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1984 Game

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1984 Game

Postby Itrade on Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:23 am

I'm thinking about making a three-player classic map based on 1984. We'll get each player to control a power from the book (Eurasia, Eastasia and Oceania) and then fight a perpetual war.

Here's where it gets interesting. Each turn, either Eastasia or Eurasia has to ally with Oceania against the other. Also, none of the main territories of the major powers can be conquered. And to maintain a hierarchical society, as armies as possible must be lost to attacks each turn, so the reinforcements are always almost instantly used.

In essence, it's the anti-build game. The first person to lose is the guy who has too many armies left over at the end of his turn (Maybe more than five?) or the guy who is forced to conquer a main territory of his opponent to keep his troops down.

Here's a map of what the war would look like.

So, anyone interested?

Edit: Oh yeah, except wicked. Wicked's not allowed to join because she'll probably try expanding the one turn alliance to last longer to protect her because she is a chicken for life.
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Postby ^MsCarolyn^ on Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:22 am

isn't there a place for map ideas besides callouts?
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Postby Itrade on Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:11 pm

It's not a map idea, it's a game on a map that already exists with custom rules.
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Postby gdeangel on Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:02 am

I think it's a cool idea. But I can't see how you can put the rules on an existing map... I think you have to recode all the bonus XML, so you might as well make a new map - it will save on confusion as well.

I also think you might have copyright issues with 1984... I don't know how big sticklers CC is about that stuff?

I know it doesn't pay homage to the book, but what an abstact map like King Of The Mountain, where you have unsafe structural areas due to deterioration, and those areas can only have a maximum of 3 troops, and anything over that gets wiped out as negative bonus (I don't know if the XML will support that either but I think you could since a lot of other maps have negative bonuses that apply only to troops in excess of 1). Concept would be similar to Dust Bowl, but with a more complex geography.
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Postby Itrade on Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:24 pm

I don't mean that you need new XML coding or anything. We'll just play a normal three-player sequential no cards on Classic with our own rules. Like in build up games the rule is only attack certain countries for the cards and don't break anyone's bonuses, the rules for 1984 would be not to attack anyone's main territories and to make sure you've got less than five armies on each territory that you own and such.
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Postby Herakilla on Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:37 pm

that sounds exactly like 1984 but my question, whats the point? even build games have a point, get as many armies as possible

i like it but i dont see a reason why i would do that
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Postby Itrade on Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:00 am

The point is to see how long you can keep it up until someone loses or you get bored.
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Postby Skittles! on Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:43 am

The problem with this is you may need to make it World 2.1 because the bonus's should be fair, and if you played it on Classic.. Well.. Oceania from the book will have a big bonus.
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