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1st Regiment

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:18 pm
by General Brock II
Greetings everyone,

The 1st Regiment of Foot Guards is indubitably interested in playing a clan war with "alliances." Four clans will face off in this war, with two allies opposing the enemy two.

Each clan would oppose each of the enemy clans, and also each clan would play the necessary 42 games (21 home and 21 away).

For example, the Regiment is Clan R and allied with "A." We oppose "C" and "D". R would fight both C and D. A would fight both C and D.

R v. C. 11 home games and 10 away games

R v. D. 10 home games and 11 away games

R and A. 6 home games and 6 away

The total score would be a combined result of each ally's victories. Also, we'd have an extra twelve Quadruples games where each match must have 2 players from one ally and 2 from the other. (Five away and five home). Probably be a max of three games per player, in the extra ten.

I have asked JPCloet if medals are available for such a challenge. I haven't heard back, but I would assume that there's no reason why medals shouldn't be awarded. :)

If anybody has any questions, feel free to ask. We need both allies and opponents!