung on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:59 pm

drs has challenged you all numerous times but instead of taking us on most of you foe listed us. i did play hulmey in a couple 1v1's, i forget who won those... i'm sure hulmey remembers.
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