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Postby morph on Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:47 am

id like to see how many people are actually winning against your clan...
I am slowly going insane, thanks to Jay, Brandon (the douch tool) and sammy gags for his pic of bubba....
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Postby Marvaddin on Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:59 am

Joey memory is really going :wink:
More games:

212397 - Classic, Doubles (6 players), Escalating, Chained
212398 - Brazil, Terminator (6 players), Escalating, Unlimited
212399 - Alexander, Triples, No Cards, Unlimited
212400 - Mid Earth, Standard (5 players), Escalating, Adjacent
212401 - Discworld, Standard (4players), Flat Rate, Chained
212403 - Space, Terminator (5 players), Escalating, Unlimited
212404 - British Isles, Doubles (4 players), No Cards, Unlimited
212407 - CCU, Standard (6 players), Flat Rate, Unlimited
212408 - Philippines, Standard (5 players), Escalating, Chained
212409 - Canada, Standard (6 players), Escalating, Unlimited
212411 - Australia, Doubles (6 players), Flat Rate Unlimited

And now, lets have fun :D
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Postby reverend_kyle on Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:09 am

lol, I've already shown scorba and ronaldinho a real doubles match many times brucker.. you're a bit late.
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Postby joeyjordison on Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:11 am

ok i'm doin another set but 2 games are still unstarted:

198403, germany, standard 4p, no cards, unlim
212397 - Classic, Doubles (6 players), Escalating, Chained

new games:

222292, australia, standard 3p, esc, unlim
222293, british isles, standard 5p, esc, unlim
222294, montreal, standard 6p, esc, chained
222297, tamriel, doubles 4p, flat, unlim
222298, north america, doubles 6p, esc, chained
222299, USapoc, trips 6p, no cards, unlim
222301, africa, terminator 6p, esc, unlim

as always if u want a specific setting or game or anything then just say so
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Want to Play...

Postby Sultan on Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:18 am

Hey, I'd love to get in on some of your games. Please send me the password...Thanks
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Postby Aries on Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:37 pm

Sure. I'd like to play a game that I know will have good and challenging players. Just pm me when you can :D
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:10 pm

Ok, here are more games to us:

255001 - Classic map, standard, 6 players, escalating, unlimited.
255002 - Classic map, assassin, 4 players, flat rate, unlimited.
255003 - Canada map, terminator, 5 players, escalating, chained.
255004 - Arctic map, terminator, 6 players, escalating, unlimited.
255006 - Australia map, doubles, 4 players, no cards, unlimited.
255010 - Tamriel map, doubles, 6 players, flat rate, chained.
255012 - Middle East map, assassin, 6 players, no cards, adjacent.
255016 - Philippines map, triples, 6 players, flat reate, unlimited.
255018 - USApoc map, standard, 4 players, flat rate, unlimited.
255020 - Greece map, terminator, 4 players, flat rate, chained.
255022 - Hong Kong map, triples, 6 players, escalating, adjacent.
255023 - Africa map, standard, 5 players, escalating, unlimited.

Hope you enjoy :D

Ps: we hadnt a lot last week, I was out, and joey had his tourney privileges revoked by the tourney organizers... Man, sometimes these guys make me crazy! :evil:

EDIT: Password sent to Aries and Sultan :D
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Postby the common flu on Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:21 pm

I will play.
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:00 pm

Games still with free slots, please join:

255003 - Canada map, terminator, 5 players, escalating, chained.
255006 - Australia map, doubles, 4 players, no cards, unlimited.
255010 - Tamriel map, doubles, 6 players, flat rate, chained.
255012 - Middle East map, assassin, 6 players, no cards, adjacent.
255016 - Philippines map, triples, 6 players, flat reate, unlimited.
255018 - USApoc map, standard, 4 players, flat rate, unlimited.
255020 - Greece map, terminator, 4 players, flat rate, chained.
255022 - Hong Kong map, triples, 6 players, escalating, adjacent.

Looks like people didnt like too much the assassin games. I created some more standard and terminator ones:

271541 - Classic, standard (6 players), flat rate, unlimited.
271542 - Asia, terminator (5 players), escalating, unlimited.
271543 - Ireland, standard (3 players), escalating, chained.
271545 - Europe, standard (6 players), escalating unlimited.
271547 - Middle Earth, standard (5 players), flat rate, chained.
271550 - Australia, terminator (4 players), flat rate, unlimited.

Ps: password sent to the common flu.

