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Chariot of Fire - dubs (REJECTED long ago)

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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Thu May 03, 2012 9:52 pm

codeblue1018 wrote:
ljex wrote:
Sniper08 wrote:
ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:You know what I love about GLG. He is so terrible and has a need for self satisfaction that since the ruling came that forced him to stop his games, he has joined FOUR (4) total games. All of which are clan games, but the best part of that is, josko is on his team IN EVERY ONE OF THEM.

He needs the spotlight of the number 1 spot on the scoreboard, yet he knows he is maybe the 2,172nd smartest player on this site and he would never keep it if he had to play "normal games" like everyone else. So instead he plays barely enough games to keep himself active and on the scoreboard, and makes sure he has one of the top 5 team players on the site on his team at all times in order to tell him what to do and make sure he wins most of his games.

chuuuck, no conqueror would keep their score if they played "normal" games. Its annoying when people misrepresent facts in such a manner...i disagree with his methods as much as the next guy, but some really need to tone down their hatred of him a little bit.

when you target an 11 year old to farm pts its pretty much beyond the point of no return for any type of respect for this guy, he is the embodiment of whats wrong with the scoreboard, C&A & the conqueror title

Disagree with his methods all you want, but all I'm saying is that people need to stop misrepresenting the conqueror would have maintained their score playing regular games.

Also i have played a game with glg and while i dont think he is by any means amazing at team games he is in my view more competent than some posting their hatred of him.


Two things;

1: agree on toning down the hatred; in fact, I doubt anyone hates the guy-maybe dislike is the correct term.

2: poo-maker, sjnap, jork, scott-land to name a few; none of these players farmed in order to maintain their conqueror status. They did it respectfully by creating speed games for ANYONE to join as there was no invite system at that time; they won religiously. This wasn't a fluke. So I disagree that no conqueror would maintain their rank playing regular games. it's been proven false. Poo was by far the best 6 or 8 player freestyle speed classic player I've ever seen here. Sjnap was the best team freestyle speed player whether doubles or triples that I've ever seen.

First i would like to think that if someone reached conqueror with either of the above mentioned methods today people would still claim it to be farming. I know this because if i get to general with either of those methods people would say its farming.

Second, the above mentioned methods of attaining conqueror could be duplicated today if people had the would just take forever.

8 man escalating speed - there are typically only 5 decent players at any given time active in those settings. it is easy to increase points if all 5 of the good players also have high scores. you lose 20 points or so for a loss and win 60 or so and usually only 2-3 players in the game will have a good chance of winning. On top of that they played highest ranked player wins in a stalemate, if you are a good player you are usually going to be the one making kills or determining if it is stale. They may have been the best at these settings, but there is no way i could go duplicate their results today even if i have a higher win % than they did. A while back me pimphawks, ccatman, and tdans were playing at least a few of those a day over the course of a month. In that time all of our scores shot up to general, if we were to continue doing that we could have eventually reached conqueror...not because we were colluding or anything like that...but simply because most of the other players entering the games couldnt compete with the 4 of us. Im not saying these players accomplishments are not there, they were great just saying you need to examine the facts further to grasp the full picture.

speed team games - I dont know that much about sjnap and his speed team games, but i can say that these are not that hard to be successful at either. Especially if you play with good partners who know what they are doing, which i assume sjnap did.

I agree with the notion that people at the top spots should play games open to everyone...if players want to play them they then have the choice and that is why i take issue with glg. He is not even close to the top 10 players on speed freestyle and yet that is how he was able to get to conqueror. Most everyone else was at least willing to put their skills out there for the public to play against if the public chose to do so.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Foxglove on Thu May 03, 2012 11:10 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:For starters you know very little about me - my lifestyle, my successes, my wealth and the extraordinary things I've achieved in my years.

