Conquer Club

New clan, Scion of Glory (Overview, link to clan forum)

Old information and materials.

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What do you think of the Scion of Glory?

I like what I see, and will join.
It looks promising, but I will not enroll.
This looks like the multitude of other newborn clans infesting the forums. Seen one, seen them all.
I am already in a clan.
Total votes : 38

Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:40 am

This clan has members, and their numbers are increasing by the hour. Riyanna has now officially joined the Scion. Set up a team game with your choice of settings and PM them to me. It can be doubles or triples. Vader thanks for your offer, but this callout has become personal and concerns only the Scion and Stache' Whackers.
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Postby Telvannia on Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:42 am

ah what the heck about the avatar

can i join this growing comunity??
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:52 am

Ok. To help promote a clan I wrote an overview so prospective members decide if the Scion is the right organization for them. I will edit this into the first post. I have also started working on the rules and regulations, along with clan organization. (See below).

The Scion of Glory is a Conquer Club clan for all who play honorably. Its purpose is to bring together those with such ethics to create and sustain a supportive community of members, as well as organize its members for large scale endeavours, and by doing so provide to its members with services of friendly council, the oppourtunity to join sanctioned games guaranteed to provide a friendly yet competitive play environment, and make available a wide range of useful resources to them. The Scion of Glory is an organization which maintains a prestegious and respected image, and gives pride to its members.

Anyone who is into Conquer Club can join the Scion of Glory. A general knowledge of the game is expected, so the only qualifications are that you are a registered member at Conquer Club and regularly participate in games, and that you hold the rank of private or better with at least ten games completed. For more information on clan eligibility.

Unlike other clans that do not accept members, the Scion of Glory will welcome and accept anyone who plays honorably, regardless of playing ability. You just have to be friendly and try your best. We believe that all such players deserve the benifits of a clan community, and also offer them a chance to connect with others like them and to be a part of something great. Members are not obligated to anything in the clan besides adhering to the code of honor, but the Scion offers oppourtunities to all who wish to get involved to fight for the glory and reputation of the clan, as well as participate actively in the organization and sustainance of the Scion of Glory community.
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:54 am

Section I: The Code of Honor
1) I shall respect my clan comarades, opponents, and other clans.
(Don't be obscene in a verbal conflict with anyone, the Scion of Glory has a proffessional image to maintain).

2) I shall respect and the rules set forth for its members by the Scion of Glory.

3) I shall never, directly or indirectly, deface or undermine the Scion of Glory's reputation or the reputations of its members.

4) I will not engage in secret alliances on Conquer Club, and will not create or maintain multiple accounts. I will help Conquer Club enforce these rules.

5) I will not harass anyone for any reason, including but not limited to playing ability, CC rank, SG rank, sex, age, and race.
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:55 am

Section II: Ranks and respective responsibilities.
1) Recruit
All new members of the Scion of Glory enter the order at the rank of recruit, unless otherwise permitted by a recruiting officer. The rank of recruit is granted to those that have an interest in the clan so that they can observe and gain a general understanding of it. The recruit will have access to the clan forum and posting priviliges, and are encouraged to adress questions they have to other members. Recruits have and cannot hold any duties or responsibilities and cannot participate in clan events or use services offered by the clan. After the course of one week, recruits will be asked to either leave the clan or to apply for a promotion to a page.

2) Page
After the member decided that he wants to be a part of the community, he becomes a page. To be eligible to become a page a member must have been a recruit for the period of at least one week (unless otherwise permitted by a recruitment officer), swear to follow the Scion of Glory's Code of Honor, and posted a declaration in the apropriate section of the clan forum and have it receive the ok of any recruitment officer. A page, like a recruit has no base obligations, but is eligible to participate in clan conflicts or hold positions in the Scion of Glory community, as well as vote in referendums and suggest reforms and ideas to the administration. When in times of crisis there comes a shortage of regular fighters (Knights and Paladins), pages will be asked to volunteer to participate in games on behalf of the clan. Pages are official representatives of the clan, and are expected to abide by the Code of Honor.

3) Knight
Knights are the regular fighters for the clan. Those with a non-premium membership at Conquer Club will be asked to devote one of their four games to the clan, and will have the right to use that game at their descreteon if they do not receive an assignment within 24 hours of the slot becoming available after the conclusion of an assigned clan game. If an unassigned knight receives an assignment with all 4 of his or her games being played, he or she will be required to join the assigned game as soon as one of his or her games finishes. The same applies to those with a premium membership, except that they will be asked but not required to simultaneously engage in more than one game at a time. Knights must maintain a Conquer Club rank of segeant or higher (so they are skilled enough to make a profit in points for themselves, and thus more victories than defeats for the clan) and have the experience of 20 finished games. They must also play regularly enough not to deadbeat if they can help it. Qualified pages will be contacted with offers of promotion to knighthood, but may be asked to play certain cenarios that high command believes the page needs more experience in (i.e. team games, certain maps, certain fortification settings).

