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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:44 pm
by UnderSeage
To all clans out there I am looking for an clan to join. I Am a very respected player although my rank isnt as high as i want it to be yet. Ive played over 900 games and I have loved every minute of it. If I am your type of player hit me up!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:48 pm
by soundout9
I'll take you. right now we need members. and ill help you boost your score cause i'm kinda like you. my score has fallen 300 points cause idk stupid dice mainly. and losing to a private really hurt....lost 30-50 some points there

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:50 pm
by Caleb the Cruel
I'll just copy and paste this from the other thread...

My suggestions...

The Jesus Freaks(JFC)
We are proud players of CC and proud to follow Christ! Due to the fact we are an official clan, we have our own forum here at CC where only members of the clan are able to read and post. This is beneficial as it allows us to talk about our faith without atheists and other critics hijacking our discussions. We also play games with one another, form clan tournaments, assemble teams to play in public tournys, and challenge other clans(official & unofficial) to Clan Wars! We also have a sweet sig with 4 different color combos. The only requirement to join is that you are a Christian, if you're interested in joining simply send me a pm and I'll add you to our memberlist.

The Region of Risk Fans(RORF)
We are a group who "Plays Because We Have Love For The Game" and that is the only thing we are based upon. Although the clan has seen more active days, we are still more actie than many of the others. We take part in Clan Wars and discuss things umongst ourselves in our own private forum as we are also an official clan. So if you're looking for a clan of people who simply are committed to RISK, not sports, religion, or spamming, then this is the clan for you. To join, you must have completed 1 of the following:
25 Completed Games or
100 posts or
Been A Member of CC For At Least 2 Months
Those requiremtns were put in place to just make sure that new members are truly RISK fans and aren't going to simply abandon the site. If interested in joining, simply pm myself.

Gladiators of Sport(GOS)
This clan has just been reactivated and is also official, meaning we have our own forum here at CC. We are currently in the middle of the Reactivation Process but will be based on sports and RISK(which I believe is a sport). So if you enjoy sports, then you should join. We are currently discussing membership requirements, so simply pm me if you'd like to join.

I would deffinately discourage you from joining any un-official clan. These clans include, but are not limited to as many more have recently popped up...
The Pikachu Clan
Legion of the Damned
most other "clans" :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:54 pm
by hendy
Your not strong enough to join Elmos war leigon, but get up to a seargent first colas and your in :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:57 pm
by soundout9
I would deffinately discourage you from joining any un-official clan. These clans include, but are not limited to as many more have recently popped up...
The Pikachu Clan
Legion of the Damned
most other "clans"

Why now that they CAN and ARE becoming official?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:53 pm
by UnderSeage
great thank you everyone i think im gonna level up then start the search at that time

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:58 pm
by duday53
soundout9 wrote:
I would deffinately discourage you from joining any un-official clan. These clans include, but are not limited to as many more have recently popped up...
The Pikachu Clan
Legion of the Damned
most other "clans"

Why now that they CAN and ARE becoming official?

wtf? Spamalot will be a great clan

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:02 pm
by misterman10
Caleb is just a little child who only posted the clans that he is a mod in. Anyways, Spamalot and The Pikachu Clan are both fine clans, because they will soon be official. Its understandable that Caleb doesnt keep up with things or is just so ignorant that he hasnt realized that CC is accepting new clans :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:08 am
by lamoon
Caleb the Cruel wrote:I'll just copy and paste this from the other thread...

My suggestions...

The Region of Risk Fans(RORF)
We are a group who "Plays Because We Have Love For The Game" and that is the only thing we are based upon. Although the clan has seen more active days, we are still more actie than many of the others. We take part in Clan Wars and discuss things umongst ourselves in our own private forum as we are also an official clan. So if you're looking for a clan of people who simply are committed to RISK, not sports, religion, or spamming, then this is the clan for you. To join, you must have completed 1 of the following:
25 Completed Games or
100 posts or
Been A Member of CC For At Least 2 Months
Those requiremtns were put in place to just make sure that new members are truly RISK fans and aren't going to simply abandon the site. If interested in joining, simply pm myself.

I can't say for caleb's other clans, but my experience in rorf was quite unpleasant.