Well, we do know (thanks to your forum posts) that you have an old, run-down, sorry excuse for a computer. In light of your magnificent life successes and monetary achievements, I suggest that you purchase a new one - one capable of running BOB and other CC scripts. :) Decent computers are quite reasonably priced nowadays!
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby grifftron on Thu May 03, 2012 11:22 pm

Here comes the cows to protect their holy grail! don't know why this isn't locked yet, obviously there will be no match up tonight.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Chariot of Fire on Thu May 03, 2012 11:55 pm

Foxglove wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:For starters you know very little about me - my lifestyle, my successes, my wealth and the extraordinary things I've achieved in my years.

Well, we do know (thanks to your forum posts) that you have an old, run-down, sorry excuse for a computer. In light of your magnificent life successes and monetary achievements, I suggest that you purchase a new one - one capable of running BOB and other CC scripts. :) Decent computers are quite reasonably priced nowadays!

haha, touche Foxy. Well on the basis PCs never played much of a role in my life other than e-mailing or browsing I never saw the point of getting something with all the bells and whistles (and speed). The only thing I wanted to be quick was my internet connection and I've always had that (NE Asia leaves the rest of the world for dead in this regard) and nothing else. The original Win95 platform was great and something I was very familiar with and could tinker with at leisure. I've never played memory-hogging games on any of my PCs or laptops or needed high-performance graphics cards - from '95 to 2011 I worked, retired, put my kids through school and played golf a lot. As for BOB and other scripts I don't use them because I don't like them - they take away from the essence of what this game was all about - so I stick to my own reliable memory and may save the occasional page to a folder if I think it's necessary. That's not to say I didn't try BOB. I did, once upon a time, and it was more of a hindrance than a help as it often caused my (now retired) PC to freeze.

I was never a Mac fan (only coz my first experience with one confused the heck out of me with that weird mouse) but have since been converted. My business partner fitted-out our new office with all the latest Mac stuff and I have a screen that's like sitting in the front row of a cinema, it's mental. So, once accustomed to the workings of a Mac, I treated myself to the latest MacBook Pro - it's lovely and is from where this message is coming to you now - and sit at home with CC & Youtube on this laptop whilst my e-mails and business are done on a neighbouring laptop which is a good old IBM Thinkpad running Vista Business which I know inside out.

So....I am up-to-date, thank you very much, though had it been left to me I'd probably be soldiering on with my good old IBM Aptiva that had never let me down until humidity killed it last summer when I was on holiday for two months. That, and some prodding from techie Dako and the contraption that my partner bought, really compelled me to be sitting with what I've got today.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby codeblue1018 on Fri May 04, 2012 12:13 am

grifftron wrote:Here comes the cows to protect their holy grail! don't know why this isn't locked yet, obviously there will be no match up tonight.


I could be wrong but I take Foxys post as a friendly poke-fun type of thing; not sure he was coming to the aid of GLG.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Foxglove on Fri May 04, 2012 12:21 am

codeblue1018 wrote:
grifftron wrote:Here comes the cows to protect their holy grail! don't know why this isn't locked yet, obviously there will be no match up tonight.


I could be wrong but I take Foxys post as a friendly poke-fun type of thing; not sure he was coming to the aid of GLG.

Yes, thank you codeblue! My magnificently off-topic post was directed at CoF and had nothing whatsoever to do with GLG. I'm not sure how it could be construed otherwise unless a person closed their eyes and ignored every word that I wrote. But it's ok, how can you expect a dog to do anything but bark up the wrong tree? :)
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri May 04, 2012 1:03 am

I've got a Siberian husky. Huskies can't bark. He can fill the air with a billion fine white hairs though, akin to one of those snow globes that you shake.

And Foxy....I know it was just a poke in jest. Good one too !
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby codeblue1018 on Fri May 04, 2012 2:02 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:I've got a Siberian husky. Huskies can't bark. He can fill the air with a billion fine white hairs though, akin to one of those snow globes that you shake.

And Foxy....I know it was just a poke in jest. Good one too !

