Ok all - this is the new 2000+ mailing list.
Please use it for game invites only.
When using this list Please make a fresh copy from here at regular intervals - each time you use it would be best.
That way people who asked to be removed will not be bothered by the invites they will get if you keep using an old copy.
A few other things that can make use of this list easier for all of us. 1. please add the list with the BCC button to your PM's 2. use the Game tag at the top of the PM window to send game numbers with invites. Code: Select all When you click the "Game" button the brackets below will appear [Game][/Game] You then fill in the game number as below [Game]1234567890[/Game] This provides a clickable link to your game
3.Use the "SENDREPLY" button and NOT "Reply to sender and all recipients" - If you want to discuss the list please do it in this thread. 4. provide map and settings for the games, if you can't be bothered with this ok . but please do the first three -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am going to try and divide the list up into various categories
Invite to all games Invite to Freestyle games Invite to Sequential games As a start and see how it goes - it could be divided up further at a later date if this idea works.
Remember you can only mail 200 at a time. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
show: invite to freestyle - 161
aaronvollrath akamango AllanR andyr601 anonymus Antiq Astro Gypsy AtomikAce azezzo b00060 balls buster BarkingAjax Bazza Belzak billdine bluerondo Caminolento casper ChefWeebles CitriC cjtails ckyrias cpmucha Craig25 crazymilkshake5 Cyclone_23x dan the general DavDanilo ddslu death_squad djelebert donkeymile douitashimashite duckydaz duncana dupa Echospree efreddy ejph elfcasino erkern Europestudier fapostolo farm fusibaseball Fyrdraca garcon GeneralRisk God Emperor Q goggles paisano goyok Grandilof Grevious_B_Haem growler gubarretto Gustg4 hellstena HerrZ hmsps Hoodbridge ICAN ivanbuba Jacob-ski jalijoo jammyjames JediJoe jedinja Jippd kchalot Kepa Khayam Kid Moe KiIIface Kingm Koganosi koul Kurtz Lacral lagavroche lapdog Larkin2 LLC22 MackBolan MagicMan Magnum1944 malevolous Maverick0711 maxcst McFlyGuy McFlyGuy Minipax misher M.K.C88-90 morff69 Mr. Bi Polar nebsmith nemrehs1 nick11 Nickxyx nvrijn offinthecorner OVER oxygono pandiani77 paulk PepeAtila pfleegman Pirate Si Pluto Proximus Ventor ptlowe QoH radman78 rbelgrod Redfelt ReichZealand ReidoNilo Riskmaster101 RKCVED roprotem rousseau72 rufus3000 rugbylover sarphinius Scipio79 seugirdor severs sgt lanzerot Shadow Assassin shelbyy666 Sir Eric Slaylark smrad soilt Soldier4Christ solex SpiteMalice Steinmeister stevenshome stollmike Stroil SupremeRebel swm3047 Sylvania Tane theheadholes thejensenator TheRavenBlack the_verbal thunderhue topper traviscarter vadim5 VikingIII Viskehesteren VOC WarmarkTim Woltato xiakka xroads Zidane ā 21
show: invite to sequential - 196
aaronvollrath akamango AllanR andrewsn22 andyr601 anonymus Antiq Astro Gypsy ATC_Matt AtomikAce azezzo b00060 balls buster Bandido BarkingAjax Bazza Belzak billdine bjf5893 bluerondo Breal Caminolento Casius Belius casper ChefWeebles Chewie1 CitriC cjtails ckyrias cpmucha Craig25 crazymilkshake5 Cyclone_23x dan the general Dario77 DavDanilo ddslu death_squad dgkb99 djelebert donaldp03 donkeymile doublediamond douitashimashite duckydaz duncana dupa dustin800 Echospree efreddy ejph ekane emilywink erkern Europestudier fapostolo farm fusibaseball Fyrdraca garcon GeneralRisk gertbomber God Emperor Q goggles paisano goyok Graeko Grevious_B_Haem growler gubarretto Gustg4 hellstena Herbas HerrZ hmsps Hoodbridge ICAN IR1SH ACE ivanbuba Jacob-ski jalijoo jammyjames JediJoe jedinja jemal_fixit jetpacks J_Indr Jippd kchalot Kepa Khayam Kid Moe KiIIface Kingm Koganosi koul Kurtz Lacral lagavroche lapdog Larkin2 Lindax LLC22 macbone MackBolan MagicMan Magnum1944 malevolous Maverick0711 maxcst McFlyGuy McFlyGuy Minipax misher M.K.C88-90 morff69 Mr. Bi Polar MrPinky nebsmith nemrehs1 nick11 Nickxyx nvrijn ODWO offinthecorner OVER oxygono pandiani77 paulk PepeAtila pfleegman phillogic Phlaim Pirate Si Pluto Proximus Ventor psaxnoulis ptlowe radman78 Raybaer rbelgrod Redfelt ReichZealand ReidoNilo rick1063 Riskmaster101 RKCVED Robespierre__ roprotem rousseau72 rufus3000 rugbylover RumbleGuts sarphinius SaviorShot Scipio79 seugirdor severs sgt lanzerot Shadow Assassin shelbyy666 Sir Eric SlayerQC Slaylark smrad soilt solex sparkyball SpiteMalice Steinmeister stevenshome stollmike Stroil subprime SupremeRebel swimmerdude99 swm3047 Sylvania Tane The_Samurai theheadholes thejensenator TheRavenBlack thunderhue topper TotalFluke traviscarter ubcman64 vadim5 VikingIII Viskehesteren VOC WarmarkTim Woltato xiakka xroads Zidane ā 21
show: invite to all games - 157
aaronvollrath akamango AllanR andyr601 anonymus Antiq Astro Gypsy AtomikAce azezzo b00060 balls buster BarkingAjax Bazza Belzak billdine bluerondo Caminolento casper ChefWeebles CitriC cjtails ckyrias cpmucha Craig25 crazymilkshake5 Cyclone_23x dan the general DavDanilo ddslu death_squad djelebert donkeymile douitashimashite duckydaz duncana dupa Echospree efreddy ejph erkern Europestudier fapostolo farm fusibaseball Fyrdraca garcon GeneralRisk God Emperor Q goggles paisano goyok Grevious_B_Haem growler gubarretto Gustg4 hellstena HerrZ hmsps Hoodbridge ICAN ivanbuba Jacob-ski jalijoo jammyjames JediJoe jedinja Jippd JJ41375 kchalot Kepa Khayam Kid Moe KiIIface Kingm Koganosi koul Kurtz Lacral lagavroche lapdog Larkin2 LLC22 MackBolan MagicMan Magnum1944 malevolous Maverick0711 maxcst McFlyGuy McFlyGuy Minipax misher M.K.C88-90 morff69 Mr. Bi Polar nebsmith nemrehs1 nick11 Nickxyx nvrijn offinthecorner OVER oxygono pandiani77 paulk PepeAtila pfleegman Pirate Si Pluto Proximus Ventor ptlowe radman78 rbelgrod Redfelt ReichZealand ReidoNilo Riskmaster101 RKCVED roprotem rousseau72 rufus3000 rugbylover sarphinius Scipio79 seugirdor severs sgt lanzerot Shadow Assassin shelbyy666 Sir Eric Slaylark smrad soilt solex SpiteMalice Steinmeister stevenshome stollmike Stroil SupremeRebel swm3047 Sylvania Tane theheadholes thejensenator TheRavenBlack thunderhue topper traviscarter vadim5 VikingIII Viskehesteren VOC WarmarkTim Woltato xiakka xroads Zidane ā 21