Moderator: Clan Directors
richardgarr wrote:I was just wondering what the benefits of being in KoE are....never been in a clan and i was wondering if it meant playing people that are half decent or if it just the same old weekend warriors that the clan plays ?
I would like a good reason to ally with a group b4 I commit.
Sincerely; Richardgarr![]()
happy2seeyou wrote:
Sorry hulmey, I don't think I will be coming back to KoE.I know you miss me though
Grendelgod wrote:Gentlemen, you seek honourable warriors for your cause, I offer you my blade, for our ideals are similar.
clapper011 wrote:Hulmey....I never said yes or no
djt5483 wrote:i wanna join i have a score around 2400
cena-rules wrote:rebelman wrote:michiganfan22 wrote:rebelman wrote:michiganfan22 wrote:and im so scared of ur new people
you should be
u should be the one talking. and i see so much interest in joining this clan, its overwhelming
reptile got to experience one of the KoE noobs yesterday.
wooooo go rebel
Strider24 wrote:Nice post rebel good to see that KoE is being ressurected, if only reptile and hulmey could keep their cool for one second LOL!!!
Something about the leaders... dunno either that of i'm 15 and am just living my life.
Hulmey and Koe would be great to have another clan matchagainst you guys as the last one i was on the KoE side lol.
Cya areound guys ciao.
Check out the Club house.elmerfudd wrote:I would like to join. I just join conquer club, and have no friends, and I guess its hard to find friends around here. Why is that?
elmerfudd wrote:I would like to join. I just join conquer club, and have no friends, and I guess its hard to find friends around here. Why is that?
pascalleke wrote::D
i pm ed you
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