Scott-Land wrote:I read about 1 1/2 pages then it seemed pretty monotaneous. Poo, Prank and I talked about trying to organize something like this in the past. I think it's a great that you've actually got the ball rolling. If I can add a thing or two to what you're trying to accomplish......
Think a user group is a great idea-- where players can visit and see if they're games up and running. I'm not sure how much work you'd have to do or any at all.
We talked about something very simple but possibly effective. Have two standard pws.... 1- Captain's+ 2- All ranks. I'm not sure how to protect the pw so that the game doesn't get jacked but that's a problem you'd have to deal with if the situation arises. Anyway-- when you see a private speed game by entering the proper password or seeing whom is in the lineup, you will know if it's a captains' + game or if it's for anyone.
I did read Dui's post-- I totally agree..... what makes a speed game is the different ranks. With the point inflation from speed games , I certainly wouldn't think it's fair to isolate a player because of rank. I do understand it makes a big difference in sequential but we are talking about trying to make games more reliable and simpler. If you want a strictly high rank game, you can use the forum to check who is online.
Great idea Carolyn-- anyhoo Dui asked me to post and give some input. if this has been said, then I apologize for not reading all the pages.
You can pm myself, Poo-Maker, and Prankcall the password. We're all Majors+ Thx
Okay its annoying i quoted everything but i was too lazy to divide it up
First of all thanks for being interested Scott!! Second I am just as surprised as you are at how well this idea has taken off. It was made out of pure frustration this weekend and now it actually has form and direction.
The usergroup was all Dui's idea so all the credit goes his way. I dwiddled with the idea but I was afraid I would get a whole bunch of "too clanish" attitude but that didn't happen so I'm happy
Now a different password for captain higher is something I didn't consider and thats mainly because I'm (at the moment:P) at the lower end of the scale (rank) I didn't consider Captain + would a) be interested in me and my little ideas and b) that they would rather play people around their rank as well. So when the usergroup is created You, Dui, or myself can implement a second password. I would like to use the honor system and post both and let people realize when it says Captain + it means captain +. If you think that people won't be honest and will crash games we could do it on a pm system but thats a lot more work lol.
Yes I completely agree with Dui's comment on rank not being everything and I have let corporals and such know my thoughts when they contacted me. I decided that the easiest way to get a good group of people when you don't know a good group of people was to use something everyone had in common, which rank. However as the group grows I want to introduce an invite/ recommendation system kind of how most clans work just not so personal. For instance if you Scott thinks "Blah" the Corporal plays amazing and you recommend he be added I think that, at least for myself, your word would be good enough. We could implement maybe a 2 or 3 nomination protocol so we don't get people tricking others to nominate them.
So in other words I believe that ranks aren't everything it was just the easiest way I could stay a good list. Another good way to get lower ranks in would be to test them out in games:) But I wouldn't want them to think they have to earn their way in like a clan. Thats actually my biggest fear lol that people end up complaining this is too clanish which is defiently not my intention.
Well theres my essay of an answer. I'm really happy yall are intersted:) Hope our eticket gets approved soon:)