Ahhh, yes, the Siberian Husky, which I am all to familiar with. I had a Husky named Mickey. Grey, white and black with bright blue eyes. Indeed there was rarely a bark; more so, many, many howls throughout the day. Great, very astute and friendly dog. He lasted about 12 years; still acted very young, however, his kidneys went on the poor thing. The fine hairs were indeed everywhere no matter how many times he was groomed.

The Mac Pro; on it as we speak. Fantastic laptop; wouldn't use any other. There is a reason I guess why Apple profited more than an oil company no? :lol:
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri May 04, 2012 3:44 am

Mine's brown and white with incredible blue eyes (see av - he was identical when we got him, tho that's not him). We have the occasional family howl which he loves joining in. And yeah, even though he's approaching 9 he's still incredibly playful. It seems (rather like his master) he'll never grow up!

Love the Macbook. Mine already has a prob though and it's barely out the wrapper; the battery doesn't charge (a common prob apparently with the new Lion OS). So what I thought was a neat gizmo with the magnetic power plug is a real pain in the ass coz every time one of the dogs walks by he snags on the cable and the power goes out, losing anything I've been typi
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby eddie2 on Fri May 04, 2012 3:45 am

ljex wrote:Second, the above mentioned methods of attaining conqueror could be duplicated today if people had the would just take forever.

cough cough ljex can i mention mc05025 he made it to conqueror just before glg and his games were mainly speed open to all and different maps and settings from what i remember. and it was done in a short period of time.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby freakns on Fri May 04, 2012 11:49 am

ljex wrote:
Sniper08 wrote:
ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:You know what I love about GLG. He is so terrible and has a need for self satisfaction that since the ruling came that forced him to stop his games, he has joined FOUR (4) total games. All of which are clan games, but the best part of that is, josko is on his team IN EVERY ONE OF THEM.

He needs the spotlight of the number 1 spot on the scoreboard, yet he knows he is maybe the 2,172nd smartest player on this site and he would never keep it if he had to play "normal games" like everyone else. So instead he plays barely enough games to keep himself active and on the scoreboard, and makes sure he has one of the top 5 team players on the site on his team at all times in order to tell him what to do and make sure he wins most of his games.

chuuuck, no conqueror would keep their score if they played "normal" games. Its annoying when people misrepresent facts in such a manner...i disagree with his methods as much as the next guy, but some really need to tone down their hatred of him a little bit.

when you target an 11 year old to farm pts its pretty much beyond the point of no return for any type of respect for this guy, he is the embodiment of whats wrong with the scoreboard, C&A & the conqueror title

Disagree with his methods all you want, but all I'm saying is that people need to stop misrepresenting the conqueror would have maintained their score playing regular games.

Also i have played a game with glg and while i dont think he is by any means amazing at team games he is in my view more competent than some posting their hatred of him.

this is not a question about maintaining his score. its not about cheating or bending the rules. he used "sweet talk" to gain advantage over 11 yrs old kid!!! 11 yrs of age, ffs!!!!!! dont tell me you dont see anything wrong with this?!?!?!?
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Chuuuuck on Fri May 04, 2012 12:12 pm

ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:You know what I love about GLG. He is so terrible and has a need for self satisfaction that since the ruling came that forced him to stop his games, he has joined FOUR (4) total games. All of which are clan games, but the best part of that is, josko is on his team IN EVERY ONE OF THEM.

He needs the spotlight of the number 1 spot on the scoreboard, yet he knows he is maybe the 2,172nd smartest player on this site and he would never keep it if he had to play "normal games" like everyone else. So instead he plays barely enough games to keep himself active and on the scoreboard, and makes sure he has one of the top 5 team players on the site on his team at all times in order to tell him what to do and make sure he wins most of his games.

chuuuck, no conqueror would keep their score if they played "normal" games. Its annoying when people misrepresent facts in such a manner...i disagree with his methods as much as the next guy, but some really need to tone down their hatred of him a little bit.