I joined 2 months ago, and for a while I just read the posts getting to know who was who. Eventually I did start to post to try and liven things up a bit. I mean, there were 1 or 2 posts a day and only 1 thread active. I happened to mention this and was immediately attacked by several members led by a particular vicious cat. In the end I had to leave when people started making fun of my name and calling me a stupid noob.

I have to say Caleb himself was not involved and tried to stop it, so his other clans maybe ok. But anyone looking for a friendly clan should not consider these people.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:19 am
by Iliad
Caleb the Cruel wrote:I'll just copy and paste this from the other thread...

My suggestions...

The Jesus Freaks(JFC)
We are proud players of CC and proud to follow Christ! Due to the fact we are an official clan, we have our own forum here at CC where only members of the clan are able to read and post. This is beneficial as it allows us to talk about our faith without atheists and other critics hijacking our discussions. We also play games with one another, form clan tournaments, assemble teams to play in public tournys, and challenge other clans(official & unofficial) to Clan Wars! We also have a sweet sig with 4 different color combos. The only requirement to join is that you are a Christian, if you're interested in joining simply send me a pm and I'll add you to our memberlist.

The Region of Risk Fans(RORF)
We are a group who "Plays Because We Have Love For The Game" and that is the only thing we are based upon. Although the clan has seen more active days, we are still more actie than many of the others. We take part in Clan Wars and discuss things umongst ourselves in our own private forum as we are also an official clan. So if you're looking for a clan of people who simply are committed to RISK, not sports, religion, or spamming, then this is the clan for you. To join, you must have completed 1 of the following:
25 Completed Games or
100 posts or
Been A Member of CC For At Least 2 Months
Those requiremtns were put in place to just make sure that new members are truly RISK fans and aren't going to simply abandon the site. If interested in joining, simply pm myself.

Gladiators of Sport(GOS)
This clan has just been reactivated and is also official, meaning we have our own forum here at CC. We are currently in the middle of the Reactivation Process but will be based on sports and RISK(which I believe is a sport). So if you enjoy sports, then you should join. We are currently discussing membership requirements, so simply pm me if you'd like to join.

I would deffinately discourage you from joining any un-official clan. These clans include, but are not limited to as many more have recently popped up...
The Pikachu Clan
Legion of the Damned
most other "clans" :lol:

recently? And baised much?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:52 am
by hulmey
Knights of Empire.........

Need i say more 8)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:49 am
by Strider24
Nice sig hulmey and sorry but ahat do you mean by un-official. Becasue LoD is official but were are awaiting a reply for becoming a usergroup.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:47 pm
by yorkiepeter
Strider24 wrote:Nice sig hulmey and sorry but ahat do you mean by un-official. Becasue LoD is official but were are awaiting a reply for becoming a usergroup.

same as the pikachu clan, transformers, next gen gamers, cena's mythological whatever, firth's firth clan, riggable's clan ,,,, and a whole host of others.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:52 pm
by yorkiepeter
hulmey wrote:Knights of Empire.........

Need i say more 8)

Yes, we are one of the few clans I believe who are not accepting new members other than by personal recommendation. We have high standards and a strict 1 clan rule....and yet we turn away dozens of wannabe koe members, who are keen to give up all other clans just to join us.

Now what does that say about us?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:01 pm
by muy_thaiguy
That some of you need to be taken off of your high horses?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:02 pm
by khazalid
it says you strive to emulate ; )

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:03 pm
by Strider24
Underseage i see you are in LoD now?

Let's get you a sig!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:04 pm
by hulmey
That was quite funny muy 8)

Your the only guy i ever liked from the pikcahu mob LOL

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:08 pm
by muy_thaiguy
hulmey wrote:That was quite funny muy 8)

Your the only guy i ever liked from the pikcahu mob LOL
Thanks, and when he was in RORF, all he would do was whine and groan. I am usually good about letting things go, but I can't stand arrogance from such people. :wink:

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:18 am
by yorkiepeter
muy_thaiguy wrote:
hulmey wrote:That was quite funny muy 8)

Your the only guy i ever liked from the pikcahu mob LOL
Thanks, and when he was in RORF, all he would do was whine and groan. I am usually good about letting things go, but I can't stand arrogance from such people. :wink:

RORF? LOL, don't tell me thats still going. how many active members have you now, 4? 5?