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Blue_Merle77 wrote:hehe...did i say she was my friend? well, i think she thoroughly depises me...or at least acts like it...she always looks down on me, even though i am better than her in some cases. but if i asked her to join she'd probably just make some snide remark to make me feel bad.
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
Juan_Bottom wrote:I'd just beat her up, or prank the crap out of her. A good roundhouse to the face could do wonders!
BTW, what are "some cases?"
Fircoal wrote:I'm in. If I cared about being popular, I would have stopped showing how much I like Pokemon a long time ago.
Blue_Merle77 wrote:about the some cases: i run faster, i'm better in algebra,
Blue_Merle77 wrote:oh people sure know how to beat someone up...but no, i probably shouldn't do that...i'd only stun her for a few minutes. later, she'll murder me in my sleep.
Smokingdude420 wrote:i believe so or you just get someone big and strong to smack her around and then that way you dont get hurt and then she will be scared to come around you
Blue_Merle77 wrote:sheesh, what are you, high school drop outs? anyway, i filed in the request, but it's suppposed to take up to a few days to get accepted...
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
Fircoal wrote:Blue_Merle77 wrote:sheesh, what are you, high school drop outs? anyway, i filed in the request, but it's suppposed to take up to a few days to get accepted...
I'm still in High SChool, waiting for the perfect time to drop out.
Nickbaldwin wrote:I'm in educational limbo, finished the last year of school and am waiting on results now.
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