Luke, I think sometimes you get online and decide, "hmmm... I am going to pick a post and pick a fight, heck, I will just disagree for fun and be annoying."

You don't think I know the completely obvious statement you just made? I did not misrepresent any facts. You misrepresented the definition of what normal means to me. Normal means to me, every day clan wars, speed games that are legal, tournament games, or private games of your choosing but using the "normal" method of the invite system that nearly everyone else on this site uses. I was simply pointing he has joined 4 games, all of which josko (one of the best players on the site) is running the strategy in. It is my opinion he is only in those games to maintain his visibility on the scoreboard. He is scared to rely on his own strategy in any regular games described above. And then, on top of that, he creates this self gratifying thread to spotlight himself... THAT, is not "normal" by any definition.

For f*ck sake, obviously I don't think we are going to have a conqueror who posts 6 play standard sequential games with flat rate cards who regularlly challenges daunting cooks and cadets such as the mighty chuckles2020, RiskyBehaviour, or DiscoFreak23
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Fri May 04, 2012 1:42 pm

eddie2 wrote:
ljex wrote:Second, the above mentioned methods of attaining conqueror could be duplicated today if people had the would just take forever.

cough cough ljex can i mention mc05025 he made it to conqueror just before glg and his games were mainly speed open to all and different maps and settings from what i remember. and it was done in a short period of time.

check your facts please, mc05025 rarely played speed games...he made conqueror with 8 man freestyle flat rate games. Though i must say his method is pretty similar to the poo-maker and scottland method. There are 4-5 players who always win those flat rate the players involved lose 20 or win 60. Hence why their score can go up...and has gone up together over time.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Fri May 04, 2012 1:58 pm

Chuuuuck wrote:
ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:You know what I love about GLG. He is so terrible and has a need for self satisfaction that since the ruling came that forced him to stop his games, he has joined FOUR (4) total games. All of which are clan games, but the best part of that is, josko is on his team IN EVERY ONE OF THEM.

He needs the spotlight of the number 1 spot on the scoreboard, yet he knows he is maybe the 2,172nd smartest player on this site and he would never keep it if he had to play "normal games" like everyone else. So instead he plays barely enough games to keep himself active and on the scoreboard, and makes sure he has one of the top 5 team players on the site on his team at all times in order to tell him what to do and make sure he wins most of his games.

chuuuck, no conqueror would keep their score if they played "normal" games. Its annoying when people misrepresent facts in such a manner...i disagree with his methods as much as the next guy, but some really need to tone down their hatred of him a little bit.

Luke, I think sometimes you get online and decide, "hmmm... I am going to pick a post and pick a fight, heck, I will just disagree for fun and be annoying."

You don't think I know the completely obvious statement you just made? I did not misrepresent any facts. You misrepresented the definition of what normal means to me. Normal means to me, every day clan wars, speed games that are legal, tournament games, or private games of your choosing but using the "normal" method of the invite system that nearly everyone else on this site uses. I was simply pointing he has joined 4 games, all of which josko (one of the best players on the site) is running the strategy in. It is my opinion he is only in those games to maintain his visibility on the scoreboard. He is scared to rely on his own strategy in any regular games described above. And then, on top of that, he creates this self gratifying thread to spotlight himself... THAT, is not "normal" by any definition.

For f*ck sake, obviously I don't think we are going to have a conqueror who posts 6 play standard sequential games with flat rate cards who regularlly challenges daunting cooks and cadets such as the mighty chuckles2020, RiskyBehaviour, or DiscoFreak23

Charlie, it is never my intention to pick a fight for fun. I post my opinions on subjects when i think they apply.

On a further note, i misjudged your use of the term "normal" games...though i do not think i am fully to blame. The vast majority of posts regarding conquers shady methods of getting to the top involve people complaining about them not playing sequential games. As such, that is what i assumed your use of the term normal was referring to, hardly an assumption you can fault me for entirely. Surely you could have specified your view on "normal" games given the vagueness of the term.

