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Knights Of Empire - Now recruiting

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:34 am
by hulmey
WE are now recruiting to the Clan...We are a Offical CC clan with our own forums...

The clan is split up into 2 sections. KoE Senoir Division and KoE Junoir Division. Anybody can join KOE as long as they abide by the COC which is posted below. However those with points less than 1500 will only be able to join the Junoir Division were they will receive training to help them join the Senoir Division.

Once in the Senoir Division you may join Clan Vs Clan Challenges...To join
please pm me....

Many thanks,


Code Of Chivalry

Before I begin to explain our CoC to anyone, this Code of
Chivalry has been passed down from MCMF to the 10th Kingdom,
and now to the Knights of Empire. It holds high standards
for anyone wishing to be of any respect.

As members of the Knights of Empire (_KoE_),
We are expected to present ourselves with honor and
dignity to others. This is a matter of simple common
courtesy and respect.

Knights of Empire does not allow game Modsor trainers in any way. Hacking or attempting to hack into KOE or any other system is considered grounds for automatic termination.

1. When you lose, Don't lose the lesson.
2. Follow the three R's:
3. Respect for self.
4. Respect for others.
5. Responsibility for your actions.

A. Treason within the family: If at any time should a member attempt to break up or secretly
remove or replace a member within KoE without a Council, or Administration Staff vote.
It will be considered a violation of our CoC and could/will lead into automatic termination. (Founders,
Administration, and Directors are exempt from being removed from staff, unless Founder has approved).
No Exceptions

B. If you are a family member of KOE you cannot join any other group/clan/guild. Unless KOE does
not participate in that desired game. (You must be loyal to _KoE_. No clan hopping please.)

C. Upon Re-entering into KoE, you are allowed to re-join ONCE, provided you were not banned or
terminated for violation of CoC. No Exceptions

D. At any time a director is being unfit to lead a Division, he/she can be dismissed from position (not
banned) from said majority vote of said division council or a single vote of Administration and Founder combined. This being said, an emergency meeting can be held upon request with Administration and Council only. Administration must keep copies and all files of said meetings for
public viewing if requested.

Please follow the Knights of Empire Guidelines
Always respect each member of the clan, treat each other how you would like to be treated.

No cheating devices allowed in _KoE_

Respect the different gaming communities and all of their rules.

You must be loyal to _KoE_. No clan hopping please.

Please use KoE as a prefix in your online name.


Re: Knights Of Empire - Now recruiting

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:32 am
by rayray
hulmey wrote:WE are now recruiting to the Clan...We are a Offical CC clan with our own forums...

The clan is split up into 2 sections. KoE Senoir Division and KoE Junoir Division. Anybody can join KOE as long as they abide by the COC which is posted below. However those with points less than 1500 will only be able to join the Junoir Division were they will receive training to help them join the Senoir Division.

Once in the Senoir Division you may join Clan Vs Clan Challenges...To join
please pm me....

Many thanks,


Code Of Chivalry

Before I begin to explain our CoC to anyone, this Code of
Chivalry has been passed down from MCMF to the 10th Kingdom,
and now to the Knights of Empire. It holds high standards
for anyone wishing to be of any respect.

As members of the Knights of Empire (_KoE_),
We are expected to present ourselves with honor and
dignity to others. This is a matter of simple common
courtesy and respect.

Knights of Empire does not allow game Modsor trainers in any way. Hacking or attempting to hack into KOE or any other system is considered grounds for automatic termination.

1. When you lose, Don't lose the lesson.
2. Follow the three R's:
3. Respect for self.
4. Respect for others.
5. Responsibility for your actions.

A. Treason within the family: If at any time should a member attempt to break up or secretly
remove or replace a member within KoE without a Council, or Administration Staff vote.
It will be considered a violation of our CoC and could/will lead into automatic termination. (Founders,
Administration, and Directors are exempt from being removed from staff, unless Founder has approved).
No Exceptions

B. If you are a family member of KOE you cannot join any other group/clan/guild. Unless KOE does
not participate in that desired game. (You must be loyal to _KoE_. No clan hopping please.)

C. Upon Re-entering into KoE, you are allowed to re-join ONCE, provided you were not banned or
terminated for violation of CoC. No Exceptions

D. At any time a director is being unfit to lead a Division, he/she can be dismissed from position (not
banned) from said majority vote of said division council or a single vote of Administration and Founder combined. This being said, an emergency meeting can be held upon request with Administration and Council only. Administration must keep copies and all files of said meetings for
public viewing if requested.

