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Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:25 am
by chemefreak
Thanks to ViperOverLord for asking the question. Thanks to Leehar for doing the legwork and for a great article. Leehar's original CC Dispatch Article can be found in the dropdown below. The various ranking systems mentioned in Leehar's article and those that were not are listed below with links to their threads. I will update as new ranking systems become available. [Note: At this time there is no "official" ranking system for clans. This is simply informational.]

My Clan's Better Than Yours - Rankings Explained by Leehar (Nemesis)

Various Ranking Systems:

jpc's Clan Wars Rankings Ladder - 2 Year Weighted RPI

Chuuuuck's Power Rankings

Blitz's Perception of Top 10 Clans

Qwert's Active Clan ELO

FD's Algorithm of 400

The CC Dispatch contains a really cool clan section that surely takes a lot of time and effort on behalf of its contributors to create. Here is the link for the Dispatch:

CC Dispatch

Instructions on how to subscribe

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:32 am
by danryan
I think of all the possibilities shown so far, my 2 preferred methods are FarangDemon's algorithm and Chuck's power rankings. The first is a solid number crunching ranking method, the second a pure opinion poll. If you combine the two, you get something like a BCS ranking for college football - not perfect, biased toward the bigger names, but certainly better that either one on its own.

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:49 am
by Leehar
It's a pity FD's came out so soon after my article (maybe as a result of it?;)), I wouldn't have minded trying to get feedback on that as well.

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:59 am
by laughingcavalier
Messrs Sue, Grabbit & Runne wrote:Our client the Conquer Club Dispatch has issued instructions with respect to the gross infringement of copyright you have perpetrated in this thread. You are hereby required to send a cheque for £1,000,000 to the Dispatch Writers Retirement Charity (Ripoff Villas, Cayman Islands). This corresponds to Leehar's weekly Clan Reporter fee (£500K), loss of reputation (£100K), punitive damages (£1) & our own consideration (£399,999). Alternatively you can provide readers with a link to the Dispatch where they can regularly read articles as thought provoking and informative as this one - - and instructions on how to subscribe.
PS Leehar, any more nicey-nicey from you & we'll cut your fee again & give Marf another pay rise.

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:38 pm
by chemefreak
laughingcavalier wrote:
Messrs Sue, Grabbit & Runne wrote:Our client the Conquer Club Dispatch has issued instructions with respect to the gross infringement of copyright you have perpetrated in this thread. You are hereby required to send a cheque for £1,000,000 to the Dispatch Writers Retirement Charity (Ripoff Villas, Cayman Islands). This corresponds to Leehar's weekly Clan Reporter fee (£500K), loss of reputation (£100K), punitive damages (£1) & our own consideration (£399,999). Alternatively you can provide readers with a link to the Dispatch where they can regularly read articles as thought provoking and informative as this one - - and instructions on how to subscribe.
PS Leehar, any more nicey-nicey from you & we'll cut your fee again & give Marf another pay rise.

Dear CC Dispatch:

Please be advised that the undersigned represents the CC Clan Section. Due to the fact that the above quoted material was compiled from multiple sources by the underlying creator it qualifies for the "fair use" exception to Copyright Law. We see nothing in the formatting that would qualify the writing as a "unique" piece of work under Copyright Law and therefore the work itself is not entitled to protection under the Law. Additionally, if any of you have ever seen those stupid Coke vs. Coke Zero commercials, this is a situation wherein CC would be suing itself.

However, the CC Dispatch is an integral part of the CC Community. As such, we have added a link to your periodical in the OP. We hope that this action will deter any further need for hostilities between our clients.

Very truly yours,

Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:17 pm
by laughingcavalier
LOL - thanks Cheme :)
Glad you are offering these explanations of the rankings here.

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:27 am
by Qwert
""Chuuuuck wrote:
I think Qwert's ELO rankings are interesting. I see some value in having them just to look at but I feel they are impossible to actually look at and give any credit to them as an actual ranking of the clans. If credit was given to them and that is what clans used to prove themselves then there would be too many top clans just trying to take on smaller clans in order to run their win% up and move themselves up the rankings. Obviously this would not be a showing of how good a clan really is but instead just who can manipulate the points the best. """
Hmm,i dont understand why people constantly repeating win%, in mine ranking i dont use any kind of win%.

Re: Clan Rankings Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:31 pm
by FarangDemon
Hi Chemefreak/Leehar,

Please change the link in your OP for the Algorithm of 400 method to the below post, as it contains the clan rankings based on the complete clan war and clan league data set (Mar 29) on page 2.


If you want, you can include the following description (or a summary of it) and the feedback I have gathered in your OP:

The reason I wrote the script that calculates rankings according to the Algorithm of 400 is because I read about what qwert was doing, did some research on how ELO is implemented, learned about the Algorithm of 400 / remembered about how GameKnot (online chess site) implements it, wrote several comments in qwert's thread and then just decided it might be interesting to implement it myself. I love mathematics, I'm a systems and information engineer, so I have a lot of experience developing and analyzing measurement systems. Our is a branch of engineering that does not deal with any particular physical science - only how to interpret numbers that might represent anything or nothing in the real world.

I realize the method is very similar to what jpcloet has done before and you can view my work as a continuation of that effort. My script takes a clan war results file as input and automatically:

1) Generates a ranking based on clan performance
2) Graphs performance over time
3) Provides information on how accurate the model is (how often a higher ranked clan beat a lower ranked)
4) Provides information on how the result of each clan war influences the overall rating of a clan

The best part is that it's all automatic, so you can change around the parameters (there are many) and instantly have it all recalculated.

Some feedback:

danryan wrote:I have to say, this is a very credible model from what I'm seeing so far. For one, it clearly shows what effect your input data has. Secondly, it removes all incentive for "farming" a clan. Lastly, it penalizes a clan (but not too severely) for inactivity, due to the decay factor. I'd like to hear jpcloet's take on it since he has put a lot of work into a lot of different models over the years to try and come up with a mathematical model.

GoldKnight wrote:Agreed, someone finally put some colorful pictures up so us peasants can understand... :lol: It does seem like a pretty close representation of what the clan landscape is IMO. Where the hell have you been in the CLA the past year while we've been bickering over 40 different ranking systems?

josko.ri wrote:I very like this system of calculation, results are very reliable I think. decay idea is great.