It is also interesting to me how you are currently faulting GLG for his choice to play the games everyone has always wanted him to games. Could he not easily use the KOG method of keeping his score on the scoreboard? Join 4-5 no spoils/flat rate 8 player games...and wait for them to take years to even come close to finishing? I don't remember anyone being vocally upset when KOG did this 2 years ago or so.

My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby freakns on Fri May 04, 2012 3:43 pm

ljex wrote:My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.

OK, let me say it again, because you either chose not to listen, or not to hear... he took advantage over 11 yrs old kid. and he willingly continue doing so. not scrub but decent player? hahahah, yeah, right. same thing with live chat. he wants to be loved. he obviously thought being conqueror will get him some sort of recognition, but its aint happening...
lastly, he playing with josko means he doesnt contribute! they are playing no spoils, unlimited, foggy quads/triples on big maps. his contribution there is not missing turns and know how to read instructions. and thats the reason he loves josko that much. no work, safe points. and knowing glg would be willingly ass raped for 5 points, getting 15 points from game means he loves josko that much more.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Master Fenrir on Fri May 04, 2012 4:40 pm

ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:I was simply pointing he has joined 4 games, all of which josko (one of the best players on the site) is running the strategy in...He is scared to rely on his own strategy in any regular games described above.

My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

You do raise a good point there, Brett, but I think Steve's point is still valid. It was clear from the first post that GLG's intention was for Josko to be his partner, but Josko was unavailable. Which is like throwing out an open challenge for 2-on-2 streetball and then being like, "Oh yeah, and I guess that since he's my neighbor, Kobe Bryant is going to be my partner." While you'd still be contributing to the game, you'd win because of Kobe.

But in the interest of being a completely fair and level-headed individual, let's be real about this one point. If the criticism of Jimothy is that he plays tagalong to a clan alpha, that's hardly a criticism unique to him. I'd say that a fair amount, if not the majority of people currently participating in clan activites play a similar role. Granted, you could criticize somebody for bragging about it, but not for doing it without being willing to throw a lot of other people under the bus as well. Those other people might not be getting to hold the top spot on the scoreboard, but they're getting wins and points just the same.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Fri May 04, 2012 5:20 pm

freakns wrote:
ljex wrote:My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.

OK, let me say it again, because you either chose not to listen, or not to hear... he took advantage over 11 yrs old kid. and he willingly continue doing so. not scrub but decent player? hahahah, yeah, right. same thing with live chat. he wants to be loved. he obviously thought being conqueror will get him some sort of recognition, but its aint happening...
lastly, he playing with josko means he doesnt contribute! they are playing no spoils, unlimited, foggy quads/triples on big maps. his contribution there is not missing turns and know how to read instructions. and thats the reason he loves josko that much. no work, safe points. and knowing glg would be willingly ass raped for 5 points, getting 15 points from game means he loves josko that much more.

It is extremely frustrating that you are complaining about me not understanding your point when you do not understand that I not only understand yours, but agree with it as well.

I do not agree with GLG's methods of attaining points...including but not limited him playing an 11 year old multiple times to get the easy points.

Now knowing that I agree with you I would like for you to read this part extra careful as to understand what I'm saying so I don't have to repeat myself yet again. Just because he took advantage of an 11 year old does not mean that he is prohibited from being a competent/decent/above average player. It does mean he is prohibited from the list of players i respect and it does mean anyone who wants to can dislike his use of this tactic. That said his moral code and skills at playing conquer club are mutually exclusive and therefore just because he is willing to take advantage of 11 year old's does not mean he cant be a good player.
Master Fenrir wrote:
ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:I was simply pointing he has joined 4 games, all of which josko (one of the best players on the site) is running the strategy in...He is scared to rely on his own strategy in any regular games described above.

