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The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:36 am
by El Capitan X
'Look, if you had one shot. Or one opportunity.
To seize everything you ever wanted. One moment.
Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?'

The time is now. The Dynahackers are in town and are ready to dominate CC and the rest of the internet gaming world. So who are we and who are we looking for? The Dynahackers are a mature, fun-loving clan who stop at nothing to win. We love dominating CC games and the CC forums; but truth be told, we extend our legacy into other sites as well. We're always looking for new online-multiplayer-games to play, or possibly other forums to invade. Our private forums here on CC are overflowing with lively discussions about anything and everything, and we're always looking for more select members to contribute to those discussions. If you want to join the legacy and save yourself the embarrassment of being pummeled by us in the future, then the time is now.

We're not overly picky, but there are some things that we want out of you. In general, a nice, fun character; with a fickle of sarcasm and wit will go a long way. You must be mature, be active within the clan (clan wars, clan games, forum discussions), and you must devote yourself to this clan. That's right, this is a one competitive clan rule, meaning we kindly ask that you drop any competitive clans if you wish to join. Discussion groups and non-competitive clans are fine.

But why join the Dynahackers as opposed to any other competitive clan? We intend on sticking together no matter what we're doing. As we climb the scoreboard, we urge you to hop on for the ride. Let the Dynahackers show you the brighter side of CC, and the rest of the internet gaming world. We'll always have your back, no matter what kind of shit you get yourself into. Not to mention, you'll reserve your spot on the official Dynahacker sig (To be released soon). So sign up in this thread or shoot me a PM and we'll talk business. But hurry, if you sign up within the next 24 hours you'll also receive 3 lbs. of Garden-fresh Marijuana absolutely FREE!

Viva La Revolution.

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:17 pm
by FusionHalo
Yes join us ^^

I promise we don't bite :D

Cept' maybe our clanmate Lax... he has a fetish with the thing :twisted:

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:47 pm
We're pretty legit. Too legit to quit, actually.

That's all you need to know.

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:54 am
by El Capitan X
Apologies to all, as we forgot to mention we are currently ranked #1 in the 'Sexiest Clan of CC' department, overtaking the long-time reigning champs, the Bullet-Proof Bandits.

Time Magazine wrote:Amazing. Sexiness in its purest form!

The New York Times wrote:The sexiest thing since Furby!

Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote:If I was as sexy as them, I'd be really sexy.

David Beckham wrote:Not fair matey hos! Pass the tea and crumpets!

Howie Mandel wrote:Deal? Or noooooooooooooo deal?


Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:17 am
by FusionHalo
And our motto is:

"We like it Kinky"

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:17 pm
by El Capitan X
All you BpB rejects, come to the REAL #1 Sexiest Clan.

BTW, the pot offer still stands. Fucking addicts.

Face the Dynahackers:

PW for both: Dhack


PW: whatzz (I think)


Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:01 am
by nagerous
So you're saying you're accepting BPB cast-offs and that will be your main player base essentially. :lol:

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:07 am
by daydream
nagerous wrote:So you're saying you're accepting BPB cast-offs and that will be your main player base essentially. :lol:

what he said. aaaaaand... you have the audacity to claim to be more sexy than the us then? how the hell does that make any sense?

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:13 am
by El Capitan X
nagerous wrote:So you're saying you're accepting BPB cast-offs and that will be your main player base essentially. :lol:
LOLZOR!!!11!1!!! What a funny guy.

We already have 19 members sunshine. So... I'm essentially not saying that. Good try though. (Insert smiley here)

daydream wrote:what he said. aaaaaand... you have the audacity to claim to be more sexy than the us then? how the hell does that make any sense?
Why, yes. Why yes I do. Does that damage your fragile e-image?

If you read what I wrote again, and maybe go for context... I'm sure you can figure it out honeybuns. As for what you wrote... well, its lost on me.

'Til next time,

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:07 pm
by fwblb
El Capitan X wrote:Apologies to all, as we forgot to mention we are currently ranked #1 in the 'Sexiest Clan of CC' department, overtaking the long-time reigning champs, the Bullet-Proof Bandits.


no doubt, The Dynahackers are one sexy clan...but sweet cheeks, you got nothing on us. ;)

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:10 pm
by El Capitan X
fwblb wrote:no doubt, The Dynahackers are one sexy clan...but sweet cheeks, you got nothing on us. ;)
Arnold Schwarzenegger begs to differ.

Dare to disagree?


Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:11 pm
by Anarkistsdream
If you do disagree, he'll be back...

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:12 pm
by daydream
Anarkistsdream wrote:If you do disagree, he'll be back...

oh god no, not again :S

Re: The Dynahackers Invite You to Join the Revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:49 pm
by fwblb
El Capitan X wrote:
fwblb wrote:no doubt, The Dynahackers are one sexy clan...but sweet cheeks, you got nothing on us. ;)
Arnold Schwarzenegger begs to differ.

Dare to disagree?


how old is ahhnold in dat picture? like 24?
i do beg to differ.