Frop wrote:Mr. Cloet is quite the flip-flopping politician. The '1 competitive clan rule' is a 'grey area' - players are asked to leave their national team, yet whether or not they leave is not that big a deal and also the sole responsibility of the clans and their players. The CLA doesn't want to dictate any settings or maps used for challenges, yet it wants to come up with 'guidelines' regarding said challenges.
Many of the posts above include my opinions and opinions of others as stated in the CLA forums so, yes, I understand if you think I'm flip flopping as I'm throwing lots of opinions out there. There is a great diversity of opinions and there are some common thoughts. Since this thread has been up, a recommendation has been made to change the wording of "1 competitive clan" to a more defined definition and it was a great one. And for the record, I did not ask anyone to leave their national team in order to join the CLA. If you view my words as being in stone or think I implied something, then you are misreading and should ask questions via pm. If you have a pm from that directly says "In order to join the CLA, player X must quit clan Y", please send it back to me. I did ask an applicant joining LOD to drop a National Team as the leader of that group did not respond for over a week as to their clan's status and the general rule for LOD is that if we're not sure, we'd like you to drop them.
As for the recommendations, LOD will likely incorporate the CLA recommendations into their challenge setups, and the recommendations (whatever they may be) will hopefully be used by the CC admins to move CC and clans forward.
Frop wrote:Do you think it would possible for you to maintain the same opinion for at least a day or so? Your tone has been very condescending throughout this discussion and I'm not sure if I can appreciate that you're having little jabs at our conduct (and of course blatantly deny that you did in your next post).
You're not the only clan in the past 2 months to have a challenge canceled or not continued. I view cancellations as a problem, and all of them happened for different reasons. While you may view my words as pot shots, the truth is that it's important to stand up for what you believe in and I respect TSM for standing their ground as well as the methodology of thinking going into your limitations. I also love the passion that your group has for the game. My word choice isn't always the best and I will use "a clan" instead of "your clan" from now one.
Frop wrote:jpcloet wrote:I'm not sure if anyone would consider your clan the "Best All-Around Clan" if there are maps you haven't or can't play.
Please be so kind as to explain how I've completely misunderstood this statement and how being the best 'all-around' (sic) clan is relevant to 'the future of clans on CC'.
If you were in the CLA and read the posts there, there are discussions trying to answer "What is the purpose of Clan Wars?" It's an open question to all and the most common thought so far is "Best All-Around Clan". People asking for a point system, league, and/or ladder would suggest to prove that you're "better than other clans" and my question is "better how and in what way?"
So that everyone is aware, there are threads in the CLA about limitations by individual setting:
Eg. There is one thread for Speed, one thread for Freestyle, one thread for Flat Rate, one thread for Leagues, one thread for Ladders, one thread for points systems........etc. (There are a lot of threads
