But please, continue to berate the group at its gates. its typical of the extremely liberal minded, i find."
Then congrats on berating/lumping people together right after saying that that is wrong to do.
Also, what about Ann Coulter?
Also, maybe thats because conservatives for the most part are also religious?
And maybe berating people who believe in Creationism and Unicorns is funny? In fact, in your words:
"If someone beliefs the earth is a flat circle resting on the backs of four elephants who in turn rest on a giant turtle which flies through space, then I can point out that that is a very stupid belief that is inherently stupider than the belief that we're on a huge ball of earth and rock and nuclear reactions."
Same difference, ya know?
I believe SNORRI1234 hit it on the nose here:
Snorri1234 wrote:Because you are free to talk about "typical liberal/communist hypocrisy" and being an obnoxious cunt, but god forbid someone else does it!
A belief is different from an experiance. If someone says "I once saw a guy make the Statue of Liberty disappear." that is something completely different from "I believe in magic."
People experiance different things yes, but it's those of us barred from the "discussion" that are the ones who know enough to think/ask about what happened during that "experiance." And then try to find the most likely explination.
Now if said person decides to believe in magic based on that "experiance," then yes, that persons belief is inheritly stupid.
If you're going to believe whatever, I don't/won't care.... but if you open your mouth about it, you better know what you're talking about. That's just how the world works.
Now that same conversation with me added into it,
"I once saw a guy make the Statue of LIberty Disappear."
"Oh really?, That's Cool"
"Yes, so I believe in magic."
"Dude, it's a common camera trick, don't be such an idiot."
Sure, if this forum says I can't say idiot, then fine, I wont. I used the word just to make the point that if someone really is making a stupid life decision, I have been/am free to tell them so. I'm certian that the root of words like stupid, idiot, and retard are not insults.
So I would amend ELK's original statement and say this instead: Peoples arguments are based on beliefs and/or facts. So one belief is usually more or less stupid than the next in a lot of cases.
But I can see what is going on here though, is this "discussion" better than the ones inside the forum?