My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

You do raise a good point there, Brett, but I think Steve's point is still valid. It was clear from the first post that GLG's intention was for Josko to be his partner, but Josko was unavailable. Which is like throwing out an open challenge for 2-on-2 streetball and then being like, "Oh yeah, and I guess that since he's my neighbor, Kobe Bryant is going to be my partner." While you'd still be contributing to the game, you'd win because of Kobe.

But in the interest of being a completely fair and level-headed individual, let's be real about this one point. If the criticism of Jimothy is that he plays tagalong to a clan alpha, that's hardly a criticism unique to him. I'd say that a fair amount, if not the majority of people currently participating in clan activites play a similar role. Granted, you could criticize somebody for bragging about it, but not for doing it without being willing to throw a lot of other people under the bus as well. Those other people might not be getting to hold the top spot on the scoreboard, but they're getting wins and points just the same.

I have serious doubts about GLG's contributions to the games...I would think he maybe provides valid and relevant input one in every few rounds at best, but none of us are in the games and we can't really speak to his contribution. I do know after playing a game with him that every single possibility has to be examined and explained before a decision is eventually made, to be honest it was the most exhausting game i have ever played.

I don't take issue with people having the belief that GLG is merely piggybacking on the hard work of Josko, but to state it as an undeniable fact is wrong unless proof is provided.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby codeblue1018 on Fri May 04, 2012 9:12 pm

As far as Josko, I played a team game with him. When it was my turn, Josko did not have notes on what I SHALL do with my turn. We DISCUSSED different options; input compiled from the both of us and then the best move was made. Josko knows this game extremely well and at least for me, more often than not, his SUGGESTIONS made the most sense and when I'm wrong in my thought process, I have no problem taking advice. Josko offered input and explained in detail each move I suggested whether right or wrong and frankly, I learned a lot.

I have not doubt that GLG is an above average player as many, many are on here. The problem at hand is the way he got to the top; that's all. If he played strictly team games, he wouldn't be conqueror, plain and simple. The key that he must realize is that the label conqueror doesn't command respect and frankly no one really cares.

Everyone keeps harping on this eleven year old kid; who gives a shit! Hell, most young kids are astute in all these types of games. I've probably played a bunch of young kids; I don't ask the ages of anyone nor do I really care. The eleven year old is irrelevant IMO; it's the compilation of the hundreds of other poor saps that were duped into GLG's trap that rubs me the wrong way. I'll continue being vocal about it and be a "detractor" as he so eloquently puts it.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby Denise on Fri May 04, 2012 10:54 pm

ljex wrote:My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.

If this is really his intention then he's going about it all wrong. All he has to do to get respect is play a game, based on his own merits. Win or lose, it will garner him respect because at least he tried. Even if he brings a great teammate to help, that would be understandable. We all know he's not that experienced in team play. That's why I think he made this thread to bring attention to himself, that's all. People get mad at him when he starts something, not the other way around.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Sat May 05, 2012 12:47 pm

Denise wrote:
ljex wrote:My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.

If this is really his intention then he's going about it all wrong. All he has to do to get respect is play a game, based on his own merits. Win or lose, it will garner him respect because at least he tried. Even if he brings a great teammate to help, that would be understandable. We all know he's not that experienced in team play. That's why I think he made this thread to bring attention to himself, that's all. People get mad at him when he starts something, not the other way around.

I have serious doubts about people ever respecting him as a player, and you can see people in this very thread vocalizing the fact that they will never respect him as a player.

I agree with you on the front of him loving the attention and his need to be constantly in the spotlight. But I must say you are wrong to assume that him playing team games for the public will change peoples perceptions of him.

People will judge him for his actions of the past. I know this because it still happens to me today and his been about a year since I farmed my way to the top. I very much doubt any of the top team game players will ever respect me even if I increase my rank through sequential games of some kind. This is why I'm posting in this thread...not because I want to defend GLG, but because I feel very few players can even begin to grasp the situation from the viewpoint of the other side.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby freakns on Sat May 05, 2012 1:13 pm

ljex wrote:
freakns wrote:
ljex wrote:My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.