4) Paladin
Paladins are officers of the Scion of Glory. They lead teams representing the Scion in clan conflicts. Paladins are expected and required to uphold the honor of the clan. Should it receive a challenge or insult, a paladin is to take up that challenge and arrange the confrontation with the opposing organization or individual, or be assigned to such a challenge by a commander. They are also to make such callouts and challenges to other clans. Once they have created a cofrontation, they are expected to organize the game and conscript knights and other paladins into those games. In the game they have to keep an open mind and listen and consider their ideas. Paladins have to maintain a Conquer Club rank of Captain or better, and have a premium membership at conquer club. They will be asked to scout out and nominate knights for promotion to the rank of paladin if informed that such an opening is available. They themselves are selected personally by the exhalted commander (or liutenant commander if the EC leaves the choice up to them).

5) Liutenant Commander
Only two liutenant commanders are in the Scion of Glory. They are the right hand of the exhalted commander, and serve as his or her second in command. They have all the powers of paladins, and are also recruitment officers. Liutenant commanders can negotiate treaties with other clans, sanction tournaments and may be delegated organizing tasks by the exhalted commander (Organizing forum sections, tournaments, elections/voting referendums, etc). They have the power to temporarily relieve any member of his rank, duties, and powers for a period of 72 hours but must run this action by the exhalted commander who will either make it official or repeal it. They must adress any questions of members that they are asked. This is more an administrative than military rank, and therefore lt. commanders are not required to maintain any rank and may be a non-premium member of Conquer Club. They have moderator powers on the clan forum, but are not required to excercise them. When Liutenant commanders are replaced, qualified members are offered to receive a nomination by the exhalted commander, and then are elected in a vote.

6) Exhalted Commander
The head of the Scion of Glory. The exhalted commander is a recruitment officer and has the reserved right to deny any member of his or her rank and/or duties for any reason, as well as expell them from the clan. The exhalted commander creates, receives and considers suggestions for clan reforms or amendments, and organizes voter referendums to ratify those motions. He or she nominates replacements for liutenant commanders and promotes knights to paladins. He or she can grant positions to volunteers and revoke them. The exhalted commander is the lead organizing body in the Scion of Glory, and gives the clan direction. He or she can delegate any responsibilities to willing members and calls out members to volunteer for these positions when volunteers are needed, and maintains the basic structure of the clan forum and website. In the case of his prolonged abscence, a liutenant commander will be chosen by him or her as a replacement during his leave.

7) Champion
A champion is a member who is not required to hold any administrative or military responsibilities, but is respected for great military prowess. This rank is the equivalent of the rank of page, but champions must maintain a Conquer Club rank of captain or better. They will be the first asked to help the clan if members are needed to defend the clan's glory in conflict.
Last edited by Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:59 am

More to come, looking for input from members.

EDIT: NOT looking for input from the stache' whackers.
Last edited by Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Master Bush on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:00 am

You need a date.
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:20 am

Perhaps, I'll date anyone that strangles you.
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Postby Master Bush on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:22 am

What if I strangle myself, do I get the date?
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:26 am

Sure! I'll just need you to send me your death certificate for proof.
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Postby Master Bush on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:29 am

Done and done!
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:32 am

You can't fool me. I'll believe you are dead when you stop posting bullsh*t on the forums. It's the only way I guess to silence you.
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Postby Master Bush on Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:33 am

"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:55 am

The clan forum has been created. Everyone will eventually be expected to join this forum, but right now it is under construction and useless.

Add this to your favorites: ... ionofglory
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News for the forum.

Postby Ham on Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:57 am

It should be up tuesday. Right Red Army?
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:08 am

Probably before then. I might even get it done today!
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Postby Ham on Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:52 pm

Ok that sounds good. :o
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Postby Red Army on Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:15 pm

A special topic just for recruitment of new members has been created, for everyone that linked this sig to their topic, here is the updated web adress code.

Code: Select all
[]Join the Scion of Glory[/URL]

Thank you!
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Postby Telvannia on Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:06 am

can more people from this clan join the clan forum

at the moment we have 6 memebers
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Postby Red Army on Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:23 am

I pmed everyone, maybe they haven't got the message yet.
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Postby Red Army on Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:11 pm


The constitution of the Scion of Glory has been finalized. For anything you need to know, go here: ... ionofglory
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Postby Red Army on Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:50 pm

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Postby Joe McCarthy on Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:52 pm

Is the hole at the Scion of the Gloryhole headquarters padded? Because I wouldnt want anybody to get splinters.
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