Lets have fun!
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Postby poo-maker on Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:55 pm

hey, can u om me the pw for the dragoon games? i meet the requirements
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Postby Marxwell on Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:13 pm

I'd like to play too! Thanks
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Postby Marvaddin on Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:19 pm

Password sent to both of you :D
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Postby poo-maker on Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:37 pm

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Postby The Eleven on Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:58 pm

I'll play.....I could use some points.
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Postby IvanDrake on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:39 am

I, too, am interested. Please PM me the password. Thanks!

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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:27 am

I'd love to take on the mighty Dragoons... I think I meet the requirements, could I get a password please? :)

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Postby LewisJB3 on Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:21 am

I couldn't find a recruitment thread... do you guys except new people? What are the requirments? I'm a major...

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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:55 am

New lot of games, lets have fun 8)

285688 - Classic, terminator, 6 players, escalating, unlimited
285692 - USA, standard, 4 players, escalating, adjacent
285693 - Montreal, standard, 5 players, flat rate, chained
285694 - North America, terminator, 5 players, escalating, chained
285697 - Alexander, terminator, 6 players, flat rate, unlimited
285698 - Middle East, standard, 5 player, flat rate, unlimited
285703 - Philippines, standard, 4 players, flat rate, adjacent
285704 - Hong Kong, standard, 3 players, escalating, unlimited
285705 - World 2.0, assassin, 4 players, escalating, unlimited
285706 - Africa, doubles, 4 players, no cards, chained
285710 - CCU, doubles, 6 players, flat rate, unlimited
285713 - Classic, triples, escalating, unlimited

Password is gonna to be send to the guys that requested it :)
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Dragoon challenge

Postby Ehriggn on Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:52 am

I'm up for a challenge.
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:11 pm

Just to let you all know:

I really feel our Tournament Directors are working against us. They had already removed joeyjordison' tourney privileges, so I was taking care of the Open Games by myself.

Now, AGAIN, I was pmed by one of them asking about tourneys Im organizing. Sincerely, Im tired about this. I replied that they already know Im running the Dragoons Open Games, plus my clan challenges (that you maybe dont know but happen regularly). I said that they could include me in a permanent list of those that need tourney privileges. And also suggested a multi clan forum to help with the creation of a league, etc...

For my complete surprise, my tourney privileges are now removed!
1st - What is so bad about me having them?
2nd - Dont they know that I use them to create games open to non members of my clan?
3rd - What are they really doing beyond ask (and again, and again, and again) about tourneys, just to remove privileges?

Im tired about this! To me these Tournament Directors are worthy nothing! I dont see them doing anything really relevant. And looks like they really have nothing more to worry about than remove other people privileges.

I will see if someone else can create the current lot of Open Games soon... but I was just wanting to voice my opinions against these guys. Im a leader of maybe the most expressive clan, Im using these cursed privileges to create games, but I need to suck the balls of a penguin weekly or he will suspend them.
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Postby PainBrain on Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:08 pm

New games

301767 - Chinese Checkers, Standard, 4 players, Flat Rate, Chained
301768 - Europe, Terminator, 5 players, Escalating, Unlimited
301769 - Africa, Standard, 6 players, Flat Rate, Unlimited
301770 - Canada, Terminator, 5 players, Escalating, Adjacent
301772 - Discworld, Standard, 4 players, No Cards, Unlimited
301773 - Mid Earth, Standard, 5 players, Escalating, Unlimited
301775 - Brit Isles, Standard, 5 players, Escalating, Unlimited
301777 - CCU, Assassin, 5 players, Flat Rate, Unlimited
Imperial Dragoons
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Dragoons Open Games *NEW TOURNY*

Postby joeyjordison on Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:28 am

due to a few complications i am reorganising the way the system works for the dragoons open games. they are open to people of a reasonable score (minimum 1300) although you must also be considered an honourable player. this is because the games are going to be going on for a long time playing the same people and we don't want somebody in who isn't a good person.

the scoring system is as follows:

0 points for a loss
0 points for kill
0 points for a win

the tournament will end when somebody reaches the grand total of 1

now all i need is my tourny privs back so i can finish setting up this tournament

after much consideration i have decided that the scoring system was unfair so the updated one is as follows:

0.000002 points for a win
0 points for a kill
0.000001 points for a loss

people will be expected to keep their own totals which is another reason why we want only honorable people playing
Last edited by joeyjordison on Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby poo-maker on Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:30 am

lol, good idea, i dont think theres ever been a tourney like this.
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Postby resitnecdan on Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:33 am

This is awful. I propose you give 0.00000000001 for a win
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Postby joeyjordison on Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:35 am

i think its rather good myself as well. hope i can get the privs to get it off the ground. it could take 24 hours according to the form but it should start soon :D
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