Please follow the Knights of Empire Guidelines
Always respect each member of the clan, treat each other how you would like to be treated.

No cheating devices allowed in _KoE_

Respect the different gaming communities and all of their rules.

You must be loyal to _KoE_. No clan hopping please.

Please use KoE as a prefix in your online name.


Shouldnt that apply to you as well, Mr 4 clans ??? :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:58 am
by hulmey
I am now in one clan and one clan only and thats KOE. They are in a time of need and KoE_Hulmey is there for this once proud and STILL mighty clan spanning back 8 long years.

We have 10 new dedicated members. Would you like to join and be my whipping boy good sir?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:14 pm
by michiganfan22
any time u want Lod will destroy u guys. bring it on as i have heard we killed u guys last time we played u. u were lucky i wasnt part of it as it would have been worse.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:43 pm
by hulmey
ok SGT...

Ps.. we didnt have Colonels last time. And also last time you guys cheated and bailed on us. Last 5 games werent played.

Im syre if you go to any football match and the 2nd half is not played then the game is called off to be replayed another day!!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:49 pm
by michiganfan22
then look us up when ur ready. and im so scared of ur new people

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:53 pm
by hulmey
Do you have the authority to make challenges on your Clans behalf? Ray ray might get angry with you!!!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:59 pm
by michiganfan22
worry bout ur own clan tough guy, we will just have to wait for the two challanges we currently have are over and we will be fine

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:25 pm
by reptile
hulmey wrote:ok SGT...

Ps.. we didnt have Colonels last time. And also last time you guys cheated and bailed on us. Last 5 games werent played.

Im syre if you go to any football match and the 2nd half is not played then the game is called off to be replayed another day!!

colenels huh? more points for us i guess!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:37 pm
by hulmey
bring it on bad boy

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:37 am
by rayray
Yes Michigan can challenge on our behalf.

P.S stop telling lies in your forum :roll:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:37 am
by rebelman
michiganfan22 wrote:and im so scared of ur new people

you should be :wink:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:29 pm
by michiganfan22
rebelman wrote:
michiganfan22 wrote:and im so scared of ur new people

you should be :wink:

u should be the one talking. and i see so much interest in joining this clan, its overwhelming

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:23 am
by rebelman

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:24 am
by rebelman
michiganfan22 wrote:
rebelman wrote:
michiganfan22 wrote:and im so scared of ur new people

you should be :wink:

u should be the one talking. and i see so much interest in joining this clan, its overwhelming

reptile got to experience one of the KoE noobs yesterday. :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:30 am
by cena-rules
rebelman wrote:
michiganfan22 wrote:
rebelman wrote:
michiganfan22 wrote:and im so scared of ur new people

you should be :wink:

u should be the one talking. and i see so much interest in joining this clan, its overwhelming

reptile got to experience one of the KoE noobs yesterday. :wink:

wooooo go rebel

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:16 am
by Grendelgod
Gentlemen, you seek honourable warriors for your cause, I offer you my blade, for our ideals are similar. :wink:


PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:05 pm
by Prankcall
I already said and been saying I'd smash on any KoE...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:48 pm
by hulmey
your getting smashed in this game by the honourable KOE Warriors

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:03 am
by happy2seeyou
Hmmm, how is KoE doing since everyone left a while back?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:08 am
by hulmey
I have reconstructed it with the help of many people and we now have over 30 members and most of them active. Of them 1 major and 3 captains. You coming back to us sugar?

Ps...Im trying to nick Clapper from the Bounty hunter's sowe can have that female touch :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:29 am
by muy_thaiguy
one little problem, it is NOT honorable to advertise in other clans hulmey, especially when you are leaving it.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:41 am
by hulmey
what u on??

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:13 am
by happy2seeyou
hulmey wrote:I have reconstructed it with the help of many people and we now have over 30 members and most of them active. Of them 1 major and 3 captains. You coming back to us sugar?

Ps...Im trying to nick Clapper from the Bounty hunter's sowe can have that female touch :D

Sorry hulmey, I don't think I will be coming back to KoE. :? I know you miss me though ;)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:11 am
by richardgarr
I was just wondering what the benefits of being in KoE are....never been in a clan and i was wondering if it meant playing people that are half decent or if it just the same old weekend warriors that the clan plays ?

I would like a good reason to ally with a group b4 I commit.

Sincerely; Richardgarr :D :D 8)