OK, let me say it again, because you either chose not to listen, or not to hear... he took advantage over 11 yrs old kid. and he willingly continue doing so. not scrub but decent player? hahahah, yeah, right. same thing with live chat. he wants to be loved. he obviously thought being conqueror will get him some sort of recognition, but its aint happening...
lastly, he playing with josko means he doesnt contribute! they are playing no spoils, unlimited, foggy quads/triples on big maps. his contribution there is not missing turns and know how to read instructions. and thats the reason he loves josko that much. no work, safe points. and knowing glg would be willingly ass raped for 5 points, getting 15 points from game means he loves josko that much more.

It is extremely frustrating that you are complaining about me not understanding your point when you do not understand that I not only understand yours, but agree with it as well.

I do not agree with GLG's methods of attaining points...including but not limited him playing an 11 year old multiple times to get the easy points.

Now knowing that I agree with you I would like for you to read this part extra careful as to understand what I'm saying so I don't have to repeat myself yet again. Just because he took advantage of an 11 year old does not mean that he is prohibited from being a competent/decent/above average player. It does mean he is prohibited from the list of players i respect and it does mean anyone who wants to can dislike his use of this tactic. That said his moral code and skills at playing conquer club are mutually exclusive and therefore just because he is willing to take advantage of 11 year old's does not mean he cant be a good player.

i think you are missing my point.
i dont care is he good or bad player(im claiming he is bad because he is afraid to play games where he doesnt have clear advantage... and the fact two of you played together doesnt change that), im saying he is disgusting human being. also, him trying to set up some kind of legacy by playing in same team with Josko is kind of funny. who he tries to fool with it?! at the end, COF offered him fair matchup. new settings with which noone is familiar, on his favorite map, and he declined! and after that he is fishing with some kind of imaginary settings, trying to find a way which will give him advantage, or at least clear his name. Fruitcake challenged him in freestyle game, he declined. COF challenged him in sequential game, he declined. so how on earth that makes him good player?! just because he discussed his moves with you?!

ljex wrote:
Denise wrote:
ljex wrote:My ultimate point is that people are so angry at GLG that they get mad at him no matter what he does. I'm not a fan of the guy's methods but I really think people need to relax a little when it comes to scrutinizing every single action he takes on the site. Just because he is playing with Josko does not mean that he isn't contributing to the game in some way or another...

Lastly the reason he created this thread is the same reason he played a game with me, he would like to try and prove to COF that he is not just some scrub but rather a decent player. It is the same reason he invites people to live chat/pm try and get them to not vocally hate him in the forums.

If this is really his intention then he's going about it all wrong. All he has to do to get respect is play a game, based on his own merits. Win or lose, it will garner him respect because at least he tried. Even if he brings a great teammate to help, that would be understandable. We all know he's not that experienced in team play. That's why I think he made this thread to bring attention to himself, that's all. People get mad at him when he starts something, not the other way around.

I have serious doubts about people ever respecting him as a player, and you can see people in this very thread vocalizing the fact that they will never respect him as a player.

I agree with you on the front of him loving the attention and his need to be constantly in the spotlight. But I must say you are wrong to assume that him playing team games for the public will change peoples perceptions of him.

People will judge him for his actions of the past. I know this because it still happens to me today and his been about a year since I farmed my way to the top. I very much doubt any of the top team game players will ever respect me even if I increase my rank through sequential games of some kind. This is why I'm posting in this thread...not because I want to defend GLG, but because I feel very few players can even begin to grasp the situation from the viewpoint of the other side.

