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Postby TheScarecrow on Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:51 am

I am currently organising a tournament named "CC AFL LEAGUE". This league features 1v1 games on maps and settings of each players choice. One game will be released once a week.* This league WILL be a regular feature once one season finishes ANOTHER will start with first choice of teams etc will be given to the players of the previous season.

There are VERY FEW places left! Sign up quick!

Here's the link to the thread:

Hope to see you there!

*There are a few freemium players so there may be a slight hiccup now and then. Hopefully the 20-turns-before-a-draw rule will keep these occurences down.
a poor workman always blames his tools... SO STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE DICE FFS

All those people who whinge about losing points to low rankers need to read a book entitled "Losing 40 Points V The End of the World : A Study in Contrast"
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Cook TheScarecrow
Posts: 202
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:41 am

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