i will never respect him as a player because i cant respect him as a human, and that will cover all skills he might have...
and if its to any significance, i respect you as a player(and yes, i am one of top team players :P). i dont care about your score or you previous achievements. you are someone who gladly accept all kind of challenges on different maps with different settings, and at the end, wins majority of them. that shows much more skill then some mindless farming.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Sat May 05, 2012 7:37 pm

freakns wrote:i think you are missing my point.
i dont care is he good or bad player(im claiming he is bad because he is afraid to play games where he doesnt have clear advantage... and the fact two of you played together doesnt change that), im saying he is disgusting human being. also, him trying to set up some kind of legacy by playing in same team with Josko is kind of funny. who he tries to fool with it?! at the end, COF offered him fair matchup. new settings with which noone is familiar, on his favorite map, and he declined! and after that he is fishing with some kind of imaginary settings, trying to find a way which will give him advantage, or at least clear his name. Fruitcake challenged him in freestyle game, he declined. COF challenged him in sequential game, he declined. so how on earth that makes him good player?! just because he discussed his moves with you?!

Firstly, not willing to partake in a game in which you don't have the clear advantage is not a bearing on skill. You can say he is a bad person or whatever but from this you cant comment on his skill as a player of risk. We seem to keep rehashing the same arguments so I wont go into further detail or bother responding to this point again.

As for the challenges he denied you cant really blame him for the one he denied from COF and it is his right to deny challenges if he so chooses.

COF City Mogul 1 vs 1 game - now i dont know the exact settings he choose, but i am relatively sure they encompassed city mogul and sequential. Now for anyone who has ever played city mogul it becomes clear that first turn advantage is a huge advantage for just about every settings. If COF will share his settings i will happily explain just how big of an advantage first turn would be with those settings.

Fruitcakes challenge - i think he should have accepted it, but it is a players right to not play a challenge vs a player and i can understand the logic of not playing a challenge vs players you dont like.

freakns wrote:i will never respect him as a player because i cant respect him as a human, and that will cover all skills he might have...
and if its to any significance, i respect you as a player(and yes, i am one of top team players :P). i dont care about your score or you previous achievements. you are someone who gladly accept all kind of challenges on different maps with different settings, and at the end, wins majority of them. that shows much more skill then some mindless farming.

Thanks for the compliment, though sadly it is the exception rather than the norm.

I'm not saying you should ever respect him as a player, I'm just saying that you cant say he is a sucky player due to his farming pursuits. While I will never respect him as a person, if he eventually proves himself as a player I may respect him merely for his game accomplishments. I guess maybe it just boils down to the fact that we draw the line between player and person differently.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby KiIIface on Sun May 06, 2012 3:56 pm

KiIIface wrote:In response to you i propose myself, rhp 1, viper overlord and ddgrimes vs you are your most intimidating 3 on the map and settings of:
All Your Base Belongs To Us

If you only want doubles then same setting with rhp 1. If you want a different map/settings let me know.

All I have to say is

Amazing. 4 days, no reply, 893 reads and NO challenge acceptance. But it is good to see no flaming/baiting.


PS, I already rocked you once
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby ljex on Sun May 06, 2012 4:31 pm

KiIIface wrote:
KiIIface wrote:In response to you i propose myself, rhp 1, viper overlord and ddgrimes vs you are your most intimidating 3 on the map and settings of:
All Your Base Belongs To Us

If you only want doubles then same setting with rhp 1. If you want a different map/settings let me know.

All I have to say is

Amazing. 4 days, no reply, 893 reads and NO challenge acceptance. But it is good to see no flaming/baiting.


PS, I already rocked you once

what did you expect, you are challenging him to a map where you surely have the advantage both score wise (you will win more than 20 lose less than 20) and map experience wise as he has never played a game on that map. If you are going to challenge someone on a specific least make it a neutral and commonly played map or one each party is familiar with.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - dubs

Postby pitrules88 on Sun May 06, 2012 10:58 pm

Who abuses the system more, glg or Jippd? This dude Jippd runs his score up on 1-min Das Schloss vs. noobs. At least my 1-min games are all on classic which gives people a significantly higher chance of winning (getting lucky). Tired of ppl abusing the system and then calling out other people like this.
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